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Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, Thick Earth Palace …

Located north of the middle of Nine Nether Palace, inside this brown black-and-white double-great great hall, but the Houtu Palace is located.

Like the other palaces and halls, after nearly 100,000 years of silence, the originally empty palace and palace are now overcrowded.

Following Demon Ox and Chu Yan all the way, it didn’t take long for them to reach the main square of Houtu Palace …

I saw that the Soul Sky Tower standing tall in the clouds stood on the north side of the main square, the whole giant tower gate opened, and the Martial Artists and Heaven’s Chosen of the Thousand Palaces, rushing into the giant tower …

Seeing Chu Yan appear, the entire Houtu Palace Square suddenly boiled …

Demon Ox took a lot of effort and used nearly 30% of monster qi to suppress the scene and guide Chu Yan into the Soul Sky Tower.

The hands seal is turned over, and Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness still retains the original decision of the master of the thick soil palace, Tuo Yin, who controlled the soul tower.

Just in the blink of an eye, Chu Yan appeared at the same level as the Dark Palace on the highest floor of Soul Sky Tower.

Unlike the last meeting …

This time Chu Yan is a high seat, but the Lord of the Thick Earth Palace is standing upright, with his head slightly lowered, and standing on the side with humility …

“Subordinates, former Lord of the Thousand Palaces, Yelu Hetai, pay respects to Sect Master!”


Chu Yan waved his hands, Yelu and Tai quickly got up, still standing aside …

Yelu and Tai now have aura that is much more solid than the last time Chu Yan saw him.

As the Soul Sky Tower Artifact Spirit, it can be described as one with the Soul Sky Tower. The original Soul Sky Tower is in the Secret Realm, the popularity is sluggish, but now, it is completely different. The Martial Artist who poured into the Soul Sky Tower every day can almost Step down the threshold of Soul Sky Tower by an inch.

A large number of Martial Artist trials in the tower consume a lot of True Qi Gang Yuan. These Martial Artist True Qi Gang Yuan dissipated in the tower, part of which is absorbed by the Soul Sky Tower Spirit Array and strengthens itself.

Therefore, Yelv and Tai, the current Artifact Spirit, is more than ten times stronger than before!

“Hou Tu Gongzhu, long time no see, I trust you have been well since we last met!”

Chu Yan smiled and looked at the Lord of Houtu Palace, opened the mouth and said

“Everything is fine! Thank you Sect Master!”

When the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect was damaged 100,000 years ago, the only high-level survivor had different meanings for the present Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect.

However, compared with the young Elder Yun, Chu Yan underestimated Chu Yan a little, so, for a long time, Chu Yan has not come to him, did not expect today, he even asked to see Yourself.

“Why do you want to see me?”

Chu Yan sat on the side, pondered a little, and asked directly.

“Qi reporting to Sect Master! It’s about Soul Sky Tower!” Yelvtai quickly replied.

“Soul Sky Tower !?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, a look of doubt on his face, said.

“Good! 100,000 years ago, I Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, dominated continent, but it was World’s First sect, what is its heyday, Sect Supreme Treasure no less than 10000 pieces, but unfortunately, when Heavenly Tribulation, all the treasures are lost, even Sect The first Supreme Treasure, without the Emperor Sword, was also captured by the posing sect! “

“No Emperor Sword !? First Supreme Treasure !?”

hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly lighted up, and said in surprise

Chu Yan now has few things that interest him, but as Swordsman, he heard the three words “No Emperor’s Sword”, and he still looked up.

“Yes, Sect Master, Wuhuangjian used to be the matching sword of successive Sect Masters, but a 9th-level Divine Weapon that blended the spirit of the sword. It’s a pity …”

“Sword Soul !?” Chu Yan was started again.

Yelutai said that, as Swordsman, who specializes in Sword Dao, he had never heard of it.

“This … Sect Master, about the Soul of the Sword, it is exactly what his subordinates are looking for you today!”

