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Vault of Heaven, Nine Nether Palace, main hall …

On the high golden seat, Chu Yan sits on the top, on the left is the ten core Elder on the left, and on the right is the 9th house successor.

Eyes are like thunder, like stars and seas, sweeping their eyes, from everyone, one after another.

Among the ten core elders, Lei Martial Sovereign is a quasi-imperial cultivation base… ..

East Huang Tian 1. Gong Yuntian and Sword Master are all superior Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base. The other few have been taking care of Sect things, and the cultivation base has not improved much. All of them are half-step Martial Sovereign Realm to median Martial Sovereign Realm.

Among the 9 palace descendants, Situ Yang and Huatian Burial had the highest cultivation base, reaching the upper Martial Sovereign Realm, and Huangfutian and Potian had 2 cultivation bases, reaching the median Martial Sovereign Realm …

Several others are above the lower Martial Sovereign Realm, which is not weaker than Elder, the top ten cores.

The successors of the 9th house got the quasi-imperial inheritance of the 9th house, plus all the cultivation resources in the Sect are given priority to supply them, so the speed of the cultivation base increases like a rocket.

At this moment, in the great hall, there was silence …

Everyone’s eyes are all on Chu Yan above the Golden Seat, no matter what cultivation base they are, even the Martial Sovereign of the quasi-imperial level cultivation base, they can’t see Chu Yan’s current cultivation base realm …

Even if they close their eyes and rely solely on Divine Consciousness and sensation, they can’t even notice that there is really someone sitting on the tall golden seat.

Today, Chu Yan doesn’t feel any cultivation base aura at all, even the whole body merges with the void as if it were one.

Today, Chu Yan has just left the border, and no one knows the extent of his cultivation base.

“You have made great progress! But …”

Chu Yan pondered for a long time, slowly opened the mouth and said “However, if you want to fight against the Clan, you are still not enough!”

The people in front of me are the highest battle strength of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, which basically represents the highest battle strength of Vast Heaven Continent.

Although their cultivation speed reached the level of Chu Yan’s prediction, but as Chu Yan began to anticipate, wanting to fight against the Ming clan directly is simply impossible!

If you are just a young trialist of the Ming nationality, you can do your best …

However, Chu Yan is well aware that behind these young trialists, there is an unimaginably strong Ming tribe.

Just like the Sect forces of Vast Heaven Continent, it is extremely important to the young Heaven’s Chosen. Therefore, in the trial world, if Tian Jiao is really in danger, Sect will provide immediate support.

This is what Chu Yan is worried about!

As long as you fight with the Tianzuo youth, you will definitely be excited about the powerhouse of the Mingzu, when the time comes, the bighouse powerhouse is crushed, and the current strength of Vast Heaven Continent is simply not enough to resist, even 1 / 10,000th Hope, none.

“So, I decided to follow the original plan …”

In a word, the whole hall, a dignified atmosphere, spread quickly …

Everyone’s face became extremely dignified, and his mind was involuntarily tight.

They know that it has been less than 3 months from Hao Heavenly Tribulation, a life and death test, really coming!

“Sect Master, we all listen to you!”

Ray Martial Sovereign glanced over everyone in the hall, and finally landed on Chu Yan, bowing his hand, opened the mouth and said

“Good! Everything is arranged by Sect Master!”

“Yes! Regardless of life and death, fight one and listen to Sect Master’s instructions!”

“Sect Master ordered it!”


For a time, more than 20 gangsters all opened the mouth and said.

“it is good!”

See this, Chu Yan exits, slightly pressed with both hands, took a deep breath, opened the mouth and said

“At present, the safest way is to temporarily abandon the Vast Heaven Continent, and the emperor and I, the Space-Time channel of the breakthrough 9th layer peak, rush into the world, and then try to destroy the channel connecting the Vast Heaven Continent to the outside world, believe In a short time, Vast Heaven Continent can be guaranteed! “

Speaking of which, Chu Yan stopped and looked away, looking at Situ Yang …

“The Space-Time channel is usually composed of a solid teleportation array. Generally speaking, a large teleportation array with more than 3 seats can form a permanent Space-Time channel. However, if you want to pass for a long time, you will consume It ’s incredibly huge. I believe that even the Ming tribe ca n’t afford it. Therefore, the Space-Time channel connecting our Vast Heaven Continent to the outer domain should be similar to the existence of a two-way transmission spirit array … ”

Situ Yang waved his hand, 3 stream of light rushed out of him, appeared in midair, formed a schematic diagram, and showed it to everyone.

“There are two kinds of this kind of two-way transmission array, one is that both heads are controlled by people, and they can be transmitted at the same time, but this transmission array is usually used between two equal forces. In our case, it should be second. Master-slave Transmission Passage, this kind of master-slave Transmission Passage, one of which transmits the spirit array, is controlled by the other end, as long as the other end is activated, the other one will follow the activation and establish the Transmission Passage in an instant ….. “

Speaking of which, Situ Yang waved his hand, put away the demonstration Spirit Mark in front of him, and looked at Chu Yan …

“Good! This is the plan, go out from the Transmission Passage, and destroy the Transmission Array of the Ming Clan, and at the same time, you will destroy the Vast Heaven Continent. Then, the Ming Clan wants to re-establish the Transmission Passage, and Vast Heaven In Continent, if no one answers, it will take at least 20 years …

Chu Yan said here, his eyes were slightly raised, and he looked at the Endless Starry Sky outside the temple, his eyes flashed slightly …

“20 years, maybe our last chance!”

In a word, the whole hall was silent, everyone stared at Chu Yan, his pupils kept shrinking …

Chu Yan’s plan, I have to say, is the only way at present, except that the first of them all knows that each step in this plan is extremely dangerous and can be damaged at any time.

In particular, Chu Yan and Ear Emperor, two of them recoiled the Transmission Passage and entered the Outland Tribe, which is equivalent to the sheep entering the wolf den, and it is also a move of nine deaths and still alive.

“Sect Master, or I will be with you too!”

Ray Martial Sovereign pondered for a long time, gently opened the mouth and said.

“No! Ray Martial Sovereign, Vast Heaven Continent ten years of closed time, someone must be guarded, you … are the most suitable candidates!”

Ray Martial Sovereign hearing this, light flashed, sighed, slightly nodded.

He also knows that he is the leader of Monster Race, and his relationship with Dangdang is equivalent to Chu Yan. He is also not good at fame and fortune, he does not like to fight, guard Vast Heaven Continent all influence, stabilize Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, there really is no better candidate than him.

With his relationship with Dangdang, and Dangdang’s relationship with Chu Yan, as long as Dangdang is still inside the sect of Rakshasa, Ray Martial Sovereign will not have any problems, and will not be too involved in the affairs of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, Only in this way can Chu Yan be completely assured.

“Okay! Since everyone has no objections, this matter is decided!”

After a long time, Chu Yan saw that no one spoke again, so he no longer waited and directly announced.

“Full powerhouse above Martial Sovereign Realm, full action departure, goal, 9th layer peak!”

In a word, the sound like thunderbolt resounded throughout the great hall!

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