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In less than half a breath, everyone on the main peak reacted at the same time …

The reason why they just lost their senses just now is that this scene that happened in front of them has never appeared since the establishment of the Black Blood Temple. They simply impossible to think that there will really be people who attack the blood-proof mountain range …

Just like, they never dare to think about attacking the mountain gate of Antiquity Eight Sects. Such a thing, simply impossible happened!

But now, with that wave of weather, impacting on the mountain guard array, when the weather burst, they finally reacted!

“Courting death! 4 Great Protector, shoot immediately, kill the enemy!”

Mo Tianqing’s face instantly turned into pig liver, and his anger rose into the sky, growling out loud …

I ’m the Palace Lord of the Black Blood Temple. I ’m here today to feast on all the Sect forces that depend on the Black Blood Temple. At this time, someone is attacking the bloody mountain range. Is n’t this equal to hitting your face in the face of nearly 100,000 people? ! ?

How could he bear it! ?

Even if he is a Sect Master, the temperament is extremely powerful. In this brief moment, the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness was filled with anger and exploded in an instant …

However, when his words landed on 4 Great Protector, the bloody True Qi had just risen, ready to take off, the mutation regenerates!


Bloody mountain range 9 above the peak, 10,000 zhang in the sky, a void of 10 li in the sky, the whole explosion opened …

The sky fragments of the sky, 4 shots, 2 silhouettes on the endless dark sky, appeared!

These two people, it is exactly … Ray Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable!

Swallow Heavenly Mountain veins Big Boss and Second Boss, it’s here!

Lei Tianzuo from Martial Venerable Realm Peak, Lei Tianyou from Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, and 2 guys who swallow Heavenly Mountain veins. As soon as they appeared, the horror aura on his body dispersed the audience and crushed more than ten thousand. Martial Artist, imposing manner is like a cloud!

“Ray … Ray Martial Sovereign !?”

“Oh my god, it’s Ray Martial Sovereign!”

“It’s over! This is a lot of trouble …”

Everyone in the audience raised their heads together and looked at the two tall silhouettes in midair, their hearts shaking together!

This is the median Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, and there is a person superior Martial Venerable Realm Peak!

You know, the two of them are Monster Race. With the advantage of Monster Race Innate, they are one step higher than the same level of human Martial Artist battle strength. Therefore, it is more than enough to suppress the whole game with their power!

On the podium, Mo Tianqing was complex slightly changed, and the blood light of his eyes flashed, looking towards the sky, opened the mouth and said

“Ray Martial Sovereign, are you going to war …!?”

hearing this, Lei Martial Soul in a white robe, but his eyes flashed, his mouth shouted

“What about fighting! Fighting then fighting!”

In a word, everyone in the audience was shocked, no … No real battle! ?

“Mo Palace Lord, don’t be impatient! Today, my big brother and I are here, and we don’t want to kill!”

Lei Martial Sovereign was around, Tian Zuo Martial Venerable chuckled, glanced at the audience, and opened the mouth and said softly.

“We have swallowed Heavenly Mountain and your black Blood Temple, and it is not until the end. Today is here, mainly to ask you to release my Third Brother… dong dong!”

“Look, if we swallow Heavenly Mountain, if we really want to fight with you, we will not only come to me and the big brother, right!”

Tian Zuo Martial Venerable It seems that there is more to say than Ray Martial Sovereign, with a smile on his face, it seems calm and composed!

According to legend, the first to swallow the Heavenly Mountain’s battle strength is Lei Martial Sovereign, but mentally, this Tian Zuo Martial Venerable is even more terrifying than Lei Martial Sovereign!

Everyone’s eyes narrowed, and they looked at Lei Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable….

Really, swallowing the Heavenly Mountain side, just came 2 big brothers, not at all the army pressure, it seems that it does not seem to be going directly to war.

Everyone present knows that this Heavenly Mountain vein is not like other ordinary Sect forces. They belong to the Heavenly Mountain vein group that covers the entire 100000000 million miles. All Monster Beasts and wild beasts that survive in the mountain range all cultivate Beast and wild beast. It is their Sect power.

