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“Hmph! Even if I were to destroy my 100,000-year cultivation base, I would also get the Broken Soul Sword!”

The young man’s face is angry look, his eyes are erupted, and his voice is low.

“Great Divine Dao, 1000 split!”

“Big Divine Dao, the demon golden body!”

In a word, the young men and women squeezed the hand seal at the same time, and their hands were constantly flying. The body of 2 people, a path of horrible illusory shadow, kept rushing out of 2 people …

In the blink of an eye, there are 10000 black illusory shadows, which are constantly fused and condensed in the air and transformed into 2 human figures …

At a glance, it is the appearance of young men and women!

“You … are you crazy !?”

yellow robe old man, seeing that 2 people actually used Life Source, decided to divide their Divine Soul divided into two, they were stunned and stunned …

“Old Ancestor, this time opportunity, million years is hard to come by … If you just give up like this, I really do n’t want to know, this is the treasure of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, and the Heavenly Dao Mingshen ’s Soul Sword, at worst damage I have rebuilt it for 100,000 years, and I recognize it! “

The young man spoke like he was talking to himself, and he was persuading yellow robe old man, shouted anxiously …

“You … oh! Broken Soul Sword … Not to mention, old fogey’s life essence will soon accompany you crazy!”

In a word, yellow robe old man also flipped the hand seal and divided Divine Soul divided into two… ..

Immediately, 3 people waved their hands at the same time. On the sky, 3 human figures immediately turned around and moved out towards the site of the ruins …


Seeing that half of her Divine Soul had flown away, yellow robe old man loudly shouted, the whole body of golden light masterpiece, formed a shield, wrapped the body of 3 people in groups, flicked, and rushed directly into the mouth of the ancient demonic path …

Boom … call …!

3 silhouettes, with an imposing manner without going forward, stepped into the stone gate instantly, letting all the blood of the Baleful Qi breath around, like the waves of the storm, constantly shooting on the golden cover around the body, but it was the slightest remain unmoved….

It can be seen that the means used by this yellow robe old man is no worse than azure Tianlian!

……… ..

On the other side, within the stone gate channel …

Chu Yan rushing into the stone gate seems to be above a black cloud, all around is dark, except for the cloud under the foot with the faint light of thunder and lightning, nothing can be seen clearly …

Every foot stepped on, there was a feeling of incomparably soft, Chu Yan continued, Chu Yan even a little unclear direction!

It’s just that there is an incomparably tall towering tree on the nowhere sky, and the blurry tree shadow almost covers half the sky.

Chu Yan is aiming at that tree shadow and keeps on moving forward, hoping to get out of this area soon!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, in the direction behind him, 3 golden luminous clusters, as if 3 rounds of dazzling blazing sun, came from a distance, at an alarming speed …

At a distance of nearly 100 li, the young men and women and the yellow robe old man saw Chu Yan ’s silhouette at a glance, and suddenly the whole body of the golden light masterpiece raised the speed to the extreme, and rushed to Chu Yan …

“Not good! They came after …”

Seeing that three people came behind, Chu Yan suddenly had a complexion changed, only to feel a tingle of scalp, and his mind suddenly tightened.

He originally thought that these three people would definitely not rush into the ancient demonic path to chase themselves, but didn’t expect that people are not heavenly!

After all, this Outer World, the powerful Martial Artist, has its own hole cards, and cannot guess at random!

“Boy, hand over the Broken Soul Sword!”

With a stern drink, the young men and women and the yellow robe old man shot at the same time, 3 attacks, like 3 horizontal comets, dragging a long tail flame, and constantly rubbing with the blood Baleful Qi of all 4 directions, all the way There was a screaming shriek that slammed into Chu Yan.

These three attacks, the finished glyphs, cover Chu Yan’s front, back, left, and right directions in all directions. Yan Yan simply does not want to give Chu Yan any escape opportunities.

“Fight against the water!”

