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Seeing Chu Yan burst into rage directly, the emperor immediately started looking, and looked at Chu Yan, spit out 2 words …

“Ming … Clan …!”

“Underworld !?” Chu Yan’s eyes were like blood, and the golden light was like an arrow, staring at the Taoist, coldly said.

“Yes! In the last few million years, the Ming tribe has kept all of our Vast Heaven Continent in this Vast Heaven Continent, just like some kind of livestock. At a certain time, they will come to harvest once and absorb the continent on Supreme Martial Artist. Martial Soul and Fleshy body qi and blood are condensed into a special Spirit Mark for their cultivation!

“And every 100,000 years, they are called” Holy Heavenly Tribulation “by the owners of Vast Heaven Continent!”

“Livestock!? Hao Heavenly Tribulation!? So that’s how it is… ..”

Chu Yan, who gradually calmed down, aura slowly subsided, and his eyes gradually recovered. Hearing the words of the envoy, nodded, clenching his fists, forced himself to calm down.

Chu Yan is very clear that now at this time, anger and impulse have no effect, the only thing useful is … calm down!

Listening to the words of the envoy, Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness shuddered and suddenly recalled …

A long time ago, I was still in the North Continent, and participated in the 2 Great Saint Sect ’s 9th summit martial trial. In the original Secret Realm World, I met the 2 1 Banner Sect and Rou Wutian of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect …

At that time, several 10000 sect soldiers, trapped in that small World, couldn’t leave at all until they appeared and took them back to the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, returning to the 9 Sea, awakening the bloodline, and breaking the cultivation base of Rakshasa clansman bottleneck… ..

Do you, yourself, and all Martial Artists in Vast Heaven Continent, face the situation at this moment, just like the situation of the 2 1 Qi Zongjun … ?

Such a huge Vast Heaven Continent turned out to be the secret realm of Great Influence in the outer realm …

Even his own mother has become a lamb to be slaughtered and fell into the hands of the Ming tribe, but wait, this is wrong!

Chu Yan’s eyes flashed, and he suddenly raised his head, looking at the Taoist, a trace of suspiciousness flashed in his eyes, looking at the Taoist, and asked.

“Dao Shi, don’t you mean that the Ming tribe comes every 100,000 years? Why was the elite powerhouse with 100000000 million days, captured by the Ming tribe a few years ago !?”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, the Tao made not at all any unexpected expression, the pupil light flashed a few times, and he opened his mouth gently to explain

“You should know that what I said to you just now, most of the people on the entire Vast Heaven Continent don’t know, they are completely blindfolded, but there are a small number of people when their cultivation base reaches the continent peak , Because the perception of Heavenly Dao has been promoted to a realm, naturally we can gradually learn the truth from the Heavenly Dao rules of Vast Heaven Continent … “

“Tianzong …. For 10000 years, as the first strong continent, they were inside the sect. They had appeared 3 quasi-Martial Emperor. With the powerful Heavenly Dao perception, their understood Vast Heaven Continent ’s original secret, so, They started fighting … “

“On the Vast Heaven Continent, there is a space-time boundary, which is relatively weak. In the 10000 years of is Heaven Sect, he has led the inside the sect Martial Artist, trying to break away from this weak space-time boundary, breakthrough, but … oh! “

“Does this … this is what Dong Huang Tian said, the core secret of Tianzong !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly felt surprised, no wonder Dong Huang Tian Yi, no matter how he asked, did not want to tell himself.

This news, once leaked, will inevitably cause the entire Vast Heaven Continent to shake!

“Do you know what this Heaven Ranking Golden Roll is …?” The envoy asked.

“Is it … something from the Hades !?”

Chu Yan frowned, looking at the Heaven Ranking golden scroll in the hands of the Taoist, doubtful.

“Good! This Heaven Ranking gold scroll is the Spirit Treasure of the Nether Tribe, used to record all the people with the highest cultivation base within the Vast Heaven Continent, so that when they come, they will be listed according to the Heaven Ranking … murder!”

The Tao made the tone low, with a hint of hate.

“For countless years, my big brother and I have been using continent luck to contend with this Heaven Ranking golden scroll. However, we have only isolated aura less than 100 years old and entered this Heaven Ranking …”

Speaking of the end, Dao Shi reclaimed the Heaven Ranking gold scroll, sat down gently, looked at Chu Yan, and stopped talking …

Chu Yan was dull, and was shocked by the news I just heard!

It turned out that this strange World was like this!

Throughout the lake pavilion, everything returned to calm …

Except in the sky, 2 pairs of eyes, staring at each other, not speaking for a long time …

When all the hypocrisy and bubbles are revealed, you will find that the real World is more terrifying than you think …

After a long time, Chu Yan exhaled for a long time, and the turbulent waves in his heart gradually calmed down …

“How long !?” Sitting lightly, Chu Yan gently opened the mouth and said.

“A year and a half, a maximum of 2 years!” The envoy replied.

“How strong is it?” Chu Yan asked.

“Very strong! The lowest is Wu Sovereign Rank strength!”

“how many people!?”

“Under normal circumstances, the underworld clan who came to Vast Heaven Continent to harvest Heaven Ranking is just the young Heaven’s Chosen in their clan, less than 10000 people!”

“10000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse !?” Chu Yan startled, his pupils shrunk, startled.

“Good! The quasi-imperial powerhouse within the Nether clan, there are no less than 10000 people!” Dao replied.


Chu Yan unable to bear, suck in a breath of cold air!

The pupil light flickered and fell into silence again. Chu Yan only felt the air all around his body. He instantly became dipressed with repression and pondered for a full ten breaths time before asking again.

“What about our Vast Heaven Continent !?”

“At present, within the Vast Heaven Continent, there are a total of 3 quasi-imperial powerhouses, Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, less than 50 people!”

“3 quasi-imperial ranks !? 50 Martial Sovereign !?” Chu Yan startled, this ratio is wrong …..

You know, from Martial Sovereign Realm breakthrough to quasi-imperial powerhouse, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension, even if it is a 100000000 in 50 million probability, it is normal, but how can there be 3 Martial Sovereign, there are 1 quasi-imperial powerhouses ….

“Chu Yan, now I will give you a choice. It was the same thing that I gave you the three quasi-imperial powerhouses at the beginning. This matter is also the most important thing for me to find you alone!” Said Tao Yan, looking at Chu Yan.

“What choice !?” Chu Yan asked.

“Your chance is inspired by Vast Heaven Continent, so your innate talent does not need to be tested at all, so it is an easy thing for you to rank in the Heaven Ranking, and you can also let you Feel free to choose Heaven Ranking ranked… .. even if it is ranked 1st, it is not a problem! “Dao En said slowly.

In a word, Chu Yan suddenly complexion changed, Heaven Ranking can let you choose first! ?

Why this Heaven Ranking assessment has become so simple, it is too easy to get it first!

“However, I will give you another choice … that is, not to enter the Heaven Ranking!” When the envoy said, his face became extremely solemn, and the mysterious spirit in his body continued to overflow, appearing extremely Very nervous.

“Do not enter Heaven Ranking ranked !?” Chu Yan startled.

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