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Hearing Mu Hai ’s words, Chu Yan heart slightly startled….

One is that this Sea Demon Race is so powerful that the strength of this Sea Dragon Legion is enough to fight against the entire Central Heaven Continent.

On the other hand, Chu Yan didn’t expect, the 100,000-year-old Heavenly Tribulation, caused such a devastating disaster to the powerful Sea Demon Race, and forced the ears to relocate 90% of the people in the family. In response to the next holy Heavenly Tribulation!

However, after hearing these news, Chu Yan also confirmed his guess …

When the so-called Hao Heavenly Tribulation comes down, the Tribe’s trial discipline is afraid of not only the superficial strength, otherwise, the difference between a few 10000 Martial Sovereign Realm and the Sea Demon Race is enough to kill them all!

If Human Race, because they are fighting each other, is slaughtered by different forces one by one, and the past is said, then Sea Demon Race, it makes no sense at all!

According to the records of Vast Heaven Continent and Sea Demon Race by Chu Yan, the Sea Demon Race in this ear has been the system of one emperor and three emperors since Vast Heaven Continent, and the entire Sea Demon Race is fully affected by the ears. Sea rule …

Therefore, under the Heavenly Tribulation, the result of Sea Demon Race is only to show that the strength of this Ming Clan is more horrible than Chu Yan’s original guess!

Thinking of this, Chu Yan’s complexion gradually increased …

“Mu Sect Master, I want to see the Emperor of Ears next, I don’t know, can you help introduce it!”

After pondering for a long time, Chu Yan looked up and asked Mu Hai.

In a word, all the elders and powerhouses in the whole hall, all started together, stared at Chu Yan, their faces full of disbelief.

He … He wants to see the emperor! ?

Who is ear emperor! ?

That was unhindered 90000 100000000 Sea Territory, the well-deserved Supreme Emperor, the wave room, it was 1000000 Martial Sovereign Realm army, and the turnover room, it was 100000000 1 Sea Demon Race powerhouse… ..

If it is not off the water, the battle is greatly reduced, this Vast Heaven Continent, then there is the possibility that Human Race will dominate on land!

So terrifying existence, there is an ordinary person, you can see it when you see it …

Moreover, even if you can see, the Sea Demon Race of Muhai, 9 of the 9 streams, do n’t mention the ear emperor, I am afraid that even a Captain within 100 li of the ear emperor, he has no right to seek …

“Cough cough, this matter …”

Mu Hai’s face was slightly red and coughed twice. The Sea of ​​Consciousness was constantly thinking about how to explain to Chu Yan that he had no right to take him to see the emperor, but suddenly he didn’t wait until he finished. Health!

Bang … Bang Bang!

There was a huge explosion of gas, and suddenly it blew outside the hall, and the whole Golden Palace suddenly shook …

Everyone in the audience, his face changed abruptly, all his faces were stunned and gray, simultaneously shua shua looked towards the outside of the hall …

With farts, the stocks can guess, Dragon-Tiger Villa… .. here!

“Mu Sect Master, may I ask where the Ear Emperor is !?”

In the panic-stricken Golden Palace, Chu Yan’s indifferent voice sounded …

“Little … Little friend, the Emperor’s Dragon Palace, in the southwest of Erhai, 9 100 li seabed, it’s easy to find, but the guard is strict …”


Not waiting for Mu Hai to finish his speech, another explosion exploded, and the whole great hall shuddered again …

This time, even Mu Hai’s face also became as dark as the bottom of the pot, extremely dark, a pair of desperate eyes, swept across the crowd, and finally fell on Chu Yan, slightly brightened, or dimmed.

“Okay! Many thanks Mu Sect Master tells you! Let’s leave next!”

In a word, Chu Yan stood up and bowed to Mu Hai, preparing to leave the hall, but his eyes fell on Zuo Hongming, but his eyebrows were a little hesitated …

“Young Master….”

Just after Chu Yan ’s slightly kick-started effort, Golden Palace, a purple clothes Qian Ying rushed in, rushed in, brought a scent of wind, and instantly fell in front of Chu Yan, a fascinating face, all anxious … .

“Young Master Chu walk slowly! The little girl has something to ask for!”

“En !?”

Hearing Mu Wanxi ’s words, Chu Yan slowly turned around, looking at the stunning woman in front of her, brows slightly wrinkle… ..

“What’s the matter?” Chu Yan wondered.

“Young Master, Na Yang 2 is the younger brother of the owner of Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa, and Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa is attached to Wind Thunder Sect. He died today in Haiyuezong. The enemy now is Dragon-Tiger. The villa came to the door and they will not let us go today! “

On Mu Wanxi’s small face, a pair of big, flexible eyes are all hazy and misty, with reddish eyes and light red lips, and small faces full of guilt and struggle …

Today ’s thing is strictly speaking, it ’s all because of her, she wants to export evil spirits for Haiyuezong, only to pretend to be a woman, go to challenge Xiong 3, did n’t expect, her cultivation base is not good, it is not at all, if not Chu Yan It just happened, and he also helped each other. At this time, the jade has disappeared …

It’s just that, in that case, although he himself died, Haiyuezong will not have the disaster …

“Young Master, you are so powerful, can you ask Young Master to save me Haiyuezong, save my father!”

In a word, Mu Wanxi fell to her knees and fell deep down at Chu Yan’s feet. The big tears could no longer be hidden, and kept dropping on the ground in front of Chu Yan …

At this time, in the Golden Palace, everyone heard Mu Wanxi’s words, all complexion changed …

Originally, there was a Wind Thunder Sect behind the Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa. They did n’t intend to tell Chu Yan. In that case, maybe this Chu Yan might also fight against the Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa with his powerful battle strength … .

However, now Mu Wanxi directly stated the relationship between Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa and Wind Thunder Sect, so …

This Chu Yan, afraid of being frightened, fled directly, and dared not stay a little longer, even more impossible to use the Sect force behind him, to protect Haiyue Sect as much as possible. Sect, offend Wind Thunder Sect, this Overlord force!

“Xi’er, you …”

At this time, Mu Hai was also a face of pain, and he stepped down from the golden seat and looked helpless …

“I still have something …! If Wind Thunder Sect comes, you will directly report my” Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect “name, it should be fine!”

Looking at Mu Wanxi kneeling on the ground in front of her eyes, Chu Yan is brows slightly wrinkle, and she eagerly wants to go to Erhai to meet up with that emperor, not wanting to stay here!

“Young Master….”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s words, Mu Wanxi lovable body trembled, looking at Chu Yan, the spirit eye is full of tears …

The powerhouses of Haiyuezong all around also shook their heads slightly and could n’t stop sighing. Sure enough …

Wind Thunder Sect is too strong, this Chu Yan is not willing to be an enemy at all, ready to leave directly, Haiyuezong… .. finished!

“Young Master, your servant knows that you want to see the ear emperor, but the dragon palace is all around, there are Sea Demon Race countless powerhouse guards, the ordinary person is simply inaccessible, your servant has a way that allows you to see the ear emperor smoothly without hurting Be kind! “

On Mu Wanxi’s small face, it was full of utter despair, carefully opened the mouth and said….

In a word, Mu Hai standing on the side, but complex greatly changed, anxiously opened the mouth and said

“Xi’er … No!”

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