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At this time, in a World of Ice and Snow, 10,000 li silver world, a black silhouette is standing on the top of a 10,000 zhang snow peak, looking at the 9th layer peak far away.

This person is … Chu Yan!

With both hands on his back, the cold wind rolled up the snowflakes and screamed indiscriminately, making Chu Yan a black robe, and it snarled.

Chu Yan is like a pine tree. Even the cold wind above the peak of 10,000 zhang has no effect on him.

At this time, he was waiting quietly, a pair of lightning-like pupil light, staring straight at the other than 100 li … 9th layer peak!

Uh …!

a golden light, shining on the sky of 100 li behind him, just like a golden meteor, crossing the sky …

Just a flash, it fell like divine light and fell directly beside Chu Yan.

“Chu Yan, you are too fast!”

Ear Emperor just stood firm and complained to Chu Yan with displeasure. Although he suggested that he should compare the speed with Chu Yan, but he did n’t expect, Chu Yan only took 3 breaths time, and then from his own Completely disappeared in the field of vision …

Although, for the evil Yan Chu, the Ear Emperor personally tried it, but in the past 2 years, according to Chu Yan’s method, he collected all the ears and all cultivation resources, and 80% of them belong to himself …

Under the crazy promotion cultivation base, now behind the ears, the breakthrough has reached the next level of the late imperial stage Late stage cultivation base, and when fighting against Chu Yan 2 years ago, a whole Small Realm was upgraded …

However, it doesn’t matter …

As a golden-clawed tianjiao, how can it be considered that half of the Overlord in the sky and the sea actually defeated Chu Yan in speed.

This made the face behind the ears red a little.

“Ear Emperor, there … is the 9th layer peak!”

Chu Yan didn’t look back, his eyes were still staring closely at the 9th layer peak in the distance, his voice was indifferent, coldly opened the mouth and said.

When the words landed, the ear emperor’s face suddenly froze, suddenly turning his head, following Chu Yan’s eyes …

I saw that the 9th layer Spirit Peak in the distance, layer upon layer, entangled with the spiritual fog, almost covered half of the sky, a powerful aura, from the depths of 9 Spirit Peaks, constantly overflowing …

The demon consciousness in the Sovereign Body of the ear, when contacted with this powerful aura, the body suddenly shuddered, and his face instantly dignified.

“Really strong! It should be the guarded powerhouse of the Ming race!”

The ear emperor’s eyes are like electricity, shooting a path of golden pupil light, looking at the 9th layer peak, looking one by one.

“This aura is not right! It seems to exceed the quasi-imperial rank!”

After some probing, the ear emperor’s face became sullen and muttered opened the mouth and said.

“Yes! The shackles of Vast Heaven Continent seem to be only valid for Martial Artists of Vast Heaven Continent, and the powerhouse of the Ming family should not be limited by this, so this Guardian cultivation base may exceed the quasi-imperial rank!”

Chu Yan is slightly nodded, and the pupil light flashes …

He was close to one hour earlier than the emperor, and also explored one hour. Compared with the emperor, Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness is much more powerful, and there is also the martial soul skill of the pupil of Qilin, so he can even judge that this The cultivation base of the Guardian of the 9th layer peak has exceeded the quasi-imperial rank and entered the real Martial Emperor realm!

“The Hades are a good deal! There is Martial Emperor powerhouse. On the Vast Heaven Continent, no matter how many people come to this 9th layer peak, it is a death!”

Ear emperor within both eyes, flash of anger flashed, coldly said.

“Good! If you compare Vast Heaven Continent to prison, then the Guardian of the 9th layer peak is the person who cares for this firm. The cultivation base is above Martial Emperor Realm. Do n’t say Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, even if it is a quasi-imperial rank, Dozens of them, all impossible to break through! “

Chu Yan’s voice is like ice, and the eyes of a pair of 5 colorful streamers are also all cold.

In this case, it is like Chu Yan now. In the face of Martial Venerable Realm powerhouse, the number of 100 will all die, and if it becomes 10000, it will also be invincible, unless 100,000 Martial Venerable people are possible. Let Chu Yan lose!

However, on Vast Heaven Continent, impossible appeared at the same time as 100 quasi-imperial powerhouses, so this 9th layer peak, there is no possibility of being broken!

Chu Yan didn’t guess this situation at first, so for a moment, he was a little hesitant.

Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect’s 10000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse, plus the 3000 Monster Sovereign in Erhai, it is estimated that there are 3 hours to come.

Originally, Chu Yan thought that with these strengths, plus himself and the emperor, there should be a chance to break through the 9th layer peak, but now it seems that the strength is still not enough.

However, the bow did not look back. This time, Vast Heaven Continent Peak battle strength, came out of the nest. If even the 9th layer peak of the first test could not be broken, then the plans behind it all became empty talk.

Most importantly, Chu Yan they have no time, and Vast Heaven Continent has no time!

Therefore, this level must pass!

Chu Yan’s eyes flickered, running fast in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, constantly thinking about countermeasures!

A strong attack is definitely undesirable. More than 10000 Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse against the real Martial Emperor is tantamount to one-sided slaughter.

“Chu Yan, what now?”

Ear emperor thought for a long time, without any worry, he could not help turning the light to Chu Yan and asked.

“In less than 3 months, I have to fight back, I can only fight!”

Chu Yan eyes flashed, the color of decisiveness emerged, and in the eyes, the five-color streamer became more intense …

He has been trying to contact Divine Consciousness in the depths of the 9th layer peak, and finally a Qilin corner, but no matter how he probed, he could not find a trace of Qilin aura….

Chu Yan knows that the key to victory or defeat in this battle is probably at the end of this Qilin corner.

Because, last time, when Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness was brought into this 9th layer, Chu Yan clearly remembered that sentence …

“Breaking the 9th layer peak day is the time when 5 souls linger …!”

Therefore, the 9th layer peak in front of me is not only an opportunity for the entire Vast Heaven Continent, but also an opportunity for myself. Chu Yan will never miss it.

“5 Soul Lingtian, what exactly do you mean !?”

Chu Yan thought, his eyes have not left the 9th layer peak, his Divine Consciousness has been colliding with his powerful aura …

Without knowing the situation, the Divine Consciousness of Chu Yan and the Martial Emperor in the 9th layer peak have fought three times.

Needless to say, the results ended in Chu Yan’s defeat three times, which is why Chu Yan has not made a move.

Among Martial Artists of the same rank, Chu Yan ’s Divine Consciousness is almost invincible, and Chu Yan ’s current strength is already the entire continent Supreme. Therefore, it is possible that this person ’s strength can be crushed by Divine Consciousness. Above yourself!

“It seems that we can only hope in the corner of Qilin!”

After Chu Yan whispered, he directly flew into the air, moved towards 9th layer and flew away.

“Chu Yan, what are you doing …?”

Seeing Chu Yan rushing directly to the 9th layer peak, the ear complex suddenly changed, and in a hurry, fiercely clenched the teeth, and at the same time stood up and chased Chu Yan.

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