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A cold tone sounded in the hall, making everyone’s face changed dramatically.

The silhouette of Chu Yan turned from virtual to real, as if stepping out of the depth of endless void. When his body was completely solid and appeared in front of everyone, all the big brothers in the hall felt the aura on him.

How can this be! ?

All the powerhouses in the temple, the one who is not the one who dominates the party, all have amazing strengths. However, just before Chu Yan appeared, none of them felt Chu Yan aura as if ghost-like appeared in the hall. The big brothers were surprised.

Shen Dangjie above the throne, Shen Shengjie and Situ Yang below, see Chu Yan, but his face is ecstatic, cry out in surprise

“Chu Yan, are you … all right !?”

Although Shen Shengjie and Situ Yang occasionally contact Chu Yan sound transmission, when they learned that Chu Yan had killed the Black Blood Temple alone, they were naturally very worried. Even with the indifference, they were also worried for several days.

“En !? Chu Yan… ..!? How is this possible !?”

Hong Qiyu and Gu Jingzhou are complexion stiffened at the same time, and their faces look terrified, as if they have seen a ghost.

“Are you … a man or a ghost !?”

Thinking of the strange scene that Chu Yan had just appeared, Hong Qiyu’s face was pale, and he couldn’t help but have one’s hair stand on end for a while, exclaimed.

This Chu Yan, heading to the main hall of the Black Blood Temple, is simply impossible to come back alive, so 90% of this Chu Yan in front of me is a ghost …

However, Chu Yan became a ghost and went to Dizong to do what! ?

“Oh, of course I am a human being, but if you are a human being, I will not understood!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s mouth was light, and he sneered.

Originally, Chu Yan went to the Vault of Heaven, just passing by Dizong, originally thinking of going with Situ Yang first, and asking about the way to ascending the Great Array of the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect ’s mountain gate. I didn’t want to disturb Shen Dang and Shen Shengjie, and directly used “White Tiger Black Mark Technique”, invisible, didn’t expect, but encountered this farce.

Due to the relationship between Chu Yan and Dizong, of course, he wouldn’t stay out of the matter and would just show up directly.


Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Hong Qiyu’s face suddenly turned green, his eyes flashed cold light, coldly shouted

“Chu Yan, dare to be crazy, can escape a life, fortune telling you, you believe or not me, immediately summon the Black Blood Temple Palace Lord Mo Tianqing, tell him you are here, let him immediately …”

“Mo Tianqing! Sorry, the so-called Mo Tianqing is dead!” Chu Yan coldly said.

what! ?

In a word, the whole hall, 100 aura, fiercely sank!

Hong Qiyu and Gu Jingzhou looked stern.

Even the bigwigs of Dizong are complexion stiffened, their eyes dull.

Mo … Mo Tianqing is dead! ?

What … mean! ? How could the Palace Lord of the Black Blood Temple die! ?

Is it …

next moment, all the dull people, fiercely turned their heads, glared at Chu Yan, their eyes were all trembling …

“Then … what about the Black Blood Temple !?”

Sea of ​​Consciousness Chaos Hong Qiyu, as if his head was caught in the door, asked directly.

“Went out!”

Chu Yan’s voice, there was ice …

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Chu Yan’s voice hadn’t landed yet, and there was a direct air-pumping sound in the hall. The muscles on everyone’s face twitched involuntarily …

Black Blood Temple…. Gone! ?

What kind of dog are you kidding? ? That’s Black Blood Temple, an Overlord-level Sect that exists alongside Antiquity Eight Sects!

“Chu Yan! Are you … are you crazy !?”

Hong Qiyu was the first to wake up from the shock, flushed with rage, did not believe what Chu Yan said, and shouted directly

“I will call Mo Palace Lord now, let him deal with you, you wait …”

After saying that, Hong Qiyu raised his right hand to summon Jade Talisman, and after three consecutive Divine Consciousness sound transmissions, he looked at Chu Yan with a smug look. The meaning in his eyes was obvious.

Chu Yan, you are done! You are almost done!

Dare to deceive me, when the Palace Lord of the Black Blood Temple comes, you are dead!

Anyway, even if he was killed, he could also believe that the Black Blood Temple was destroyed!

Not only did Hong Qiyu not believe, but even the big brothers of Shendang and Dizong all had a suspicious expression on their faces, and they all looked at Hong Qiyu. But they really wanted to know the result and gritted their teeth.

For a time, the whole great hall fell into deathly silence.

Breath…. 2 Breath…. 3 breaths….

Time passed slowly, after a few ten breaths, but in the whole great hall, there was still silence!

At this time, Hong Qiyu’s face, the expression of Deserves a beating, gradually began to freeze …

Shake the communication Spirit Mark in the hand, and madly entered a True Qi Gang Yuan, the communication Jade Talisman, and immediately issued a black light, proving that this communication in the Jade Talisman Spirit Mark is intact, there is no problem.

However, it did not respond at all, there was no response at all, is it …

At this moment, all the big brothers in the audience suddenly understood what they were, and their complexions began to become complicated.

Is it true that Chu Yan said … ?

“Hong Qiyu, are we going to count the accounts between us?”

Chu Yan sneered, waiting for the voice to land, stepping on the right foot, raising a fist directly, fiercely smashed …

Boom … Rumble!

The violent 5-color palm glow burst out in the quiet great hall, and a loud noise erupted. The sound of powerful sonic boom made the great hall seem to be shaking …

what! ?

Seeing that Chu Yan shot suddenly, all the gangsters in the audience changed their faces and their faces were astonished expression.

This fist, Chu Yan is gaining momentum for a long time. Before he appeared, he was unable to bear and wanted to beat this Hong Qiyu. So, at the moment when his voice fell to the ground, within the body, True Qi Gang Yuan in the inner core of sixteen, Like ten or six roaring dragons, they all vibrated together, exploding all their strength to the extreme, infused into the palm glow of Tian Gangyuan Last Style.

“You … courting death!”

Hong Qiyu was also caught in the horror of the destruction of the Black Blood Temple, and suddenly found that palm glow struck, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed, and then saw the fright of the terrifying fist, under the rush, face white like paper…. .

At such a short distance, he simply had no time to react and could only raise his hand suddenly …


Palm glow and Hong Qiyu just came out of the body protection True Qi, fiercely collided together, Hong Qiyu ’s silhouette, like a cannonball, went straight backwards and flew out, smashing on a huge temple pillar, making a boring sound ring…..


Hong Qiyu’s tall body rolled off the ground, his mouth spouted a big sip of blood mist, his eyes rolled, and he fainted directly …

At this moment, everyone in the audience was so shocked that they couldn’t close their lips …

Chu Yan, the breakthrough to Martial Venerable Realm! ?

Lower Martial Venerable Realm Initial Stage! ?

Just a punch, Hong Qiyu, the Sect Master of the Martial Venerable Realm, was stunned! ?

Although this fist has the advantage of a sudden shot, but this result can definitely explain Chu Yan’s battle strength, which is extremely amazing!

According to common sense, even if two people play fairly, I am afraid the result will not be much worse, it is just a matter of time.

However, this result, in the eyes of other bigwigs, seems to be earth shattering, let them directly ….

This … This is too heaven defying too! ?

The more this Chu Yan cultivation base is improved, the more terrible the battle strength is! ?

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