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Chu Yan said that it immediately attracted everyone in the audience, all stunned!

With the exception of Dong Huang Tian Yi, Lei Martial Sovereign, Shen Dang and Gong Yuntian, all of them are all astonished expressions, and they are all surprised.

Unify Vast Heaven Continent within one year! ?

This … this is not cracking a joke! ?

Vast Heaven Continent For 10000 years, I have never heard of that Sect ever unified Vast Heaven Continent. Could Chu Yan think …

“Everyone, according to reliable information, two years later, it will be the arrival of Hao Heavenly Tribulation, and the so-called Hao Heavenly Tribulation, also known as the Infernal Tribe, invades my Vast Heaven Continent, devours my continent Martial Artist, Martial Soul and qi and blood to improve the cultivation base, this kind of … “

Seeing everyone’s amazed expression, Chu Yan slowly opened his mouth and explained what he knew about the Ming tribe and Vast Heaven Continent’s origin, one after another to the big brothers present, elaborate …

It was nearly full breaths time before Chu Yan introduced the whole situation, then, his eyes swept, looked towards everyone present!

In the great hall at this time, there was a silence …

In the gigantic main hall of nearly 10,000 zhang, with everyone tightly frowns, suddenly, an atmosphere of extreme suppression diffused …

No one didn’t expect, Vast Heaven Continent turned out to be just a cultivation little World of aliens in the foreign land …

Moreover, 2 years later, Hao Heavenly Tribulation, nearly 90% of Martial Artists in the entire continent, all have to be lost!

The scene like the end of the world, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of everyone, forms a pay-for-picture, and flashes continuously.

This made everyone’s minds instantly cold like ice fields, and all sink to the bottom.

“Father-in-law Sir, Nine Spirit Profound Heaven Sect has been annihilated. Why not join me in Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect?”

Chu Yan saw the strange atmosphere in the audience and groaned slightly, looking at Gong Yuntian, opened the mouth and said

Gong Yuntian hearing this, his face as usual, just browse slightly wrinkle, but behind him, a dozen Elders and Powerhouses whose Medicine Sect only survived, but the complexion greatly changed, they did n’t expect, Chu Yan would first give them Medicine Sect put forward….

Last time, Medicine Sect was attacked by the Black Blood Temple sneak attack, the whole family went up and down, 9000 10000 disciple, all of them were damaged, and less than 30 people fell. They were gathered together by Gong Yuntian. At this time, all stood behind him .

Most of these people are senior members of Medicine Sect, and they are extremely loyal to Gong Yuntian.

They first light flashed their eyes, frowning tightly, and then they seemed to think of something, their faces gradually dimmed, and soon, everyone’s eyes, looked towards Gong Yuntian, waiting for him to make a decision.

Gong Yuntian, slowly got up, turned his head and swept behind a group of Medicine Sect, the pupil light was shining …

The destruction of Medicine Sect can be described as the ruin of the foundation. Even if it is to rebuild Sect, there is no 10000 years of development, and there is no need to step into the continent first-class Sect.

Moreover, Chu Yan was originally Medicine Sect Holy Son, and sooner or later he was Sect Master Position. Now, Medicine Sect is incorporated into Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, which is probably the best and most decent way to end.

“OK! I agree!”

After thinking for a long time, Gong Yuntian nodded and promised.

Regarding the merger of Medicine Sect into Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, the last time they discussed it with several gangsters, Chu Yan once mentioned it with several Sect Masters. At that time, Medicine Sect was still in its heyday. Gong Yuntian inevitably hesitated, as to Now, naturally, no more consideration is needed.

Moreover, as his father-in-law of Chu Yan, joining Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, I am afraid the benefits are far greater than the disadvantages!

“I will follow Rakushasa Soul Heavenly Sect after I swear to follow!”

Gong Yuntian’s voice fell to the ground. Elders behind him, dozens of people opened the mouth and said at the same time.

“Good, good!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s face appeared a little smile, nodded, and then glanced away, looking towards the indifference!

At this time, Shen Dang and Shen Shengjie were whispering to discuss something. When they saw Chu Yan’s gaze, they waited for Chu Yan to speak, but Shen Dang smiled and stood up directly, saying,

“My land sect, I would like the whole sect to join Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, but there is a requirement! It is hoped that Chu Sect Master can still manage the Chamber of Commerce in Sect, and let me wait for it!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan’s mouth is light, said with a smile


In a word, Shen Dang and Shen Shengjie both smiled and sat down lightly.

Their land sect, unlike other Sects, until now, Antiquity Eight Sects, their battle strength is the weakest, because Shen Dang and Shen Shengjie have never paid much attention to Martial Dao, they prefer business.

Now, Chu Yan is about to unify the Vast Heaven Continent soon, and their land sect joined at this time, why not do it!

“Ray Martial Sovereign …”

Immediately, Chu Yan opened the mouth and said again.

Hearing Chu Yan’s voice, Lei Martial Sovereign and Tian Zuo Martial Venerable are brows slightly wrinkle….

Although the former Dizong and Medicine Sect both agreed to merge into the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, they swallowed the Heavenly Mountain vein and the other Sect, but they are very different. They … but Monster Race!

Vast Heaven Continent. For 10000 years, the relationship between Human Race and Monster Race has been inconsistent. At this time, if it is not to deal with the Black Blood Temple together, I am afraid that if the number of horror Monster Race and Human Race come together, it will have been fighting!

“This one…..”

Ray Martial Sovereign looks dull, constantly thinking, and hesitating …

Their Monster Race lineage has always been respected by the powerhouse, and now Chu Yan ’s strength is far superior to his Martial Sovereign. Originally, he should not refuse, but if he agreed to Chu Yan ’s request, it would be equal to Monster Race by Human Race merger, this matter is no small matter.

“Don’t worry about this, big brother, I believe Boss, he will not treat our Monster Race!”

When Dangdang saw Ray Martial Sovereign hesitated, he glanced at Chu Yan, blinked, and grinned, loudly said.

Hearing Dangdang ’s words, Chu Yan suddenly suddenly opened his mouth and said with a chuckle

“Ray Martial Sovereign, you also know the relationship between Dangdang and me. My two people are like brothers. After swallowing the Heavenly Mountain vein into the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, I promise that I will be responsible for Dangdang in the future, and I will never intervene!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Ray Martial Sovereign suddenly shined his eyes, no longer hesitating, and then got up and opened the mouth and said

“Okay! Since that’s the case, I don’t have 2 words on Heavenly Mountain, I would like to join Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!”

In a word, Lei Martial Sovereign seemed to have shed a big rock pressed against his heart, and immediately grinned with a smile.

“it is good….!”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan was suddenly nodded, and his heart was slightly relaxed. In his mind, swallowing the Heavenly Mountain vein is the most troublesome of many Sect forces, because of their special status of Monster Race, Chu Yan was also somewhat grasped, didn’t Expect, with just one word of Dangdang, the problem is solved!

Immediately afterwards, Chu Yan cast an appreciative smile on Dangdang, turned his head again, and looked to the east Huang Tian …

“Uncle, you Tianzong …”

However, Chu Yan had just spoken, but Huang Tian Yi waved his hand, directly preventing Chu Yan from continuing to speak. Immediately, he slowly stood up, glanced at all the big men in the audience, and slowly spoke a word. , Didn’t expect, this sentence, once again made everyone in the audience, complexion greatly changed….

“Everyone, in fact, ten years ago, I started to counterattack the Ming clan …”

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