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Seeing the blue face full of excitement, I promised to come down, the sword master Avatar on the sky, nodded, then, swept my eyes, opened the mouth and said again

“Everyone listens to orders, from now on, Chu Yan becomes Spirit Sect” 100 Monster Beast “order discipline, Cyan as his sword servant, assigns 2 people in the magic Sword Peak cultivation… .. these 2 people do not occupy the book “Myriad beasts selection” quota, the rest will be handed over to Elder …

While speaking, the sword master Avatar diffused a little coercion aura, flicked the audience, and then said

“Everyone who wants to participate in this year’s” myriad beasts selection “, express their full strength, whether Spirit Sect can rise, it is up to you!”

With a word, the sword master Avatar gradually vanished into the void, and disappeared into the void again, and soon disappeared into everyone’s vision.

At this time, all the Monster Race powerhouses in the audience were all excited and bloody, but more of them turned their attention to Chu Yan and Cyan …

“I drip a Sir God … 100 Monster Beast disciple… .. quasi-demon disciple….!”

“Fuck, since this is the result …”

“That human being turned out to be Spirit Sect disciple, and still” 100 Monster Sovereign “. After seeing him, wouldn’t it be saluted !?”

“I lean, you look blue, your mouth is crooked … shameless ah!”

“That is, if he just didn’t agree, the sword master Sir would definitely choose me, but I wore the cloud thunder eagle bloodline …”

“Fart, Laozi is still a bloodline on earth …”


Throughout the square, a variety of surprises and roars sounded, and a scene of myriad beasts roared lively …

In the distance, Chu Yan stood alone, brows slightly wrinkle, thinking secretly …

Let yourself join Sword Sect, let this blue be your own sword servant, it ’s all that, and also arrange yourself in the magic Sword Peak. More importantly, Chu Yan does n’t understand why Clear Sky Sword will send Remind yourself, did Clear Sky Sword guess …

Well, is Clear Sky Sword confiscated by the sword master? ?

“Roar a fart, shut up all this Uncle!”

Hear the beast roar of all directions in 4 directions, but the blue is loudly roared, and the endless beast might roll out like a tide, sweeping across the audience, and suddenly all 4 directions in the direction of myriad beasts just now, a moment of silence Come down …

“Hmph! A group of courting death goods!”

Seeing my own roar, myriad beasts tremble, and the blue face rises with an extremely proud look, holding his head high, aiming at Chu Yan, proudly opened the mouth and said

“Relax, I will take care of you in the future, and make sure that no one dares to provoke you on Spirit Sect! Go, I will take you to Magic Sword Peak!”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t care about Chu Yan, he jumped directly into the sky, moved towards a Spirit Peak in the distance and flew away …

“Magic Sword Peak !? Interesting, I’m going to give it a try … hehe”

Seeing the blue flying away, Chu Yan also rose from the sky, chasing behind the blue, and soon catching up with the blue …

“Isn’t this magic Sword Peak an invincible sword array !?” Chu Yan asked.

“It’s okay, the sword array just seals the core area, and the surrounding ordinary buildings can be inhabited, but … hehe …”

Cyan seems to be very familiar with the situation within Spirit Sect, said with a smile

“These ordinary buildings are all empty, and there is always Spirit Sect disciple to explore cultivation resources. Therefore, it is estimated that there is no cultivation resources on Magic Sword Peak. After all, for 10000 years, this Magic Sword Peak has it’s empty… However, fortunately, this Uncle brings a lot of cultivation resources, and when that happens, I will share it with you … “

The blue mood is very good, very openly opened the mouth and said.

