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As Spirit Sect disciple landed on Tianji Square, all eyes of all directions in 4 directions gathered together.

“Look at it, Spirit Sect ah!”

“God, Antiquity Eight Sects are different. Look at these disciplines, I am afraid they are all quasi-big demon disciplines, right?”

“Fart, there are so many quasi-demon disciples, but Spirit Sect has been hidden in the world for nearly 10000 years. It is estimated that the strength is not the same as before. I don’t know how many of these disciplines they can enter Heaven Ranking!”

“That’s right, there aren’t many people left on Spirit Sect in the latest Heaven Ranking! Looking at this one, I guess … yi! Look, that’s a thunderbolt !?”

“I’m leaning, it’s a thunderbolt, Phoenix Clan demon … Look! There’s also a red blood ghost, huh ?! Only Martial Venerable Realm … sad!

“…… ..”

There were several thousand powerhouses in the audience. Most people’s attention was focused on the Spirit Sect disciple that had just arrived. A variety of arguments were made …

“Yi !? Inside Spirit Sect, how could there be a Human Race disciple, he is Martial Artist aura, not monster qi!”

Soon, someone’s eyes fell on Chu Yan, and he was directly surprised.

With this voice, 60% of the audience’s eyes, simultaneously shua shua fell on Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan !? Central Heaven Continent First Heaven’s Chosen !?”

In an instant, someone immediately recognized Chu Yan. Suddenly, the audience’s startled eyes quickly became disdainful and sneered …

“Hmph! This child is so arrogant that it’s almost endless. He has just participated in the Heaven Ranking assessment as Heaven’s Chosen …”

“Yes, it’s really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth. Heaven’s Chosen Ranking and Heaven Ranking are like the gap between Sun, Moon and Stars and the light of glowing fire. He even thought that he became the first Heaven’s Chosen. Compete in Heaven Ranking ranked !? “

“That is, among the people present, that one was not a few hundred years ago, the peerless Heaven’s Chosen of Heaven’s Chosen Ranking, ranging from 100 years to 100 years, he really regarded us as a white cultivation!”

“Hehe, maybe you won’t participate, just come and see!”


How could all around talk escape Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness, but Chu Yan chose to ignore these people’s words and gazes directly, his eyes flashed with 5 colored streamers, running Qilin’s pupil, and constantly glancing at the all around crowd … ..

“Very strong! Stronger than I thought!” Chu Yan glanced around, his face more excited.

Just swiping around randomly, Chu Yan found no less than 100 Twin Martial Souls. At the same time, almost 70% of Martial Artists were all 10 Star Martial Souls, and 2 of them were Martial Souls, even their own. Qilin ’s pupils could n’t see through, which made Chu Yan more surprised.

Moreover, the cultivation base realm of each person here is a lot higher than himself. Except for himself, the lowest cultivation base is the upper Martial Venerable Realm Initial Stage… ..

There are several 1000 powerful auras in the audience, such as the continuous sea, stacked one after another, giving a deep and unmeasurable feeling.

“It’s just a small group of people, and there is such a lineup. Then, if Antiquity Eight Sects are together, how much powerful existence will there be?”

Chu Yan muttered, but in my heart is a strong expectation …

This time is the best opportunity for him to see the real strongest battle strength above the entire continent.

Before Chu Yan added to the gods, there was another 10000 thunder roaring on the sky. In an instant, there were countless silhouettes, like dumplings, from above the sky, penetrating the spiritual fog of Tianji Island and falling Above Dao Field.

As the first person, his face was cold, his eyes were like ice, with a thick murderous aura on his body, his eyes swept past, and there was a breath of breath.

The murderous aura on this person is not like the killing intent of the ordinary Martial Artist, but the kind of murderous aura that naturally formed in the Corpse Mountain Blood Sea. Therefore, as long as the ordinary Martial Artist is seen by people, Divine Soul will tremble, and be timid before fighting!

