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Mu Wanxi watched Chu Yan fall in front of himself, suddenly in a pair of spirit eyes, countless little stars flew out …

“Young Master, didn’t expect, you are so powerful!”

Mu Wanxi blushed, looking extremely excited and excited.

“Ha ha….!”

Chu Yan smiled slightly, shook the head, opened the mouth and said

“Go! Go to Imperial Palace and chat with him!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Mu Wanxi gently nodded, then turned around, waved his hand, and suddenly the seawater was automatically 2 minutes, and a waterway directly leading to the seabed appeared …

“En !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan’s face started, and then looked at Mu Wanxi’s eyes, flashing a strange color …

The strength demonstrated by Mu Wanxi’s hand is completely inconsistent with her Heavenspan Realm cultivation base.

In this way, Mu Wanxi’s ability to control water far exceeds his cultivation base’s strength limit, which shows that her status and identity in Sea Demon Race are much higher than what she said. Much more!

After a little deep pondering, Chu Yan followed behind Mu Muxi and walked towards the Imperial Palace with the ears moved towards the seabed all the way under the guard of the 2nd team Hailong Legion.

I have to say that after the battle between Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor, the treatment was obviously different …

Along the way, not only was the escort of Hailong Legion of the brigade, but also at the gate of the sea imperial city of the seabed, there were also brigades of people waiting to meet Chu Yan.

The battles and postures that opened up seemed to be welcoming a visiting emperor!

Unstoppable all the way, after stepping into the sea imperial city, Chu Yan walked all the way on the street in the sea imperial city, moved towards the tall and majestic Imperial Palace in the distance …

Walking on the streets of the imperial city of the sea, Chu Yan ’s vision is no longer a huge and fierce sea Monster Beast, almost all of them are Sea Demon Race clansman in human form. There are many of them, which make Chu Yan eye-opening. presence.

There are strong Martial Artists with a thick upper body and a small body with a Bone Blade in their lower body, as well as lean Martial Artists with eyes gleaming like a light, grinning, and fangs. However, these strangely shaped Martial Artists do not let Chu Yan Too much attention …

On the contrary, those women in colorful feather coats and Sea Demon Race women dressed in various long robe colors dazzled Chu Yan …

Among these female Sea Demon Race Martial Artists, some have an excellent figure and a wonderful figure, walking on the road, like walking in the water, beautiful 10000 1000….

Some are dressed in gorgeous long robe, with transparent wings on their backs. They are far from being seen, as if they are Fairy, which is amazing …

Some of them are dark or dark blue, with their clothes exposed, and a large area of ​​spring, which makes the bloodline stretch and the blood rolling …

However, Chu Yan also found that the beauty of Sea Demon Race women is not the same as humans. They pay more attention to the noble temperament, so Chu Yan has attracted much more attention than himself. The reason is, of course, him Mu Wanxi around me …

Because, between Mu Wanxi and her hands, the kind of elegant aura shown is obviously one sky above another compared with other Sea Demon Race beauties on the street …

In addition, her own appearance is crushing the entire Sea Demon Race beauty that Chu Yan has seen on the streets of the entire Imperial City.

In this way, with the temperament standards of Sea Demon Race, coupled with the fascinating appearance of Human Race, the beautiful beauty is almost across Sea Demon Race and Human Race 2 …

After discovering this, on the way to the Imperial Palace, Chu Yan couldn’t help paying more attention to Mu Wanxi’s eye …

It must be said that this Mu Wanxi is by no means as simple as she looks.

It did n’t take long for Chu Yan to step into the Imperial Palace …

In the Golden Palace, Chu Yan and the Ear Emperor sat opposite each other, two people with four eyes, staring at each other …

“Ear Emperor, according to the agreement, can Mu Wanxi go with me?”

For a long time, Chu Yan asked with a light smile on his face.


Ear Emperor’s eyes glanced at Mu Wanxi, only to see that the other party made a firm look, then nodded agreed.

“Many thanks ear emperor!” Chu Yan hearing this, cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile.

“Don’t be too happy! You have to answer a question!”

Ear Emperor grinned and glared at Chu Yan.

“What’s the problem ?! Ear Huang Dan said no problem!” Chu Yan nodded said.

“I ask you, did you see the apostle Sir !?”

At the next breath, the ear emperor’s face was full of smiles, and his face became extremely solemn, staring closely at Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said.

“Envoy !?”

Hearing the problem of the ear emperor, Chu Yan’s complexion started, and then immediately became tightly knit …

When I was in the Heaven Ranking appraisal, I had seen the matter of the messenger. On the entire Vast Heaven Continent, I had n’t said it to anyone, even Yue’er and Chu Yan.

didn’t expect, the emperor in front of him, said it as soon as he spoke.

“Good! I have seen …”

After pondering for a long time, Chu Yan finally looked up towards the emperor, slowly nodded, opened the mouth and said.

“What did the envoy say to you !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s answer, the ear emperor’s complexion changed suddenly and asked anxiously.

“No comment!” Chu Yan refused to think about it, and refused directly.


Backed by Chu Yan’s 4 words, the ear sovereign aura shuddered all over his body, a face turned into purple red, staring at Chu Yan….

“You only asked one question!”

Chu Yan is not polite, looking up towards the ceiling, there is no meaning to give ear emperor face …

“Okay! You have kind!”

Seeing Chu Yan’s attitude like this, the ear emperor suddenly had nothing to say, and could only be replied.

Suddenly, the atmosphere on the spot suddenly became silent …


After a long time, the ear emperor looked at Chu Yan with a corner of his eyes, sighed quietly, and said

“Brother Chu Yan, this time Hao Heavenly Tribulation, what do you think !?”


Hearing the words of the ear emperor, Chu Yan looked at the ear emperor, wondering.

“Good! It’s less than a year and ten months from Hao Heavenly Tribulation, when the time comes ……”

Speaking of which, Emperor Ear slowly got up and walked back and forth in the hall, his face hesitated, and seemed to be thinking about something …

“Brother Chu Yan, I am not afraid to tell you that my Sea Demon Race ear lineage is the last time Heavenly Tribulation, the entire Sea Demon Race, the only Sea Demon Race that survived!”

“What !? Have you experienced the last Hao Heavenly Tribulation !?”

Hearing the words of the emperor, Chu Yan suddenly complexion changed, staring at the emperor …

You know, as far as Chu Yan knows, among the countless Sect forces on Vast Heaven Continent, I have experienced the last time Heavenly Tribulation. Up to now, only Tianzong and Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect …

However, without exception, the results are very miserable …!

Tianzong is also just through some accumulation in the Antiquity period, a small Sect from 100,000 years ago, directly mixed into the current Vast Heaven Continent number one Sect ……

It can be seen that Hao Heavenly Tribulation has terrifying destructive power to continent Sect forces!

Looking at the emperor’s expression, he is obviously extremely worried about this time, Hao Heavenly Tribulation!

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