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Refers to a star like a star, flashes …

In an instant, Chu Yan, a finger pointed, and Bone Blade in the hands of Yang 2 Tiger suddenly bumped together.


Refers to the position where Mans and Bone Blade are in contact, a white mist suddenly explodes, as if it is a dust mist like bone meal, rising directly …

Silver light finger pierced into the tofu like a finger, bursting bone meal, while the white jade-like Bone Blade was even pointed by a finger, directly penetrated, passed through the knife, there was no trace of obstruction, directly after the Bone Blade Yang 2 Tiger …


The previous bang, which had n’t completely fallen yet, was another muffled noise, pointing past the light, without any accidents, even if the cultivation base reached the median Martial Venerable Realm, everyone thought that at least Chu Yan A few moves of the Yang 2 tiger, the brow position, a group of blood light rushed out …

A bean-sized blood hole suddenly appeared above Yang 2 Tiger’s brow, and the red and white liquids overflowed continuously.

Without any breathing eyes, the moment dimmed, Yang 2 Tiger’s body moved towards the ground and fell.

One finger, breaking soldier instant kill!

In an instant, the entire Martial Arts Stage was completely in a state of silence. Everyone looked at the three corpses in front of them, almost all of them were dead, all of them were covered with gray faces.

Yang 2 Tiger, dead! ?

The Second Boss in Dragon-Tiger Villa was killed so easily! ?

Moreover, the black robe teenager, but moved his fingers, bursting 3 heads in a row! ?

How do you feel that the Yang 2 Tigers and 3 people have no resistance at all. This kind of killing method is much easier than killing a chicken!

Countless stormy seas are madly surging in all people’s hearts, as if a row of mountains and seas of horror, completely overwhelming everyone’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

The eyes of several 100,000 people, divided into two, a few people stared blankly at the 3 corpse on the ground, and most of them stared at Chu Yan …

All eyes were trembling, and I couldn’t believe it, as if I saw God like.

But now, within a day, 3 of Dragon-Tiger Villas are headed, 2 of them died in front of the gate of Haiyuezong …

This time, it is estimated that it will not take long before the thunderbolt of the Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa is like a landslide tsunami, and it will be dumped.

When the time comes, within a radius of 100 li, I am afraid that no one can live!

“Mother, escape ah!”

“It’s over! It’s over! Dragon-Tiger Mountain Village must be furious!”

“Run quickly, if you don’t run, you will all die!”


After a short period of silence, the entire Martial Arts Stage suddenly exploded …

There were several 100,000 Haiyuezong disciples in the audience, as if the sky had collapsed, each one lost one’s head out of fear, moved towards 4 all directions, and fled away …

For a time, the Martial Arts Stage of Haiyuezong, who had just been crowded, at this time, except Mu Hai, and the 1000 Elders and powerhouses behind him, all of them escaped.

However, Mu Hai and Mu Wanxi, including Zuo Hongyang and other high-ranking Haiyuezong seniors, looked at Chu Yan in a daze, and were shocked …

Who is this Chu Yan? ?

A battle strength is called heaven defying!

Moreover, after Yang 2 Tiger reported the names of Dragon-Tiger Villa and Wind Thunder Sect, this child, remained unmoved in the slightest, and even disdain, he still fingered Yang 2 Tiger directly to death!

Could it be that the background of this child can really compete with Dragon-Tiger Villa and Wind Thunder Sect! ?

Or maybe this kid really jumped out of the mountain and did n’t understand the horror of Dragon-Tiger Villa and Wind Thunder Sect! ?

At this time, in Mu Hai’s heart, half was the fire sea, half was the iceberg, staring at Chu Yan, his eyes kept trembling, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

He now, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, will be full of God demon, all prayed again and again, only hope, the identity of Chu Yan in front of him, 10000000 is not the second he guessed, otherwise …

Sect’s ordinary Martial Artist can escape, as long as he escapes from the mountain range of Tianqi, it is basically safe.

However, if you are the Sect Master of Haiyuezong or Elder, it is all registered. Even if you escape, you will be chased and killed by Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa, when the time comes, when you escape to the horizon, it is also dead !

Now, all the hope can be pinned on this black robe boy!

However, Mu Hai ’s heart was still unable to bear at this time, and he always had the urge to kill himself …

I’m asking who is irritating, but I just want to use this boy’s powerful battle strength to resist Yang 2 Tiger a little and let him retreat when he is in trouble.

But now, how has it become a scourge of Sect extermination! ?

Mu Wanxi standing beside him, at this time looked towards Chu Yan’s spirit eye, it was completely bright!

Countless little stars, shining like the sea of ​​stars, the beautiful and exquisite small face, are full of admiration and surprise, like a fool’s eyes, falling on Chu Yan, can not pull out.

With one finger, poke a median Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse directly!

Moreover, the casualness of one body seems to pinch a ant!

These behaviors fall in the eyes of Mu Wanxi, who is only a teenager, such as the hero of the world, God is off, what is the difference! ?

Inadvertently, on Mu Wanxi’s face, a touch of Hongxia rose quietly, and then looked towards Chu Yan’s spirit eye, it was all small stars!

“Not good !”

At this moment, Mu Hai, who had just awakened in shock, looked at the 4 Martial Artists on the Martial Arts Stage, who had escaped from 100,000 sides, and the complexion greatly changed …

Among these people, they have the eyes and ears of Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa. Soon after Yang 2 Tiger appeared, someone came out of the crowd and attached a notice to his ears. Finished …

However, although Mu Hai thought about this layer, he looked up and looked at it. A few 100,000 Martial Artists were all running away on the 4th …

This is not a two, even if it is intentionally blocked, but there is no possibility at all, only to watch these people 2 scattered away!

It won’t take long for the Dragon-Tiger Villa to be in a state of great pressure. It may even be possible that even the Wind Thunder Sect will send a powerhouse to come and destroy their Haiyue Sect. At that time, can Haiyue Sect still exist?

“Chu Yan!”

Suddenly, Mu Hai’s body shuddered, and he suddenly thought that Hai Yuezong and himself, if they wanted to pass a level, could only rely on that black robe teenager …

Suddenly, Mu Hai looked up, looking towards where Chu Yan was just there, but it was empty in front of him, then there was a silhouette….

In an instant, Mu Hai only felt soft all over the body, and the sky turned dizzyingly. His body shook repeatedly and almost collapsed to the ground.

“Father, look quickly …”

The next moment, the daughter ’s voice suddenly sounded around me, Mu Hai turned his head to look at it, and at a glance, his face changed again, and his face was stunned …

what’s the situation! ?

What is this Chu Yan doing! ?

I saw that Chu Yan, at this time, had come to Haiyuezong Great Elder, in front of Zuo Hongyang, a pair of cold eyes, staring straight at Zuo Hongyang, all over the body, a faint killing intent, constantly overflowing Come out …

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