“God ah! Soul Sect’s sweet dragon!”

“This Ganlong is said to be the twin 10 Star Martial Soul, and, according to legend, his cultivation base has been endless close to the half-step Martial Sovereign, which is to prepare for the breakthrough in these Heaven Ranking assessments, which was continent ranked 100 years ago. In the second Heaven’s Chosen, several decades ago, when slaughtering a strong Sect, he encountered a half-step Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse. In less than ten moves, he bombarded each other! “

“Yes, several decades later, his battle strength is probably invincible!”


The appearance of Gan Long caused a climax in the audience. There were 4 hot discussions. Everyone cast their eyes on Gan Long. They did not dare to have any hostility, only a strong awe …

That is the thunder near Chu Yan, and when he looked at Gan Long, it was also a grave expression… ..

“Soul Sect Gan Long !?” Chu Yan’s eyes swept, his mind slightly moved.

Until now, I have come into contact with the genius of Antiquity Eight Sects or Heaven’s Chosen disciple. This kind of core elite disciple of Antiquity Eight Sects is really the first time I saw it.

I didn’t expect, each Great Sect, it was hidden dragons and crouching tigers, one deeper than the other …


Suddenly, a thunder exploded, and above the sky, there was another team, dropping from the sky and falling towards Dao Field.

The large crowd is 30% stronger in imposing manner than Soul Sect.

“Look! The emperor’s people are here!”

“Emperor Zong 10000 Ziyang is also the existence of a twin 10 Star Martial Soul. It is said that he has a Xiang Family clan inheritance skill and a formidable power that is extremely powerful. Within the same rank, there is no rival!”

“Good! It is said that this person is already appointed as the Sect Master of the Emperor Sect, and he is extremely powerful!”


The advent of a peerless powerhouse made the atmosphere of the scene ignited again, in a frenzy trend.

Whether it is Soul Sect or Emperor Sect, they all have an Overlord-like existence on the Central Heaven Continent side and can be ranked as Antiquity Eight Sects. Naturally, they are more than ten times stronger than the second-rate Sect. Inside the sect powerhouse, all the innate talents are amazing. , Extraordinary strength!

Next, the Central Heaven Continent strong Sect rushed to …

Wave after wave of powerful aura, like a frenzy of turbulence, continues to sweep the audience, so that there is a cry of exclamation, almost no pause …

Some of the most extraordinary powerhouses that I can’t see at all seem to have reached some kind of tacit agreement, and they all made their appearances in this year’s Heaven Ranking assessment.

This also makes Tianji Dao Field and various powerful auras continue to surge. As the number of people continues to increase, more powerhouses appear, and the air above the entire Daji Field seems to explode …

“Look, the power house of Dizong has never been seen before, and I don’t know it at all !?”

“It’s not bad, just look at aura, you know, strong terrifying, you look at the Medicine Sect over there, God, there are 3 and a half steps of Martial Sovereign Realm, it’s too strong!”

“What’s this !? You see, the Sacred Blade Sect, which has just arrived, has been quietly developing for 100 years, and its current strength is almost approaching Antiquity Eight Sects …. If they are more than Antiquity Eight Sects on this list. any Sect, then this continent pattern is about to change! “

“Yes, not only the Sacred Blade Sect, but the Duanmu Aristocratic Family over there, there are several powerhouses, as if the strength is not worse than Gan Long and 10000 Ziyang!”

“These hidden family forces are all Antiquity families, and their strength is naturally not weak …!”

“There is also Tianzhaomen, Dragon Blood Sect…. Heavenly Palace…. Free and Unfettered Palace… .. are not weak ah!”

“Fuck! In this Heaven Ranking assessment, how can there be so many powerhouses !?”


Countless surprises echoed the Dao Field, various Divine Consciousness, and were unhindered on top of the Dao Field, constantly warming up the scene, and everyone’s expressions became more and more tense.

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