“Uh … That’s not necessary! I just want to ask, this sword array can’t really be cracked !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan laughed bitterly, but helplessly shook the head. To say cultivation resources, Chu Yan was really not lacking. The blue stock didn’t get into his eyes …

“That magic Sword Peak sword array, simply is not a cultivation base and strength that can be cracked. It used to include Martial Sovereign Realm demon. They all came here to try to break the formation, but they almost hung in it. The military force is breakable, and since then, few people have dared to touch this sword array … “

The blue side flew while explaining, and it seemed extremely patient. Even the sword master asked him to serve as a sword waiter for Chu Yan. He naturally had to do his due diligence. Big demon disciple quota, then cry nowhere to cry,

Therefore, Cyan will carefully explain Chu Yan’s questions.

“Non-military force can be broken …!?” Chu Yan slightly narrows the eyes, muttering to himself.


But at this time, in the square after Chu Yan and Cang Lan left, countless Monster Race Martial Artists took out the news of Jade Talisman, and began to spread the news of their shocking news to their own families …

For a time, what just happened on the square swept the entire Spirit Sect …

“What !? The human Martial Artist holding the Jade Talisman sword order became the” 100 Monster Sovereign “discipline !?”

“Rely on… impossible! Young Patriarch, a blood-scarred ghost, becomes a follower of an ordinary person Martial Artist !?”

“That Chu Yan, who is who, in fact, made the sword master of secluded cultivation, Avatar appear?”

“What the hell is this !? The magical Sword Peak was uninhabited for 10000 years, and even the peak was included in the recipe !?”

“What’s the situation !? It’s so strange …”

“…… ..”

Within the Spirit Sect, within 100 peaks, the gangsters and genius of each peak were shocked by the incident. They were very impressed by Chu Yan and the blue color.

At the same time, some news of the return of Monster Race began to spread among the forces of Monster Race …

Fortunately, Monster Race and Human World do not interact with each other, so these shocking news, no one has yet reached the Human World.

At the time of the stormy waves in Monster Race, within Spirit Sect, calmness gradually restored …

In the depths of 100 Spirit Peaks, in a secret place, 2 silhouettes sit opposite each other, in a closed cultivation state …

Between 2 people, a path of Silent Divine Consciousness is constantly communicating …

These 2 people, regardless of their looks and shape, are almost exactly the same. According to human standards, this is definitely a twin …

If Chu Yan and Cyan are here, they will recognize at a glance that the appearance of these two people is exactly the same as the sword master Avatar who just appeared above the square.

In other words, one of these two people is … the swordsman of Beneath Heaven Sword Sect!

thump! thump! thump!

On the occasion of the Divine Consciousness communication between two people, outside the huge cultivation hall, 2 footsteps suddenly sounded …

“See Sir Sir!”

4 Simultaneous sounds, simultaneously sounded outside the gate of the cultivation hall …

“come in!”

The hall sounded quietly, and the gate of the cultivation hall opened automatically. Then, four silhouettes stepped into the hall and walked to the sword master and another person, bowed saluted …

“Sword Master, that Chu Yan, if he really puts the sword master on the Magic Sword Peak, isn’t it good … After all, there is nothing …”

Among the 4 people, the tall black man headed opened the mouth and said.

“Yes, Sir Sir, it is better to assign him to our Golden Peng Peak, I will definitely cultivate him with all my strength …”

“We, Earth Dragon, have also fully cultivated this child!”

For a time, four people spoke at the same time, all petitioning the sword master, wanting to assign Chu Yan to their Spirit Peak.

“Now, not …!”

The sword master closed his eyes tightly, gently opened the mouth and said…

“This child is still growing up. If he is really that person, then it won’t take long for us to find out, when the time comes, make arrangements again …”

“Time is running out, I hope he will not let us down, let alone let Vast Heaven Continent …”

The sword master landed on the ground, 5 people’s faces started at the same time, looked at the sword master, frowned tightly …

In the dimly lit cultivation hall, 5 pairs of different-colored eyes fire suddenly rise!


On the other side, Spirit Sect, Sword Peak, the main hall …

“This is the Magic Sword Peak !?”

Chu Yan followed the blue and fell in front of the main hall of Sword Peak. He looked at it for 4 times, but there was no trace of anomaly. The mouth opened the mouth and said suspiciously.

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