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As the golden streamer of the ear emperor rushed above the sea of ​​clouds, the beast roar sound of a heaven shaking earth shattering exploded, making the sea of ​​endless clouds instantaneously pulling up the turbulent clouds …

At the next breath, an incomparably huge Flood Dragon rushed out of the white cloud and appeared in front of Chu Yan.

This is a huge Flood Dragon with a length of nearly 10,000 zhang, and, unlike the several Flood Dragons that Chu Yan has seen before, its upper body has grown 2 giant claws, while the lower body abdomen also has 2 large flesh Tuan, like the hind paw that is evolving.

This Golden Flood Dragon is really too big. It has been a long time since its cusp head rushed out of the sea of ​​clouds, but the locust tail is still hidden between the clouds, and there is no end at all …

On its body, there are scaly armor plates, golden light shining, flowing between clouds and water, rolling in the sea of ​​clouds, like a golden river, appearing above the sky …

2 terrifying golden front claws, the size of a small building, between hu hu waving, like a catch, you can catch the sky and catch a big hole.

Large pieces of dragon whiskers, such as long hair flying upwards, are also golden light flashing, but, not at all 2 obvious long whiskers, and the double horns on the forehead are also separate meat roots, not at all fork … .

From the first glance, the true body of the emperor is like Divine Dragon. However, in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Chu Yan, there is an Azure Dragon Martial Soul. Therefore, Chu Yan only finds out many differences when he scans the pupil light. Where …

Therefore, the true body of the ear emperor turned out to be a golden-clawed heavenly dragon that was moving towards Divine Dragon!

Antiquity Rare Beast with Divine Beast bloodline on his body, although extremely thin, but after a thousand years of ears, constantly tempering, at this time, he, true body within the body, already has a 1% Divine Dragon Blood Essence around …

Looking at the entire Vast Heaven Continent and tempering Divine Beast bloodline to this level, it is only one person!

The ear emperor showed the body, just like the scene of Divine Dragon traveling through the sky, appeared in the eyes of everyone including Chu Yan.

Such a powerful imposing manner, coupled with the majestic monster qi, with a ray of Divine Beast, gives a feeling of Heavenly Dao possession, Supreme.

With this true body and a ray of Divine Beast aura alone, you can make countless powerhouses feel chilly and never dare to be enemies!

After a few breaths, the ear of the emperor suspended on the horizon, the Jiao head was high, overlooking Chu Yan in front of …

At this moment, in front of the tall mountain ear emperor body, Chu Yan’s figure is also at worst compared to an ant before the mountain peak.

At this time, Chu Yan, with both eyes flashing finely, staring straight at the statue in front of his eyes …. Jin Tian Tian Jiao!

On his didn’t expect, on Vast Heaven Continent, even a real beast can evolve into a real Divine Dragon. At Chu Yan’s judgment, the difference between the ear emperor and the Azure Dragon Martial Soul is no longer the same. Big!

In particular, it carried out the dragon claw, which means that the legend of the “Flood Dragon change to Dragon” is just a matter of time for the ear emperor.


Not waiting for Chu Yan to observe carefully, the ears of the ears with both eyes, a sharp rays of light shining up, and immediately, his golden claws fiercely photographed with one claw, capturing the void that has passed all the way, and grabbed it into nothing moved towards Chu Yan fiercely

Above the terrifying dragon claws, there is a monster qi of madness, a large golden cloud, and it rolls instantly, along with the dragon claws, moved towards Chu Yan claws.

Seeing the golden cloud waves wrap down the huge dragon claws like a gate, Chu Yan’s face started, and his eyes were bright!

Tiger from the wind, dragon travels the cloud!

This ear emperor has already been able to spur Golden Cloud Wave. With such strength, I am afraid that it is not much different from the real Divine Dragon! ?

Chu Yan only fought with Haotian Dragon Vein, not at all really fought with Divine Dragon, so there is no comparison, but …

This claw makes Chu Yan’s face become very dignified …

The huge golden claws fell, the layers of the void exploded, the endless sky wind masterpiece, the sea of ​​spirit clouds roared in the sky …

Boom … Rumble!

With all kinds of natural phenomena, golden dragon’s claw, just in the blink of an eye, it fell to Chu Yan’s face …

“Give me … broken!”

At the next breath, Chu Yan’s whole body True Qi, such as the long rainbow of the sky, burst out instantly, under a long whistle, the body has 5 color gangs, going straight to the sky, the powerful 5 color gang yuan, lingering around his body all around, constantly rushing , Fusion …

The right fist was raised, outside the silver glow of the palm, wrapped in 5 colors Gang Yuan Energy, heaven defying up, and blasted into the Vault of Heaven!

This move “Tian Gang Jin” Fist Art is extremely simple, without any fancy, combining the full power of Fleshy body and True Qi Gang Yuan, simple and rude, fiercely smashed …

In an instant, Chu Yan’s silver fist punch came out of the earth, as if a silver meteor burst out of the earth, straight into the sky. And up, in a blink of an eye, it has expanded by a factor of 100, and has increased by nearly thousand zhang …

The palm glow of silver, and the dragon claws of Jin Yi, above the sky, screamed and faced the confrontation, as if the golden sun and the silver holy moon, galloping on the sky, watching, they are about to collide …

Boom … Rumble!

A loud bang, accompanied by silver and golden 2 thousand zhang waves, 2 attacks collided together, and exploded instantly …

Endless Gang Yuan Energy, and the terrifying monster qi, such as the angry ocean, turned into a shock wave of the air wave that will destroy Mortal World, sweeping across, sweeping all directions….

Chu Yan this fist, although it doesn’t look gorgeous enough, but under the simple and rough, it represents Chu Yan’s usual style, focusing the whole body strength a little, fist to fist, strength to strength, under one move, victory and defeat … ..

Therefore, in this fist, Chu Yan didn’t keep his hands at all. With all his efforts, Qi Sea’s thirty two inner cores worked like a fly …

Above the sky, the golden ear of the emperor was attacked by the terrifying waves. Suddenly, it seemed to be a calm boat in the stormy waves, and it would instantly throw up and hit the sky, Silhouette instantly disappeared into it, disappeared!

Passing through the layers of Lingyun sea, this time, the ear emperor’s corpse, was blasted a dozen or more li away, in the Lingyun sea, a sea of ​​clouds was opened, straight into the sky …


The emperor who stabilized his body suddenly burst into a roar of shock …

This move, I didn’t keep my hands in the slightest, but that Chu Yan completely motionless, I was repelled again, and this time is farther than the last time I retreated!

This time, the ear was completely angry!

For nearly 100,000 years, the Ear Ear on this Vast Heaven Continent is almost equivalent to the existence of invincible. No matter whether it is in the Sea Demon Race or the continent upstream calendar, it has never encountered an opponent!

The undefeated myth has always been the earliest pride of the ear emperor, because his goal is to evolve into a true Divine Dragon!

The Divine Dragon must be undefeated!

But now, he is defeated! Lost in the hands of a Human Race that seems to have been cultivated for less than ten years, this result, he simply can not accept it!

next moment, the angry ear emperor, the flick of the body, the monster power of the whole body is like a majestic tide, crazy rising, moved towards Chu Yan, crazy crazy

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