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Flying across the sky, as if a Demon Sword Martial Emperor flying like an arrow, the expression is extremely panic, even with a trace of fright …

Not bad!

It’s fright!


The silhouette of white fell straight in front of Chu Yan. Demon Sword Martial Emperor did not stand on the ground, but instead fell to the ground directly on the ground when he fell in the air. Tao

“Pay respects to Sir, low me damn it!”

At this time, Chu Yan ’s eyes were full of azure rays of light, his body exuding imposing manner, slowly turning his head, looked towards Demon Sword Martial Emperor kneeling to the ground, but coldly snorted, shouted

“The person I choose, you can peep !?”

In a word, Chu Yan of the azure light masterpiece in the whole body seems to have become another person. The aura radiated from the whole body, completely hiding the all around Heaven and Earth from the void, completely isolated, as if forming a world, and this outer world, Not at all.

“Small damn! Small damn! I don’t know Sir is coming, is it Heavenly Dao Ming curse is about to …”

Hearing “Chu Yan”, Demon Sword Martial Emperor was so scared that the whole body shuddered again, and quickly asked carefully …

“Shut up!”

But, after waiting for Demon Sword Martial Emperor to ask, he slammed and interrupted him …

“What I did, I still need Heavenly Dao from this little World. I can’t make it, hmph!”

With a loud hum, the invisible waves of naked eye suddenly rushed away, smashing the sky within a radius of 100 li …

The prestige of a word is so horrible!

This time, Demon Sword Martial Emperor was so frightened that soul flies away and scatters, he never dared to speak, but just fell deep to the ground, his body trembling …

“Remnant Soul is not easy for you to lead the way. It will not be judged by you. However, remember that this child comes from the ancient demonic path, and you have a chance. If you can help him, it will be of great benefit to you …”

The words fell to the ground, the azure light of Chu Yan quickly subsided, and the black pupil light slowly recovered …

“Also, don’t tell this child, my identity, otherwise … hmph!”

in midair humming echoed again, Demon Sword Martial Emperor did not dare to be disobedient and kept responding

“Yes! Yes! Just follow Sir’s decree!”

The words fell to the ground, and the azure light on Chu Yan also completely dissipated, except that the dull color in his eyes did not recover, and it was still a look of distraction.

At this time, in Sea of ​​Consciousness …

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness body, with the same ignorant face, suspended in the air, was shot by a tall Azure armor on the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, azure light, completely covered, the whole body was stiff, no response …

On the Sea of ​​Consciousness sky, the 5 beast shadows with a monstrous imposing manner are neatly arranged and suspended in front of the blue armor giant …

Headed by Qilin Martial Soul, 7-color auspicious clouds on foot, 5-color lightning flashing on both eyes, Heavenly Might all over the body….

Behind it, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon 4 respect Divine Beast, imposing manner like a rainbow, and the blue armor giant, continue to engage in imposing manner, without letting …

However, Qilin Martial Soul and the blue armor giant seem to be constantly talking, and the eyes of the two people sweep across Divine Soul’s dull Chu Yan from time to time …

shua! shua! shua!

Qilin’s conversation with the blue armor giant lasted one hour, and finally, Qilin Martial Soul took the other 4 Divine Beast Martial Soul, returned to the Martial Soul mountain, closed his eyes and fell asleep, no longer asked the green armor giant to Chu Yan control…..

It seems that there is some kind of tacit agreement between the two, and Qilin Martial Soul also confirmed that the green armor giant is not malicious to Chu Yan, except for the separation of a Martial Soul consciousness, which fell on Chu Yan and the green armor giant respectively. , No more intervention …

Immediately, the blue armor giant’s eyes turned and fell on the dull Chu Yan …

“Wake up!”

The three-character mantra, like Sanskrit, with an inexplicable mysterious way, instantly made Chu Yan’s body fiercely tremble …

In less than one breath, Chu Yan’s dull eyes suddenly flashed and instantly brightened.

“His … what’s the matter? This … this is there !?”

Chu Yan looked suspicious, looking around in four places. Just now he clearly remembered to be talking with the giant of the green armor. Why did he suddenly lose Divine Soul and did n’t realize it all at once …

When he woke up again, he saw the blue armor giant, looking straight at himself, with a solemn look on his face.

“Okay! Chu Yan, people outside will no longer do excessive things to you. This ancient demonic path has your chance, so cherish it!”

In a word, the silhouette of the green armor giant turned into a large green smoke, like a long whale sucking a rainbow, quickly retracted into the azure sky lotus floating in the air, and in the blink of an eye, it completely disappeared in front of Chu Yan …

“Uh … what’s the matter !?”

Seeing this scene, Chu Yan stared blankly in the air, azure Tianlian, which had completely returned to normal state, could not see the situation at all …

Moreover, when Chu Yan Divine Consciousness left Sea of ​​Consciousness and returned to Fleshy body, he saw Demon Sword Martial Emperor, kneeled down in front of him, and his whole body shiver coldly, it was completely silly!

“Front … Senior, you are …”

Chu Yan hurried forward, helped Demon Sword Martial Emperor up, and asked suspiciously …

“Sir, under … yi !? You brat … hmph!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor trembles and climbs up from the ground in fear and fear. First, he respectfully called Chu Yan Sir. When he heard Chu Yan ’s words, he felt that the aura on him had completely changed back to his original state, and suddenly complexion changed. The words turned sharply.

“Senior, what were you doing just now …? Who are you talking about, Sir?”

Chu Yan asked.

“Cough cough, you little child, you shouldn’t ask, don’t ask, ask, I won’t tell you, hmph!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor face, full of red, embarrassed answer …

“Sir you mean, isn’t that blue armor giant!”

Chu Yan groaned slightly, staring at Demon Sword Martial Emperor and asked with a chuckle.

“Bah! What a giant green armor, that’s big … uh! Tell you not to ask!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor quickly shook his head and avoided talking directly, no matter how Chu Yan asked, just shook his head …

But in fact, Chu Yan has basically affirmed that the Demon Sword Martial Emperor is so scared that he kneels on the ground. The man who is called Sir is the blue armored giant who rests on the azure Tianlian in his Sea of ​​Consciousness.

It’s just that you can make a prestigious Martial Emperor, respected as Sir, so respectful, what strength and identity is this green armor giant! ?

After a little thought, Chu Yan felt that this Sir, I am afraid that it is the kind of Supreme that I dare not even think about!

“Boy, didn’t expect, you turned out to be Heavenly Dao’s man of destiny, tsk tsk tsk, these opportunities, hehe, really didn’t expect …”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor was afraid that Chu Yan would ask him about Sir again, so he took the initiative to speak to Chu Yan

“Boy, can you tell me, where did your Divine Beast Martial Soul come from !? Is it 4 or 5?”

“Senior, this Divine Beast Martial Soul, is a natural awakening, a total of 5!”

Chu Yan knew that just before the emergence of the Green Armor Giant, Demon Sword Martial Emperor used Dewey and had already detected his majority cards.

Moreover, according to the blue armor giant, this Demon Sword Martial Emperor is useful to himself, so Chu Yan also plans to hide him and tell him directly that he has the 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul.

“Natural awakening, you lie to ah!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Demon Sword Martial Emperor looked like a cat with a stomped tail, jumped up directly, and shouted loudly, but soon the complexion changed, and the head said

“It’s ok! I guess you won’t even know it!”

“You know, you are currently wearing St. Rakshasa, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul, most important, and you have also obtained azure sky lotus. The legendary Heavenly Dao Ming mantra mentioned 4 kinds of karma. You have 3 kinds. same…..”

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