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In the eyes, there is an extremely huge silver grey palace, extremely ruined and ancient, standing in a forest, back and forth, left and right, a few 10000 steps apart, it is a silver palace not much different …

Large silver palaces are gathered together, it is a very huge complex …

These building groups with no end in sight, are large in area and majestic in construction, far exceeding Chu Yan’s cognition. Even Nine Nether Palace, in front of it, are all small and big.

Standing in front of this ancient mulberry complex, Chu Yan has a feeling of being in a giant country.

With a startled gaze, sweeping across buildings, Chu Yan can imagine that such a broken and decaying building should have existed for a long, long time ago, but it has long been lost with time. Dilapidated …

However, even this dilapidated look in front of him still brought Chu Yan a huge visual and spiritual impact, which was amazing!

“The time of these buildings is probably beyond the Antiquity period. It is very likely to be an ancient ruin!”

Chu Yan took a deep breath, suppressing the surprise and excitement in his heart …

After a little deep pondering, Chu Yan urged the pupil of Qilin to look towards these silver buildings again …

At a glance, Chu Yan’s brow lightly wrinkle up again. He didn’t expect that the materials used in these buildings were not what he originally thought … stone!

The material of these buildings is simply something that Chu Yan has never seen before, and it is definitely not an ordinary stone!

“No! This is not the black city!”

After Chu Yan’s observation, his face suddenly started, and he suddenly remembered that the city he saw before falling from the air was obviously a black city …

But the buildings in front of me are all silver grey buildings, which is completely wrong …

“Could it be that in the thick fog just now, I completely lost my way and went to another place !?”

Chu Yan’s heart is full of doubts, he can’t imagine that such a large building, before he fell in the air, he didn’t find it at all …

This thing … is a little weird!

Subsequently, Chu Yan stepped forward, stepped into this piece of silver complex, moved towards a silver grey palace nearest to him …

This palace collapsed by almost 30% of the time, only a small part remained, and it could still stand in place …

The whole palace is nearly 1000 zhang high degrees, which is more than ten times the height of the ordinary palace of Vast Heaven Continent.

tread! tread! tread!

When Chu Yan set foot on a square in front of the temple similar to Martial Arts Stage, the brisk footsteps broke this dilapidated building. I do n’t know how many years of silence, echoed in the whole complex …

However, when Chu Yan walked halfway across the square, the mutation suddenly took place!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

a path of terrifying aura, suddenly rushing out from a palace in the distance, these auras, like a flood that suddenly rushed, with a monstrous force, sweeping all directions, grabbing a large dust, dispersing the whole piece sky…..

Even, the palace where Chu Yan had just targeted only one of the remaining 30% of the building was impacted by these auras, and it instantly collapsed and the collapsed stones fell into the air waves and rolled randomly. , Soon turned into powder …

shua! shua! shua!

As this wave of air rushed by, 4 silhouettes suddenly appeared from the palace deep in the complex, soaring into the sky, and suddenly appeared in midair in the distance …

Among these 4 people, an old man plus a pair of young men and women, a total of 3 people, obviously a party …

On the other side, there is a man in a white robe and a black mask. His body is full of Yin Fiend Qi, aura, very powerful, and has obviously reached the level of a quasi-imperial cultivation base. The three people opposite him are much stronger.

“Actually … Someone !?”

Chu Yan’s face started, and his mind was tense for a moment. Fortunately, he has been cautious. He has not lifted the White Tiger Black Mark Technique and kept the hidden state.

Moving carefully, Chu Yan quickly dived into a ruined building, moved towards the sky in the distance …

How could anyone be in this ancient ruined archaic ruin! ?

Without clarifying the situation, Chu Yan would never reveal himself, and decided to look at it first.

“who are you!?”

A young man on the side of 3 people, with a sturdy face and a thunderous voice, eyes staring directly at the mask person in the distance, shouted coldly

“The ruins have been ruined forever. As long as you hand over the things, I can promise to take you away from here and give you a great future!

“Ha ha ha….”

In a word, the mask man, but laughed loudly, screaming the whole sky …

“I was ordered by Sir to stay here and wait for 100,000 years, just to wait for the opportunity! You waited for a small night and did not meet Sir’s requirements. I also delusionally mentioned Supreme Treasure that Sir had left? It was courting death!”

“Hmph! I want to see who is courting death!”

A woman standing side by side with a man in a leather fur coat and tight body, looks like a very enchanting figure, speaking a tone, but a murderous aura!

“Old Ancestor, no need to talk nonsense with him, kill him, except Broke Sword, everything else belongs to you!”

“Hehe…. Since that is the case, old man will help each other naturally!”

Yellow robe old man holding a huge dragon-shaped walking stick, when he heard the words of young men and women, he immediately smiled and nodded agreed.

“Martial Soul, come out!”

“7 moon and stars tooth hook, come out!”

Waiting for the old man’s words to land, the young men and women who have already waited impatiently, and shouted at the same time, Martial Soul called out by Qi Qi….

Behind the man is a Ghost Headed Great Saber, sharp aura, like a gang wind, sweeping the whole sky, full of ten star souls, shining the dazzling black star soul light …

Behind the woman, however, is a crescent hook, the body is white, the hook is constantly flashing, looming, the same full 10 Star Martial Soul, but the light of the green star soul …

The power of 2 Martial Souls is like 2 pieces of monstrous flood, with aura destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth, making the void all around trembling madly …

“Good! Good! The younger generations will surpass us in time ah! Dragon halberd, come out!”

Yellow robe old man, looking at the Martial Soul of two young people, the smile on his face was more intense, but it was without the slightest hesitation. With a big hand, the leading cane in his hand was thrown into the air, loudly shouted.

Immediately afterwards, the stick that was thrown into the air was shining through the body, emitting 10000 golden lights, turning into a golden Roaming Dragon, circling in the air, and once again evolved into a golden light. Euphorbia …

“What … what happened !? Also … there is such a Martial Soul !?”

In the distance, Chu Yan hiding in the ruined stone palace, but at this time, his face was stiff, and he looked directly at the 3 Martial Soul in the sky, and his face was unbelievable …

These 3 Martial Soul, Simply and Chu Yan are all different from all Martial Soul seen on Vast Heaven Continent!

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