Yelvtai’s face was as usual, but his eyes were dim. When he spoke of the word “Jianhun”, he flashed a little …

“Under 100,000 years ago, when Sect was damaged, Remnant Soul was incorporated into the Soul Sky Tower. One was for self-preservation. At the same time, I wanted to keep the next Sect Protecting Treasure for Sect. Now, Sect is resurrecting, soul The tower is already worry-free, so the subordinates want to integrate themselves into Sect Master’s sword and become Sect Master’s first sword soul! “

Between the words of Yelutai, slowly lifts the head, looked towards Chu Yan, and the pupil light is so different …

“This … Lord Yelv, what is this sword spirit, what is it !?”

Chu Yan hearing this, the doubt on his face is even more serious, and it is completely unclear. Why did Yelvtai suddenly propose to become his own sword soul! ?

“Sect Master, the so-called sword spirit, is a necessary condition for Divine Weapon to upgrade to the tenth order! And the more sword soul, the greater the probability of breaking the tenth-order Divine Weapon!”

“As the name suggests, Sword Soul is Martial Artist’s Divine Soul. It blends with the sword and is called Sword Soul. It is a higher order existence than Artifact Spirit!”

“Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect The Supreme Treasure of the Ten Great Towns of 100,000 years ago, all existed with the soul of a body!”

After Yelu Telloga explained, Chu Yan asked …

“What’s the point of this sword spirit !? How is it different from Artifact Spirit !?”

“Back to reporting to Sect Master, Artifact Spirit merges with the sword, making the sword a little spirit wisdom, and can be connected with Martial Artist Divine Consciousness, turning Flying Sword, hiding the void, killing the enemy and beyond a thousand li! But the sword soul is Let Divine Weapon have the real Divine Soul… .. ”

“In this way, Divine Weapon with Divine Soul not only attracts Heaven and Earth Spirit Power cultivation, but more importantly, it can form a sword array …”

Yelvtai said.

“Sword array !?” Chu Yan’s eyes suddenly burst into light …

“Yes! There is only one Spirit Sword with sword spirit as the main sword, and then use the spirit of the sword to control more Spirit Sword to form a powerful sword array of formable power. The number of Spirit Sword in the sword array depends on the sword soul Of equal order … “

“However, if you want to ascend Artifact Spirit to Sword Spirit, you need at least a Martial Emperor powerhouse Divine Soul as the base!”

After speaking, Yelvtai’s shining eyes looked at Chu Yan, and the pupil light kept blinking …

“Princess Yelu, don’t you …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly felt suddenly, his face slightly changed, and he was surprised.

“Yes, Sect Master, now Soul Heavenly Sect has returned to the sect, and Sect is resurrecting, and the difficulty of Hao Heavenly Tribulation will be coming in more than a year, so the subordinates want to become Sect Master’s sword soul, hope Help Sect Master! “

Yelutai looked calm, indifferently said.


Chu Yan couldn’t help but slightly wrinkle. To be honest, I just heard the word array and the screen flashed in the Sea of ​​Consciousness. I don’t need to guess it. Compared with a Spirit Sword, the formidable power of the word array is naturally much larger.

Moreover, this sword array is not a random collection of Spirit Swords, but the evolution into a sword array. That is not a simple one plus one effect. At least, your own Clear Sky Sword, formidable power must be improved by at least a few Times.

It’s just that Chu Yan guessed to some extent that this matter can naturally improve his strength, but for Yelvtai, it may not be a good thing!

“Sect Master, the old man has already decayed. I just want to use Remnant Soul as a cornerstone for Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!”

The words fell to the ground, in the gloomy great hall, a solemn and tragic aura, which continued to diffuse …

“Good! I promise you!”

After pondering for a long time, Chu Yan slowly stood up and walked to Yelvtai, staring at the other party, nodded heavily.

In Chu Yan’s heart, the respect for Yelvtai has been quiet for a long time, and slowly resurrected …

Therefore, Chu Yan chose to respect the other party’s decision!

“Thanks … Sect Master!”

Hearing this, Yelvtai suddenly knelt down to the ground, and immediately his tall illusory shadow body slowly dissipated, as if in the Dark Palace, a gleaming Fire Insect suddenly appeared in the sky, moving towards the void, moved towards Chu Yan Behind the Clear Sky Sword, slowly blend in …

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