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The sky of halberd, like a blooming flower of death, is like a sky net harvesting life, with a horrible cold might, moved towards Chu Yan straight down …

Under this move, the emperor who is far away from the severe li is also complexion changed, his face full of horror.

Even with the distance of several li, the sharp and powerful aura of this halberd light made him feel a chill …..


too strong!

The strength of this interracial Heaven’s Chosen leader is so terrifying!

Above the sky …

Chu Yan saw Mo Wunian attacked by this move, and suddenly the complexion sank became extremely dignified.

Ear emperors far away from the severe li felt the horror of this move. Chu Yan was the first to bear the brunt. Seeing the large halberd light struck, the natural feeling was even stronger!

Therefore, the strength of Mo Tiannian has made Chu Yan pay more attention to him than ever before.

Because, so far, the strongest opponent Chu Yan met, no one surpassed this Mo Wumin.

The reason why Chu Yan pays more attention is because this Mo Wumin, like him, is also Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base!

Since Chu Yan stepped into Martial Dao cultivation, among the same level, he can tie with himself. This Mo Tiannian is the first!

“Give me … broken!”

Battle intent, endless ascent in my heart, Chu Yan screamed, whole body up and down, red light masterpiece, Xuantian Fire Body instantaneously excited, fleshy body power was immediately increased by more than 3 times with red light.

The powerful fleshy body power, coupled with True Qi 罡 Yuan Energy, under the fusion of the two, Sword Qi instantly exploded, the mighty sword light, madly cut out …

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A path of Sword Qi, with obvious Fire Element power, rushed out, collided with Manly Heavenly Halberd Mans, and exploded continuously, a powerful shock wave swept Heaven and Earth …

Uh …!

As the blasting waves continued to blow back, Chu Yan’s body quickly retreated and withdrew more than 30000 feet before stopping.

“Yes! Sure enough!”

Chu Yan looked excited, looking at each other’s Mo Wunian, his eyes were like fire, and the battle intent in his heart was completely boiling!

Mo Wunian’s powerful, did not exceed his expectations, but also surprised him.

Almost 3 years ago, Chu Yan met for the first time, let his battle intent boiling opponent …

Even when the Blood Temple was annihilated in the first place, in the face of Blood Emperor and Mo Tianqing, Chu Yan could not be so boiling in battle intent.

“Oh, it seems that it’s time to draw some cards!”

Chu Yan chuckled, and kept the Sword Intent on Clear Sky Sword in hand, and kept restraining …

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Not far from Chu Yan, it was the battlefield of the 2 clan wars, and a series of air explosions suddenly caught Chu Yan’s attention.

Slowly lowering his head, sweeping the pupil light, Chu Yan looked at the battlefield and took Nuo Da ’s battlefield in the entire scene… ..

At this time, the nearly 40000 powerhouses of the Ming tribe and Human Race are completely intertwined. The powerhouse and unique skill of the two sides are all done, and no hand is left.

Above the entire sky, explosions, screams, blood spitting sounds, and the corpses continued to fall from the sky to the ground.

In less than 5 breaths, both sides lost powerhouse. However, for every Martial Artist lost by one Vast Heaven Continent, Heaven’s Chosen would lose 3 people, and the battle loss ratio reached 3 to 1. … ..

It seems that this battle, so far, is Vast Heaven Continent’s Martial Artist, occupying the peak!

These damaged Heavenly Clan Heaven’s Chosen, all with their eyes wide and full of astonishment, did not understand why they did not understand their own Devouring Power at all, only by their own battle strength, in Vast Heaven Continent Martial Artist, in the face of the tactics of a pre-planned group of 3 people besieging a powerhouse of the Ming family, even if their battle strength is far beyond the same level of Martial Artist, but they ca n’t even do one enemy 3!

In particular, as the fighting time continues, the True Qi Gang Yuan of the powerhouse within the body of both sides is rapidly depleted. However, those indigenous powerhouses, after the fight, 2 people contain, one person withdraws from the war circle and swallows the medicine pill , And then return to the battle to replace the next person.

As a result, the indigenous people’s True Qi Gang Yuan has always been in the Peak state, and their Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen is quickly consumed.

If you fight like this, even a fool knows that their 10000 Heavenly Men’s Chosen will be defeated!

Therefore, the situation on the battlefield is extremely lively and shouting to kill Zhentian. In fact, it is only the Ming clan Heaven’s Chosen who are still struggling to support. Once they are within the body True Qi, when they are exhausted, I am afraid …

On the battlefield, the most terrifying thing is a group of Swordsman holding a Spirit Sword and wearing a white long robe. As long as a large piece of sword light flashes, there must be a ghost of Heaven’s Chosen ….

These people are the Swordsman of Beneath Heaven Sword Sect, and these Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouses, although there are only more than 20 people, but in the case of 3 enemies, their opponents can only be at most under the fierce sword light Support 3 moves!

These Swordsman’s battle strength is far stronger than their cultivation base realm, like a group of human weapons, terrifying!

“How … how could this be !?”

Just like Chu Yan, Mo Wunian also scanned the battlefield below and saw the situation on the battlefield. The whole face was full of look of shock. I could n’t believe it. What I saw before me!

They Saint Race Heaven’s Chosen, beaten and beaten by the indigenous people! ?

This … what a joke! ?

How can this be! ?

“Impossible! Absolutely impossible, how could my Saint Race devour Profound Truth !?”

Soon, Mo Wunian found that his Saint Race companions, constantly mobilizing the origin of Devouring Power, wanted to devour the opponent’s Martial Soul and blood essence, but the gray cloud of engulfing profound strength, just to make them The opponent’s body shuddered and did not play any role at all!

For this situation, Saint Race Heaven’s Chosen, like himself, was completely shocked. Each and everyone was trying unswervingly, but their opponents would give them the opportunity to take advantage of their continuous attempts to urge Devouring When it was Power, he shot unique skills one after another, and threw Heaven’s Chosen, a monstrous tribe, into a mouthful of blood …

A path of black robe silhouette, constantly falling down from the air, with a face full of unwillingness, Divine Consciousness sinks into endless darkness, and the body falls on the snow peak grass below 10,000 zhang, which is damaged in the interracial Smelting Trial Land!

Heaven’s Chosen of these tribes didn’t believe it until they died. They would die in a trial world and be killed by a group of ants like ants!


Mo Wunian’s eyes were completely red, countless bloodshot eyes appeared, and the whole person was like a madness …

Boom … Rumble!

At the next breath, behind Mo Wunian, ten aura monstrous horror Martial Soul suddenly rushed out and turned into ten force black illusory shadow, hovering behind Mo Wunian, making a roaring sound of Martial Soul trembling … .

The ten Martial Souls are all Peak Martial Soul that Mo Wunian engulfed before. Originally it was reserved as one of his life-saving cards, but now, seeing his clansman continue to die tragically, he has been completely furious, and he can no longer to bear, Use the cards directly!

Must … kill this Chu Yan in front of you first!

Then rescue your clansman with all your strength, otherwise, fighting in this way, these 10000 Ziming clan Heaven’s Chosen, I am afraid they will all be lost here!

Ten Martial Soul, 7 of which are Martial Soul, 2 of Martial Soul, and one of Martial Soul, almost cover half of the sky!

next moment, ten Martial Soul, while the soul eyes swept, ten pairs of scary blood red pupil light, all stared at … Chu Yan!

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