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As Xiao Elder knelt, the whole Heaven and Earth was suddenly quiet!

Wind Thunder Sect more than ten disciplines, more than 20 Dragon-Tiger villas, including all the high-rises of Haiyuezong on the ground, all eyes are rounded, their mouths are wide open, their jaws are all covered, collective petrification … .

All the dull eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked towards Chu Yan, all looked dumbfounded, eyes straight …

Chu … Sect Master! ?

Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect! ?

Poof thump! Poof thump! Poof thump!

The next moment, the slow-thinking Wind Thunder Sect disciple, also awakened at this time, all looked pale, their scalp tingled, all immediately followed Elder Xiao, kneeling on the ground …

But at this time, Longao of Dragon-Tiger Mountain Villa saw this scene, staring at the panic-stricken eyes, looking at the Wind Thunder Sect crowd, and Chu Yan, his legs shaking like sieve …

“Ro … Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect !? Continent First Sect !?”

At this time, Long Ao finally reacted. The black robe boy who stood in front of his eyes was no one else. It was just over a month ago, who had just become continent Supreme … Chu Yan!

Although their Dragon-Tiger Villa is only a second-class Sect, it is attached to Wind Thunder Sect and naturally received the news. Therefore, when I heard the names of Chu Yan and Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, plus Wind Thunder Sect Elder and discipline The performance, using farts and stocks, can also be guessed. The black robe boy in front of him is exactly …

Vast Heaven Continent Supreme!

Angered the two emperors and waved the Legendary presence of Central Heaven Continent!

Chu Yan 2 words, has been echoed throughout the Vast Heaven Continent, not to mention the extremely southern continent, even if it is other 4 continents, more than 2 Sect, no one knows, known to everyone!

However, the appearance of Chu Yan true body is very rare in other continents except Central Heaven Continent.

Moreover, Antarctica is separated from the Central Heaven Continent by the sea of ​​ears, and it is more than 100000000 10,000 li. Even if it is Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, there is no one month, simply crossed over….

And now, for more than a month, they also received news about Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect and Chu Yan not long ago, and Chu Yan has already appeared in Antarctica!

Moreover, it also reached the Xuanyang Empire, to the Tianqi mountain range …

All of a sudden, Long Ao suddenly had a urge to hit him here, how could he be so bad luck, provoke who is not good, but provoke, the existence of the sky dome!

On the ground, Haiyuezong’s high-ranking people, including Mu Hai and Mu Wanxi, still stared at Chu Yan in a daze, as if they were in a dream.

By now, they all understand it!

The Chu Yan in front of me is exactly what Elder in the mouth of Wind Thunder Sect, Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect Sect Master!

Looking at the performance of Wind Thunder Sect, you can clearly judge that Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect is extremely strong, far exceeding Wind Thunder Sect!

“Subordinate Mu Wanxi, pay respects to Sect Master!”

At the next moment, there was hardly any hesitation. Mu Wanxi, who had reacted, immediately knelt down on the ground, moved towards Chu Yan and paid respects.

Yingying purple clothes, because of the excessive force, brought a large fragrance, which made Chu Yan pupil light tremble …

“Subordinate, pay respects to Sect Master!”

“Subordinate, pay respects to Sect Master!”


Seeing Mu Wanxi’s behavior, Haiyuezong, a group of high-ranking people, would not understand there, and immediately he was all ecstatic, quickly kneeling on the ground and paying respects.

Just now, Chu Yan promised them personally. From today, Haiyuezong merged into Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect….

In other words, from now on, all of them belong to the Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, absolutely flying into the sky!

Chu Yan’s eyes shifted lightly, looking at Mu Wanxi who was kneeling down on the ground, reaching up to support her, and her palms touched her soft, jade-like skin, even with Chu Yan’s powerful Martial Dao will, which was Divine Soul. Trembling …

“I don’t know, what kind of race is this Mu race in Sea Demon Race, it has such Innate charm power!”

