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2 The silence between the peaks, I don’t know how long it has passed. Suddenly, a golden light suddenly appeared on the summit of Xuefeng!

In an instant, the thick golden beam of light rose into the sky like a golden god spear, stabbing the Vault of Heaven!


Taking Xuefeng Mountain as the center, a circle of empty ripples, like a shock wave, moved towards the sky in all directions on 4 sides, spreading continuously …

A powerful Martial Soul force sweeps through Heaven and Earth like a tide …

“What !? This …”

“Really strong Martial Soul, what is this !?”

“God ah! My Martial Soul rioted!”

“Quick! Suppress within the body Martial Soul!”


The golden waves swept Heaven and Earth. Behind Chu Yan, more than 10000 Martial Sovereign powerhouses were rushed by the golden light. All of the Sea of ​​Consciousness riots suddenly, the complexion greatly changed… ..

Because, in their Sea of ​​Consciousness, the originally silent sleeping Martial Soul, in this brief moment, suddenly went violently …

Uh …!

Just when everyone was in a mess, Chu Yan sitting cross-legged, his eyes suddenly opened!

“Ha ha ha, finally broken …”

Standing up, Chu Yan grabbed Qilin’s horn in his hand, and his eyes were full of ecstasy …

At this time in the Qilin corner, there is also a mention of a black air flow, golden light in the whole body, five-colored cloud light lingering, indescribable sacred and out of the ordinary!

“En !?”

After the surprise, in less than 3 breaths, Chu Yan suddenly grimaced, turning his head to look towards the 9th layer peak …

The color of ecstasy on the face, fast convergence, a pair of eyes, staring tightly at the 9th layer peak, his face slowly dignified.

“Ear Emperor, it is not suitable to stay here for long! Let’s go back to Vault of Heaven!”

Immediately, Chu Yan suddenly turned around, looked towards the ear emperor, glanced at the same time, and looked at all Martial Sovereign powerhouse, opened the mouth and said.

“En !? Chu Yan, what happened !?”

Ear emperor and a group of big brothers, when they heard Chu Yan’s words, their faces all changed …

“I’m going back to the sect, and merge this Supreme Treasure. I feel that the 9th layer peak channel may be opened within 2 days. We are not strong enough now. After returning to the sect, continue to call the powerhouse, half-step Martial Sovereign Realm, They are all called together! “

“Moreover, this 9th layer peak channel seems a little weird and is not suitable as a battlefield …”

Chu Yan finished, without waiting for other people to react, directly stood up, moved towards the Vault of Heaven direction, flying away …

Seeing Chu Yan leave directly, the ear emperor and the others, they glanced at the 9th layer peak in the distance, and they no longer stayed, immediately behind Chu Yan, moved towards Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!

At this time, there is Chu Yan Tearing the Void in front, and all Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouses, the speed of addition is more than doubled …

It took only half a day, and even with the ear-long sea dragon Legion, all returned to Rakshasa Soul Heavenly Sect!

After Chu Yan immediately arrived, he went directly into the cultivation hall and began to merge the corner of Qilin!

Now, 2 Qilin corners, one Qilin inner core, all collected, Qilin Martial Soul can finally be improved!

My own 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, headed by Qilin Martial Soul, if Qilin Martial Soul is upgraded to Full Star, my battle strength will definitely improve a lot!

In this way, in the face of Hao Heavenly Tribulation, he has a better grasp!

In the cultivation hall, Chu Yan waved a big hand, 3 pieces of Qilin Supreme Treasure, floating in the void, 3 groups of golden light, the whole cultivation hall was reflected in a golden light ….


In the roaring sound of the sky, Qilin Martial Soul Tearing the Void took a big step out, and among a pair of dragon eyes, 5 colors of lighting continued to erupt!

5-color pupil light, staring straight at the 3 groups of golden light in front of Chu Yan, Qilin Martial Soul, the rich Martial Soul power and Qilin Heavenly Might, trembling constantly, moved towards 4 directions all directions move….

Not only Chu Yan, but even Qilin Martial Soul, I was thrilled to see these 3 pieces of Qilin Wubao!

Whether the Qilin family is Five Elements Qilin, Mexican Qilin, or Fire Qilin, etc., to become a true Divine Beast, you must gather 3 pieces of Qilin Supreme Treasure!

Originally, the Qilin family, each life, will only give birth to one Qilin Divine Beast!

However, in this life, there were 2 at the same time, and it was still Five Elements Qilin and Mo Qilin, whose attributes were completely compatible!

The Qilin is an alien of the Qilin family. When the Myriad Realms were formed, the Qilin family was born. Among all the Divine Beasts, Qilin is the most kind and peaceful. Heavenly Dao visited Myriad Realms and Divine Punishment ruled.

However, the birth of the ink Qilin completely broke the tradition of the Qilin family, whether it is teeth or sharp Qilin angles, and the sharp claw that tears Heaven and Earth. This kind of ink Qilin seems to be born for fighting and slaughter!

In the end, Mexican Qilin was sent to guard the ten 8 Layer prefecture …!

Legendary Ten 7 Layer Before the capital, it was guarded and managed by Netherworld Sovereign. Only the tenth 8 Layer, which is not connected to the top 10 7 Layer at all, is an independent existence and can only enter or exit!

Therefore, continent will only break into the 8 1 layer prefecture, forever unable to reincarnate!

And it is Mo Qilin who guards the 8 1 Layer prefecture!

However, on Vast Heaven Continent, a Mo Qilin, who is not restricted by Heavenly Dao’s will, appeared extremely strange!

Qilin Martial Soul received some Heavenly Dao guidelines after seeing Mexican Qilin for the first time, so these 3 pieces of Qilin Supreme Treasure are very important to it!

shua! shua! shua!

Qilin Martial Soul stood in the void, with a big mouth, 3 pieces of Qilin Supreme Treasure, turned into 3 golden streamers, and instantly fell into the mouth of Qilin Martial Soul, disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, Qilin Martial Soul true body was also transformed into a 5 color streamer, rushing into Chu Yan within the body like lightning, disappeared!

On the Martial Soul mountain of Sea of ​​Consciousness, Qilin Martial Soul devoured 3 pieces of Qilin Supreme Treasure and fell directly into a deep sleep!

“Uh … Will you awaken twice !?”

Chu Yan, who slowly rose, Divine Consciousness swept Qilin Martial Soul on the Martial Soul mountain, his eyes were shining, and he was full of anticipation!

Afterwards, Chu Yan left the cultivation hall, pondered a little, lifted his feet and moved towards the residence hall where Yue’er was located …

After seeing Yue’er, Chu Yan explained some things to her in detail. After getting her consent, Chu Yan defended her for 10000, and included her in the myriad beasts of the mountain and river. ….

Walking inside Rakshasa inside the sect, the whole Sect, a lively scene!

Each Great Elder, according to Chu Yan’s order, began to gather more Sect powerhouses to join in the preparation for the battle with Heaven’s Chosen.

In the empty Rakshasa Soul Sky Sect Master Hall, Chu Yan stood alone, holding Clear Sky Sword, without using any True Qi, one trick, very slow practice of Kaitian Sword Art!

However, in less than 2 hours, Chu Yan’s body fiercely stiffened and suddenly turned back, moved towards the outside of the temple …

Boom … Rumble 1

A thunderclap-like explosion sound, as if there were 100 Heavenly Thunders, strung together, and burst at the same time, and the dull thunder sounded through the entire Haotian World!

Above the sky, the originally clear and cloudless sky instantly became dark. Like a field of rainstorm that covered the entire continent, it was about to drop!

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