“10000 elephants, 7 Avatar, come out!”

“Kaitian Sword Art, reincarnation!”

“Kaitian Sword Art, ruling!”

“Kaitian Sword Art, Divine Punishment!”

Chu Yan loudly roared, without any hesitation, after a few years, the first time to use the “back water”, at the same time, while evoking 7 10000 elephant Avatar, a big wave, Clear Sky Sword, sword light storm, 3 swords in a row …

These 3 swords are the first 3 styles of Kaitian Sword Art, but they are currently the strongest 3 moves attack!

Boom … Rumble!

Against the backwaters, Chu Yan ’s battle strength instantly increased by 3 times, 3 lightning-like sword glows, fiercely slashed to 3 attacks,

At the same time, seven 7 elephants, holding a long sword, follow closely from behind, fiercely rushed to three golden light silhouettes.

Under the raging weather, 3 sword glow and the other party’s attack, at the same time, exploded, the blast wave exploded, swept all directions, and rushed to Chu Yan, causing him to fly backward quickly …

It’s not that Chu Yan can’t resist these explosive energy waves, but that Chu Yan is ready to use these energy waves to accelerate his own movement art …

Suddenly, when 7 10000 elephants Avatar were entangled with 3 powerhouses, Chu Yan’s figure was like a black lightning, moved towards the towering tree shadows in the distance, shot directly …

As the tree shadows got closer and closer, the blood Baleful Qi of Chu Yan’s body all around became super rich, like a large stream of water, wrapping Chu Yan together.

Fortunately, azure Tianlian constantly emits azure soft light, completely protecting Chu Yan’s body, and is not eroded by these blood Baleful Qi breath …

“That kid is running away again!”

In the dark cloud sea in the distance, the young men and women and the yellow robe old man just exploded 3 10000 elephants like Avatar. As soon as they looked up, they saw the silhouette of Chu Yan flying to the distance like lightning, and exclaimed suddenly. .

How could they didn’t expect, a kid who was only Martial Sovereign Realm, still had such a means that he could withstand the attacks of their three people with one person!

You know, any one of their three people has the strength to fight the quasi-imperial powerhouse, didn’t expect, but was blocked by a kid from Martial Sovereign Realm!

Moreover, what annoys them the most is that the yellow robe old man uses the secret skill to block the Blood Fiendish Qi that is constantly eroded from all around. The consumption is extremely huge, and even the battle strength has dropped by nearly 50%, but …

The mysterious kid seems to be completely unaffected, not only the battle strength, but also the speed is getting faster and faster …

“Damn it! Can’t let him escape, the Soul Sword must be handed!”

yellow robe old man, his face full of cold colors, the whole face is completely distorted, had already caught up, thought of killing the other party within one move, regaining the broken soul sword, and then trying to leave the ancient demonic path …

But now, how can they let the other party escape so easily, and so on, how long can they last in this ancient demonic path! ?

“Ghost and Demon Fight 10000 Ancients, Sky Fall 9 Hades!”

Seeing the silhouette of Chu Yan, getting farther and farther, in the eyes of the young men, the blood flickered, his big hand waved, a black light rushed out of his body, but a black light Ghost Headed Great Saber….

With a low drink, the hand seal seemed to fly like a ghost knife, and suddenly Ghost Headed Great Saber emitted 10000 black smoke, condensing into a ghost body of a thousand zhang high, like a mountain. His body, with just one punch, smashed all the voids around the 3 people into a powder …

Together with the blood Baleful Qi breath of all four directions, it was completely ruined into nothingness, and 4 people suddenly felt lightened!

“Quick, only ten breaths time, must catch up with him!”

The young man drank aloud, turned his body into electricity, and moved towards Chu Yan in the distance, rushing away …

The other 2 people’s pupil light was bright, follow closely from behind, True Qi Gang Yuan exploded to the extreme, and instantly shortened the distance from Chu Yan.

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