After lifting Mu Wanxi, Chu Yan secretly said in one’s heart, with a bitter smile, didn’t expect that he would still be affected, this Mu Wanxi, really out of the ordinary.

Immediately, Chu Yan slowly turned around, looking in midair, kneeling down on Wind Thunder Sect and the Dragon-Tiger Villa, and finally, his eyes fell on Xiao Elder, and the pupil light was cold, opened the mouth and said

“Acknowledge it !? It’s too late …”

Chu Yan right hand lifted slightly, index finger and middle finger together, pointing the sword a little, ready to kill each other …

Seeing Chu Yan’s movements, Xiao Elder was so frightened that his soul flew away, the sense of danger in his heart, beating wildly, a pair of eyes, expanding to the extreme, trembling constantly.

This is the killer who killed two Martial Emperor Supreme. Under one move, I am afraid that I will not remain!

“Sect Master Rao Ming ah! Sect Master…. Subordinate knows wrong!”

Xiao Elder kowtowed like garlic, eagerly begging for mercy.

At this time, Xiao Elder, there was still a moment of aloof and remote, the arrogant overbearing imposing manner, there was no other emotion besides panic …

Anyway, he only hopes that Chu Yan will be considered an Elder who has just joined Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect and will leave a way out and let himself go.

As for the escape, you do n’t even need to think about it. In front of absolute strength, there is no difference between courting death and courting death.

Therefore, Xiao Elder understands that only desperately begs for mercy, maybe there is still a hint of survival!

At this moment, above heaven under earth, in addition to Xiao Elder’s wailing wailing, scared witless begging for mercy, all around is a total silence!

Everyone looked at kneeling down on the ground like Terrified, Elder Xiao who kept praying for mercy. Everyone in Sea of ​​Consciousness was shocked!

dignified Wind Thunder Sect Elder, the powerhouse of Martial Venerable Realm, where there is also a hint of powerhouse, like ants, fighting for a hint of survival!

In this scene, Mu Hai, as Sect Master of Haiyuezong, and Mu Wanxi, feel the strongest …

Originally, what they had in mind was that if Dragon-Tiger Villa and Wind Thunder Sect really came to revenge today, they should be on their knees and begging each other for their lives …

But now … they watched as they watched, the Overlord Sect Elder that normally looked up like it was, panic-stricken, inexplicably kneeling and begging for mercy.

each and everyone Hai Yuezong’s high-level, the fear and shock in his heart can be imagined!

Mu Wanxi has a pair of smart eyes, looking at Chu Yan in front of him, full of glitter …

This black robe teenager just raised his hand and made Xiao Elder, like the powerhouse in the Xuanyang Empire, kneel down and beg for mercy. This powerful shock surprised her.

“Insulter … dead!”

In a word, Chu Yan right hand pointed to the sword, a bright light, straight shot, just a flash, shot at Xiao Elder’s eyebrow …


A little blood spewed out, Xiao Elder’s pupils instantly enlarged, the breath was quickly lost …

With Xiao Elder’s body, from in midair, fell to the ground like a dead dog, splashed a dust, 4 sides all directions, all the powerhouse body, fiercely trembling …

With one finger, a superior Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse was killed! ?

This … This is too terrifying! ?

Although, Mu Hai and Mu Wanxi and the others, I have also seen Chu Yan kill Xiong 3 and Yang 2 tigers in the same way, but this is a superior Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse. There is also an absolute strength to dominate the existence of the party.

But, just … so dead! ?

“You, return to the sect immediately, lead Wind Thunder Sect Sect Master, come and see me! I will give you a day …”

Chu Yan glanced, looking at Wind Thunder Sect 7 Elder, who was kneeling on his side, shiver coldly, coldly said

“After one day, all the slaughter!”

In a word, Wind Thunder Sect everyone trembles fiercely, lying deep on the ground, not even raising their heads!

“Following the Sect Master order, the subordinates immediately returned to the branch! The Hall Lord was ordered to pay respects to Sect Master!”

7 Elder quickly agreed.

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