More than a decade ago, Swallowing Heavenly Mountain pulsed a small amount of power, and formed a horrible Beast Tide with a radius of 100 li. A large Sect of Central Heaven Continent was stepped into a living powder …

Hearing this, Mo Tianqing’s complexion sank, his eyes constantly flashing.

What does this Ray Martial Sovereign 2 people mean! ? Do you want to do it yourself, the two of them are so confident, with their power, it is enough to fight against the entire Black Blood Temple! ?

Boom … Rumble!

At this time, at the foot of another Blood Peak in the distance, it was a shock that the weather exploded, and the sound of this sound was even more terrifying!

Lei Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable slowly turned their heads, glanced at the place where the sound came from afar, looked at each other, and chuckled at the same time

“Mo Tianqing, you Black Blood Temple are all pigs! Whoever provokes is bad, you must provoke Dangdang, don’t forget, Dangdang is not only the Third Leader who swallowed Heavenly Mountain’s vein … hehe, even today we are 2 If people do n’t come, you bloody mountain range, I ’m afraid they will corpses everywhere across the field! “

“Oh, I haven’t seen it in a few years. The bloody mountain of the Black Blood Temple is so weak …. tsk tsk tsk!”

100,000 powerhouse in the audience, his face froze at the same time!

What does Tian Zuo Martial Venerable mean! ?

Could it be that apart from the 2 of them, who dares to deal with the Black Blood Temple! ?

“Hmph! Tian Zuo Martial Venerable, you don’t have to look at this place, don’t say, only two of you came, that is, you swallowed Heavenly Mountain pulse power, our Black Blood Temple, we are not afraid!”

Mo Tianqing’s eyes were blood-red, his face was blue, and his imposing manner did not allow him to …

“Ha ha ha…. It’s up to you, but it doesn’t represent the Black Blood Temple!” Tian Zuo Martial Venerable sneered, eyes like electricity, staring straight at Mo Tianqing on the podium, like a eye, he will see through him completely .

“Second Brother, stop talking to him! Start directly!”

Ray Martial Sovereign broke off, and the whole body of Martial Sovereign Realm aura exploded, all around Void Madness trembling …

“Don’t want to die, give me immediately … get lost!”


Before roaring to the ground, Lei Martial Sovereign’s big hand turned over, a silver’s palm seal instantly condensed in front of him, bringing up the sky-ridden Monster Power….

This palm seal, nearly 10,000 zhang in size, almost covers half of the main peak of Xueyin Mountain. If it is photographed, I am afraid that half of the mountain peak will explode …

The audience was nearly 100,000 powerhouse. Seeing this scene, I suddenly looked awful green. This Thunder Martial Sovereign, just said that I do n’t want to die, but I did n’t finish it. ?

next moment, everyone’s eyes are simultaneously shua shua looking at Mo Tianqing on the podium …

At this time, if they fled, then Black Blood Temple will be investigated and they will be over!

Therefore, they can only hope to Mo Tianqing to see how he copes with it. If they really can’t deal with Lei Martial Sovereign, they can make sense if they run away again!

On the rostrum, Mo Tianqing’s face was extremely dark!

How could he didn’t expect, Ray Martial Sovereign would actually do it directly, is it true that the two of them saw it! ?

Just as this war was about to happen, the mutation suddenly emerged!

Boom … Rumble!

A horrible gas explosion, resounding through the sky, and the Black Blood Temple mountain gate that had just been struck by Lei Martial Sovereign, even blasted directly into the sky of black mist, 4 scattered …

At the same time, an extremely terrifying monster qi, like a wave, swept the audience!

“En !?”

Mo Tianqing and Great Elder on the rostrum were all startled, and at the same time turned their heads to look.

But I saw that on the far side of the sky, a tall mountain-like beast shadow, set off a monstrous wind like the monster qi of the sea, moved towards this side, and went straight!

Another big demon appeared! ?

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