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In the ruins outside the mouth of the ancient demonic path, Chu Yan saw with his own eyes that 3 powerful Martial Artists, in order to get the Sword of Soul, fight with the masked man and do his best …

Even in the end, Chu Yan snatched the Broken Soul Sword and rushed into the mouth of the ancient demonic path. The three people, still fighting for their lives, used the means of heaven to chase them down.

If it was n’t good luck, it just happened to be “Blood Thunder Cloud”, I ’m afraid I really would, because of the broken soul sword.

It can be seen from this, how precious is this broken soul sword!

But now, listening to the meaning of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, such a Heaven Defying Soul Sword is only a small part of his treasure …

For a time, Chu Yan was stunned and looked at Demon Sword Martial Emperor …

“You … why are you staring at me! You … what expression are you ?! Do you dare to doubt the emperor?”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor looked at Chu Yan’s expression, his eyes twitched suddenly, shouted anxiously, “Boy, you know, in this outer domain continent, as long as I mention Demon Sword Martial Emperor, that I don’t know, that I don’t know, these few For 10000 years, in order to obtain the opportunity of Heavenly Dao Ming mantra, I entered the ruins and Danger Land, there is no 1000 and 800, although there is no treasure related to Heavenly Dao Ming mantra, but with so many Forbidden Land, how can I have nothing reward!?”

“This … is too!”

hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, said.

“Of course, I ask you, is the map of the bark I left behind on you?” Demon Sword Martial Emperor asked.

“Good! I got the bark map from the Saints of the Netherworld!”

Chu Yan nodded, a big hand, took out the bark map …

“En! Yes, this is the map. I tell you that what is recorded in this map is where my ultimate treasure is. However, in addition to the Soul Sword, this map also requires 2 Spirit Treasures to arouse, this matter, you Collect it yourself … “

After that, Demon Sword Martial Emperor waved his hand casually, seeming to be completely unconcerned …

“I collected it myself. Isn’t this … the treasure you left behind?”

Chu Yan heard Demon Sword Martial Emperor’s words, and was suddenly speechless. The treasure owner was directly in front of him, telling himself where the treasure is, isn’t it over?

Actually, I have to collect it myself, and besides this Soul Sword, 2 other Spirit Treasures are there, Chu Yan doesn’t know at all.


However, Chu Yan looked at Demon Sword Martial Emperor and didn’t tell him what he meant, so he nodded and put away the bark map and the broken soul sword.

During his lifetime, Demon Sword Martial Emperor spent all his hard work for the Heavenly Dao spell, and finally even lost himself to Forbidden Land …

Therefore, his treasure will naturally not tell others easily …

Perhaps this is also his Martial Emperor, the last trace of dignity!

Moreover, Chu Yan needs to raise the cultivation base to the Realm of Martial Emperor. In this foreign domain World, it is not possible to experience some experience and travel, when the time comes, and then casually explore the remaining 2 years of Spirit Treasure, I believe that sooner or later I will find the final Where the treasure is.

“Oh, boy, you remember, as the successor of Sword Peak, what I leave to you will never let you down!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor glanced at Chu Yan, it seemed to mean long, waved his hand, and then said

“The Emperor is now just a Remnant Soul, who lives in the Sword of Soul Breaking, time is running out, let’s go, I will take you away from this place!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor remembered that before Sir disappeared, he told himself that in this ancient demonic path, if he could help Chu Yan, he might have a great chance for himself …

Therefore, Demon Sword Martial Emperor is ready to fight the last Remnant Soul and take Chu Yan to the ancient demonic path.

“many thanks Senior !”

Chu Yan hearing this, hurriedly bowed a hand, and thanked.

After all, this ancient demonic path is extremely dangerous land. In the legendary place of ten deaths without life, I do n’t know anything about it. If there is a Demon Sword Martial Emperor to guide the way, I believe it will be much easier.

Under the Demon Tree, the blood Baleful Qi breath is much richer than the blood demonic path.

Although Chu Yan has Tianlian body protection, he is not afraid of these bloody Baleful Qi, but his own Qilin pupil can only see the situation within 100 steps …

If you run like this, you are afraid that the chance of going out is extremely low!

“Let’s go!”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor waved a big hand, the black Emperor Wei rushed out, completely dispersing Blood Fiendish Qi in all directions from all directions …

At the same time, above his head, a black light rushed out, turned into a black dagger, suspended above his head by 3 inches, continuously moved towards all directions in 4 directions, and a circle of black ripples rippled …

It is worthy of Demon Sword Martial Emperor, the magic energy above this short sword is extremely powerful, far more than the blood of all around Baleful Qi …

“Really strong Dewey, really strong Sword Intent… ..”

Staring at the black short sword above Demon Sword Martial Emperor ’s head, Chu Yan ’s eyes were full of different colors, did n’t expect, Demon Sword Martial Emperor ’s Sword Intent was able to increase Sword Intent entity, this was his first time See …

“I don’t know, when will I be able to promote Sword Intent to this realm !?”

Chu Yan murmured secretly in his heart, and moved slightly in his heart. After all, he is also majoring in Sword Dao, and naturally hopes that Sword Dao can be promoted to a higher realm …

“Look, all around, don’t think that it seems to be calm now. In fact, there are countless dangers, poisons and traps hidden in it… ..”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor strode out, moved towards the front, and said to Chu Yan

“The 1000 and 100 Forbidden Land Danger Land in this outer domain continent are really different from the Vast Heaven Continent. That is the real Danger Land and Forbidden Land… ..”

“Although our Vast Heaven Continent’s experience places are dangerous, but most of them are in a certain proportion, as long as you are careful, you can still survive, but this foreign continent, the basic fuck is not according to common sense, all kinds of strange and natural phenomena change , Endless emergence, the last moment is still peaceful, the next breath is Thundercloud 10,000 li, in a mortal situation … “

Chu Yan followed Demon Sword Martial Emperor and heard his explanation, it was also nodded….

I was just hunted down by 3 powerhouses. It was the thundercloud that suddenly appeared and threw the other party back …

2 people one after the other, step into the endless sea of ​​blood and fog, moved towards the depths of the ancient demonic path, go!

The whole sky, Daji, Fanfan World, seems to be completely submerged by these thick blood-smelling mists, as if in the clouds, even the direction is difficult to distinguish!

“En !? There seems to be a situation over there …”

I don’t know how long I left. Chu Yan suddenly moved his head and suddenly turned his head, looking towards the side of his body, opening to remind the Demon Sword Martial Emperor in front.

Hearing this, Demon Sword Martial Emperor stopped and turned to look …

I saw that in the misty fog, I could vaguely see it. Beyond 1000 steps on the right, under a dead tree with no leaves at all, a humanoid skeleton sitting under the tree seemed to be a damaged person. I do n’t know how many years the remains of Martial Artist.

However, despite that, the skull still released a faint aura, shining the brilliance of green, and the dead tree behind him, and it seemed to have a mysterious force with the body of the skull. Inexplicable association …

“Haha…. Good luck! This is a corpse mark …”

Demon Sword Martial Emperor sees the situation clearly, suddenly laughed heartily, then, the figure turns, moved towards the dead tree and the skeleton …

“Boy, this powerhouse, before dying, integrated his Divine Soul into this tree, leaving a lasting thought, so that we can communicate with it and explore the situation nearby … The standard is regarded as his own corpse, leaving road sign information for future generations.

While speaking, Demon Sword Martial Emperor has come to stand before the skeleton, waved his big hand, a ray of Diwei aura, moved towards the dead tree wrapped away …

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