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This is troublesome!

The ear of the emperor is between Chu Yan and the 9th layer peak, to recover and watch …

Now Chu Yan is injured, Martial Emperor in the 9th layer peak, the strength is terrifying!

In this way, the plan to counterattack the Ming tribe is so over. Is n’t Heavenly Tribulation really impossible to resist! ?

On the ear emperor’s face, the expression became more and more dignified, and in his eyes, a trace of despair gradually appeared.

Time passes quickly …

In the blink of an eye, three hours passed, on the endless snow peak in the distance, a large black shadow, hiding the sky and covering the earth, like a piece of black clouds, came turbulently.

The Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse army of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, and the Monster Sovereign Legion of the ears, arrive!

On top of Xuefeng, Chu Yan slowly opened his eyes, waking up from the rate adjustment.

Sea of ​​Consciousness finally stabilized. 3 “Yun Divine Pill” is a 6-turn Golden Pill. The effect is terrifying. 3-6 turns Golden Pill. Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness has recovered most of the time, although he can’t fight the Martial Emperor , But normal use is enough.

Chu Yan will lead Elder, all called …

For a time, Dong Huang Tian 1. Sword Master, Gong Yuntian, Shendang, and the others, all gathered around Chu Yan.

After they listened to the introduction of the ear emperor, after Chu Yan’s test results, everyone’s face became dignified.

Martial Emperor !

No one didn’t expect, the Nether will arrange such a terrifying existence in the 9th layer peak!

This simply exceeds the Martial Dao limit of Vast Heaven Continent, and, by Martial Emperor realm, the number is meaningless, even if there are more Martial Sovereigns, it is simply not enough to kill each other.

“Let’s talk about it! Is there any way !?”

Chu Yan pupil light is like electricity, glance at the audience, including several Hall Lords who just joined Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect, and several Elders of Sea Demon Race, Shen Sheng opened the mouth and said.

Everyone heard Chu Yan’s words, and my heart suddenly sank, everyone tightly knit!

“Little Yan, this is probably not easy to deal with! These of us are not his opponents at all!”

Huang Tian one, eyes have been watching the 9th layer peak direction, brows slightly wrinkle, gently opened the mouth and said.

He turned out to be Heaven Sect Sect Master, but Sect Master of Continent First Sect before Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect. Therefore, his words are relatively weighty. After he expressed his attitude, other people dare to speak freely, otherwise, these people In Chu Yan’s powerful imposing manner, he dared not even speak.

“Sect Master, otherwise, we fight with him!”

“That is, so many of us are not afraid of him. Anyway, fighting is also death, not fighting is also death!”

“We Sea Demon Race, with the ear emperor and Chu Sect Master as the head, let us go, we will never frown!”

“Otherwise, let’s find Ling Array Master, set up an attacking Spirit Array, and then deal with them !?”

“Or, using the method of Black Blood Temple, use Self-destruction attack !?”


For a time, various chaotic methods and ideas, 7 times, one after another, heard Chu Yan frowning …

“Very good! Since everyone wants to work together to fight against the Nether, then now is a good start, as long as everyone works with a common purpose, even Martial Emperor can’t stop us!”

Chu Yan squeezed a smile, constantly nodded, said with a smile

In fact, Chu Yan knows that these people are impossible and have a way to make them come up with ideas, but they just want this temporary team to form some cohesion. After all, after this pass, they will have to face more Hmong powerhouse.

At that time, these people were the main force!

Therefore, Chu Yan naturally has to find a way to let them slowly enter the state. As the saying goes, there will often be miracles in the battle against the water!

Now, in the first test, against the 9th layer peak of the Zhenfeng powerhouse, there was a situation that exceeded Chu Yan’s expectations.

Who dares to guarantee that when Heaven’s Chosen comes from the underworld, the situation will be within the range of speculation without natural phenomena?

Therefore, according to Chu Yan ’s original plan, with 15,000 people, against the other party ’s 7 8000 Martial Sovereign, 2 hits one, it should be enough, but if there is an exception, then it ’s trouble, Vast Heaven Continent only has so many Martial Sovereign, one more Can’t find it.

In the battle of Vast Heaven Continent life and death, Chu Yan had to be careful!

“Whether it is a spirit Array Master, or a self-destruction attack, these methods will be useful for Martial Emperor! So, I have my own way!”

Chu Yan glanced at everyone, said with a smile.

what! ?

There is a way! ?

There is a way to deal with Martial Emperor! ?

This is not a quasi-imperial powerhouse, but this is the Martial Emperor of genuine. Although Chu Yan is powerful, it is a Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse after all, how can it deal with Martial Emperor! ?

In a word, everyone looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all in amazement …

“Chu … Chu Sect Master, you can’t come hard, if you have something wrong, we have no hope of all continent!”

A Sea Demon Race Elder, staring at Chu Yan, hurriedly persuaded.

“Good! Sect Master, 10000000 can’t be in danger ah!”

All the gangsters of Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect heard that it was also Qi Qi complexion changed, looked at Chu Yan, and spoke anxiously.

This problem was just thought of by the Emperor of Ears. Especially when Chu Yan was injured and returned, his heart was cold, so now everyone else heard Chu Yan’s words and all hurriedly persuaded.

“Good! Chu Yan, you can’t come here, otherwise, we two will join forces and fight with him!”

Ear Emperor looked at Chu Yan, his eyes reddened, and opened the mouth and said softly.

“Ear Emperor, you should know, don’t say that we are 2, even if it is a few quasi-imperial powerhouses, impossible is a real opponent of Martial Emperor!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan shook the head, with a wry smile, said.

“then you…..!?”

Ear emperor looked puzzled. Anyway, he thought about it. If Chu Yan didn’t say a way and convinced him, he would never let Chu Yan try out at random.

After all, according to the situation of the last Heavenly Tribulation, the Martial Artist who guarded the 9th layer peak would not take action at all to participate in the continent slaughter, so at worst changed the original plan, and the Transmission Passage on the Vast Heaven Continent side would not destroyed…..

“Ear Emperor, did you find out … Just after I tried this Martial Emperor, he was just passive defense, not at all chasing it out! So …”

Seeing the look of the ear emperor, Chu Yan groaned a little, and also spoke his own plan …

“Passive defense !? This … seems to be right!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, the ear emperor’s face suddenly started, just because I was concerned about Chu Yan’s injury, so I didn’t care. Now I think, it seems really wrong …

“You think about it, if you are a Martial Artist who is less powerful than you when you are cultivation, sneak attack you, will you let go of each other !?”

Chu Yan chuckled lightly, glancing at the dozens of Elder and the big brothers in front of him, gently opened the mouth and said

“This … of course not! Flee to the horizon and kill him too!”

“Good! Offenders, kill!”

“It must not be missed …”


For a time, dozens of gangsters spoke at the same time, one after another …

“Okay! Then you guys, Martial Emperor, why don’t you chase me!”

Chu Yan’s words, all the big brothers who were on the scene suddenly changed their faces at the same time …

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