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Chapter 1343

What is 100 soul soldier solution! ?

Martial Artist, Innate has the ability to devour Profound Truth, cultivation does not rely on Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, but needs Martial Soul and qi and blood.

The more than 100 Martial Souls that I have just used are the Martial Souls of other Martial Artists that I have devoured in the past few years. They were originally used for slowly refining and improving the cultivation base.

However, at the time of life and death, Mo Cang dared to hesitate there, and all the Martial Soul in Sea of ​​Consciousness burst out with a brain.

100 soul soldier solution!

It is Mo Cang’s only life saving card that can be used when Divine Consciousness and True Qi Gang Yuan are trapped!

Fortunately, 10000 of them saved him a life!

“Chu Yan, you even gave your Spirit Armament … to Avatar !?”

After panting for a while, Mo Cangcai finally slowly recovered slowly, glaring at Chu Yan, a bloodshot look, a look of consternation in his face.

“Why not?”

Wen Fang, Chu Yan smiled softly, looked at Mo Cang and said.


In a word, Mo Cang also felt a suffocation in his chest, and suddenly he was speechless …

life and death Battle, you can use Spirit Armament, the other party can certainly, although the other party is an Avatar, never use the real Spirit Armament….

But whoever stipulates, Avatar must not use weapons! ?

“Then, can we continue !?”

Beyond 10 li, Chu Yan ’s Avatar grinned lightly, exposing his white teeth, looked towards Mo Cang ’s eyes, as if looking at a corpse …



Mo Cang just opened his mouth and wanted to stop it, but the Spirit Sword in Chu Yan Avatar’s hand was already slashed out …

The sword cry sounds, passing through the sky, like a wiping cold light, silent, without a glimmer of light, if it is not the sky and the ground is white, I am afraid that ordinary people can not see this sword, already shot …

The same dark sword light, as if it were light smoke, fluttering in the air, it feels like a very slow black smoke, moving in the wind, traveling with the wind, the slow mind makes everyone relax Come down …

However, when you look at it next time, you find that this black smoke is already in front of you …

“Do not….!”

It was exactly the same, when the dark sword light rushed into Mo Cang’s 10000 steps, Mo Cang’s Fleshy body and Divine Consciousness became blocked again, as if it turned into a very viscous liquid. In the meridian of the body, it simply does not work …

And his Sea of ​​Consciousness, as if suppressed by a Mount Tai fiercely, is also inoperable.

Mo Cang’s face instantly turned into a miserable green color, a pair of eyes, the pupil kept trembling, staring at the oncoming sword light in a daze, I couldn’t believe it, this scene happened in front of me!

He also cultivated for 10000 years on Vast Heaven Continent. Martial Artists he killed did not have 100,000 or 80,000, but he had never seen it before. There is such a Spirit Sword, or Sword Art …

This simply exceeds the scope of the martial skill of swordsmanship, but seems like a Divine Consciousness attack!

However, no matter what, just that sword, I have already used the strongest a life-saving card, and now it is the same sword …

Go there yourself and find more than 100 Martial Souls to resolve this sword! ?

call out…!

The sword cry became louder and louder, puncturing Mo Cang’s in the depth of one’s soul, a trace of despair rising from his eyes …

Subconsciously, Mo Cang slowly closed his eyes …

Waiting for death to come!

Under this peculiar Sword Art, he can’t even play his own strength, except for death, there is no second way!


Just when Mo Cang closed his eyes, suddenly, a loud noise exploded beside him …


A painful tingling sensation came from the right hand, and the entire right hand suddenly lightened, as if losing weight instantly …

Immediately afterwards, Mo Cang felt a powerful impact force, hit himself, and directly hit himself into the sky, moved towards the back, flew away …

“Am I dead !? Hey … I’m not dead !?”

When he fell heavily, Mo Cang felt it very clearly. The muffled noise of his back hitting the ground suddenly opened his eyes. He suddenly found that he had landed on the 9th layer peak …

Behind him, an incomparably tall silhouette, standing proudly, in his eyes, a path of grey airflow, like a flowing cloud, continuously surging …

“Li … Martial Emperor …”

After Mo Cang raised his head and glared for a long time, he finally saw who the silhouette was standing behind him, his face suddenly changed, and his voice was startled.

This person has a scarlet long robe, a face full of grey long beards, a one-eyed, pupil light gray, staring straight into the distance, his face is very dignified …

This person is a foreigner Elder sent by the Ming tribe to guard the entrance of the Vast Heaven Continent. The name is … Litian Martial Emperor!

Just now, just when the sword light of Chu Yan Avatar was cut to Mo Cang, Li Kai Martial Emperor suddenly appeared and punched out, wanting to crack that sword light!

However, what he didn’t expect is that just when his palm glow was about to hit the black sword light, the sword light turned in advance, as if he had guessed that he would shoot, and the sword edge was swiped to the left On the side, cut Mo Cang’s entire right hand, with his big arm, completely down!

Therefore, Li Tian Martial Emperor at this time, with a cold face, staring tightly, Chu Yan on the top of the snow peak in the distance …

He didn’t expect that he was actually calculated by this human brat!

He simply went to the right hand of Mo Cang, to be precise, to the piece of Martial Soul Supreme Treasure held by Mo Cang’s hand.

Moreover, he seems to have guessed that he will shoot on Mo Cang’s life and death, and even the trajectory of his shot is calculated in advance!

This Chu Yan actually turned out to be as evil as the rumor has it! ?

You know, life and death is about to fight, once the Heavenly Dao oath is issued, other people will not dare to intervene, otherwise the people who intervene will be ruled by Heavenly Dao …

Therefore, according to common sense, Chu Yan impossible guessed that he would shoot!

This … is simply impossible!

2 things are absolutely impossible!

Chu Yan impossible guessed that he dared to take the risk of Heavenly Dao ’s ruling and intervened in life and death battles, which was even more impossible. After he shot himself, he could suddenly change his way and cut off Mo Cang ’s whole one in front of him. right hand!

So, at this moment, Li Tian’s Martial Emperor’s face was smeared with a layer of frost.

However, no matter how much he did not believe, and no matter how amazed he was in his heart!

Anyway, in the distance, Avatar, holding a sword and holding Mo Cang’s broken arm in one hand, moved towards the snow peak where Chu Yan true body is located, flew away …

But myself, but I can’t go after it!

For a time, Li Tian Martial Emperor’s heart, like a volcanic eruption, suddenly rose, the powerful aura, on the 9th peak, raging like a tide, bringing a sky of wind, the cold killing intent, like the tide, rush Move between Heaven and Earth …

Li Tian Martial Emperor… .. angry!

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