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hiss! hiss! hiss!

Above a dead square, ten breaths were completely silenced, and all the talents reacted and set off a cold air.


Without Elder At this point, Sea of ​​Consciousness is completely blank, completely silly …

The two youngsters, Monster Race High School, next to the blue and duomu frost, also had convulsions in their faces, a messy face, and completely confused …

They simply did not think that this insignificant human kid had such a horrible means!

All over the square, everyone, look at me, I see you, except for horror, it is fear …

All the disdain, contempt and abuse at the end have been reduced to nothingness, and no trace of it can be seen anymore!

Chu Yan also didn’t expect, a piece of Jade Talisman, has such a strong deterrent effect, this effect is really not good!

“Without Elder, can you take me to see the sword master !?” Chu Yan asked, as usual.

Now, he doesn’t want to be entangled with these people, just want to see the sword master as soon as possible!


Without Elder hearing this, his face trembled, and he wanted to open his mouth to say nothing, but couldn’t say a word.

To be honest, this is the first time he has encountered such a situation, and he has no idea how to deal with it.

If you refuse directly …

This is a world sword order, which is equivalent to the existence of Beneath Heaven Sword Sect. If accidentally angers Sword Sect, it is not a cracking joke. After all, they produce Spirit Sect, strictly speaking, and they are still under the fence ….

However, if you take Chu Yan …

He simply does not know where the sword master is, how to contact the sword master, because he has never seen the sword master!

At this moment, suddenly, the sky above the sky suddenly shuddered, and a very tall illusory shadow stepped out of the void crack …

This is one silhouette completely evolved by True Qi Gang Yuan. There is only one human figure on the whole body, and no face can be seen. It is very similar to Avatar spurred by Chu Yan’s 10000 elephant …

This gangyuan Avatar appeared, and the powerful pressure suddenly poured down like a waterfall.

Boom … Rumble!

The tremors of voids made Heaven and Earth look like mutation, and everyone’s heart and soul quivered with fiercely.

The entire Monster Race powerhouse, even if it is blue and duomu frost, is also horrified and pale …

Other Monster Race Martial Artists were so crushed that they could hardly stand even with their waists up and could not hold their bodies trembling. Divine Soul was shocked.

“Commander! This is … Commander’s Commander!”

No Elder looking at the illusory shadow incarnation on the sky, lips trembling, pupil shrinking, complexion greatly changed, shouted loudly

“The palm commander appears! If the sword master comes in person, everyone, visit immediately …”

In a word, the whole audience of 10000 monsters bowed saluted together ……

“Pay respects to sword master!”

“Pay respects to sword master!”

“Pay respects to …….”

Headed by blue and duomu frost, nearly 100,000 Monster Race Martial Artist, the body trembles, bows down as a gift, facing the commander in midair, the big ceremony pays homage.

Beneath Heaven Sword Sect Sword Master, Spirit Sect on behalf of the palm, legendary continent first Swordsman, throughout the Sword Sect and Spirit Sect, 10000 years, like God.


The palm commander in the air made illusory shadow, raised his hand, waved his mouth, vomited his voice, and glanced across the audience, and finally landed on Chu Yan.

“You …! Tell me, this Jade Talisman sword order is everywhere!”

“Have seen the sword master! Under Chu Yan …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan bowed his hands as a gift, and said, “Sword Master, this Jade Talisman, is the Sect Master of Sect Master, he is handed down, and Shen Sect Master is in Jade Talisman, leaving some words to I hand it to the sword master … “

There was silence in the audience, only Chu Yan’s voice echoed into the void …

The words fell to the ground, the palm order in midair made the illusory shadow, but the pulse of the light beat, flashing a fine man …

Ok! ? Is this child …

The palm order makes the complexion look deep, with both eyes flashing in different colors, so fast that no one can detect it.


a light shout, the palm commander waved his big hand, and suddenly, the Jade Talisman sword command in Chu Yan’s hand became a streamer and flew to the palm commander’s hand.

A faint fluctuation of Divine Consciousness appeared, protruding into Jade Talisman, and the brilliance rose into the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the commander.

A moment later, the palm order made a flash in his hand, the Jade Talisman sword order disappeared, and when looking towards Chu Yan, his eyes were bright …

I gazed at Chu Yan ten breaths for a long time, and the commander opened the mouth again and said “Chu Yan, very good! Since you are holding the Jade Talisman sword order, when you reach my Sword Sect, it means that you have a relationship with my Sword Sect. From today , You become Spirit Sect disciple, and cultivate well! “

As soon as this phrase came out, all Monster Race powerhouses in the audience, without Elder, Cyan and Duomu Frost, were all complexion greatly changed, and the expression was shocked.

Spirit Sect disciple! ?

A human, make Spirit Sect disciple! ?

For 10000 years, Spirit Sect has never summoned a human discipline. Now, a human Martial Artist is going to join Spirit Sect! ?

“Uh … Spirit Sect !?”

Chu Yan’s face was also startled when he heard the sword master’s words, and his face was stunned …

What are you doing? !

I came to Sword Sect cultivation, this sword master, even let myself join Spirit Sect! ?

Is it because you heard it wrong! ?

“Yes! It’s Spirit Sect …” The commander nodded said with great certainty.

“Sword Master, I’m sorry, I can’t agree on this matter. Join Spirit Sect, forget it!”

Chu Yan shook the head, without thinking, refused directly.

Spirit Sect is the place of Monster Race powerhouse cultivation. Whether it is cultivation resources or other, it is completely different from the human Martial Artist. As a human being, there is no way to learn anything in Spirit Sect. This is simply a waste of time.

“What !? This kid … refused the sword master !?”

In Chu Yan’s words, it was to make all the Monster Race powerhouses in the audience look ashamed …

You know, here are 100,000 Monster Race powerhouse, come to participate in “myriad beasts selection”, is hoping to have the opportunity to enter Spirit Sect cultivation.

Even if you sharpen your head, you have to enter Spirit Sect, but this Chu Yan refused! ?

“Oh … Chu Yan! This matter does not need your consent, you must become a Spirit Sect disciple!”

The commander-in-chief seems to have reacted to Chu Yan for a long time, and has predicted that there is no trace of color, and directly opened the mouth and said

“And, according to Shen Sect Master, your situation makes you directly become the” 100 Emperor Beast “discipline. If the cultivation is good, you can be promoted to the” quasi-big demon “discipline!”


This phrase seems to be a thunderstorm. In all Monster Race Martial Artist Sea of ​​Consciousness, it exploded, making their bodies instantly petrified and their faces horribly …

Open … What a joke! ?

The quasi-demon deciple! ?

A human Martial Artist, he wants to become a great quasi-demon recipe! ?

The audience was dead, nearly 100,000 monsters like Stone Race Monster Race Martial Artist, simultaneously shua shua looked at Chu Yan, completely ignorant …

Chu Yan’s face started, brows slightly wrinkle, just prepared to say no …

At this moment, the Clear Sky Sword soldier behind him trembles madly and sends a path of fierce consciousness to Chu Yan …

Clear Sky Divine Weapon, a weapon, with a very weak spirit wisdom, for the first time sent a fuzzy consciousness to Chu Yan, although language and text can not be formed at all, Chu Yan still clearly sensed, Clear Sky Sword asked him to agree.

“Sky great opportunity !?”

Chu Yan’s twinkling twinkles …

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