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Chapter 1432

“Demon wolf peak, Qiu Wuhuang !?”

Chu Yan’s eyes shifted slightly, looking at the handsome young man, the pupil light flashed slightly.

Listening to the voice of all around, and the shiny eyes of 4 all directions, you can judge that this Qiu Wuhuang should be the most famous genius in the 9 Grade 9 Spirit Peaks in this demonic city.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared, there was an uproar.

Moreover, it seems that everyone has determined that the result of this person’s seizure of Grade 9 to Grade 8 Spirit Peak.

“I don’t know, Senior Brother Qiu, how many layers can you go through?”

“This Grade 9 monument, like other monuments, is 9-Layer, adding up to a total of 81 layers, at least ten layers must be traversed to be eligible to be named on the Grade 8 monument!”

“No problem, Qiu Senior Brother just came out of retreat, and the cultivation base may have reached the half-step Martial Emperor Initial Stage!”

“Also, if Senior Brother Qiu can’t break through, then we have no hope!”


Among the various comments, Qiu Wuhuang, who smiled with a smile on his face, had already stepped into the Grade 9 monument and began the assessment directly!

What makes Chu Yan didn’t expect is that this assessment is extremely fast!

In less than breath breaths, a pale face of hatred, he came out of the Grade 8 crystal monument beside him!

“Qiu Wuhuang! Passed through the 2 8 Layer, named the Grade 8 crystal monument! Demon wolf peak today, upgraded Grade 1 Spirit Peak!”

The host Elder in front of the Grade 9 crystal monument saw Qiu Wuhuang appear, and suddenly he was overjoyed and announced loudly.

With one word, the whole Grade 9 crystal monument immediately burst into cheers!

Especially those disciplines that belong to the peak of demon wolf, rushed towards Qiu Wuhuang, throwing it high, as if celebrating a hero.

“Ha ha ha, Senior Brother Qiu is too powerful!”

“That’s right, I’m sure it will pass! Didn’t expect and rushed to the 2th Layer 1!”

“Yeah, beyond 2 Layer, this time, other Grade 9 Spirit Peak, there is no chance to exceed!”

“Chou Senior Brother, it is the first time in 9 years that our Grade 8 Spirit Peak has been named the Grade 1 crystal monument! It’s amazing!”

“…… ..”

Various cheers sounded like the tide, and the demon wolf peak cheered!

Other disciplines of Grade 9 Spirit Peak belong to this scene.

You know, for a full ten years, the rank on the Grade 9 crystal monument has not been moved, let alone from Grade 9 ascending to Grade 8 Spirit Peak!

After all, the cultivation resources allocated by Grade 9 Spirit Peak are 8% less than Grade 50 Spirit Peak.

In addition, every time a new disciple is entered, it is only after the other high-end Spirit Peak is selected that it is the turn of Grade 9 Spirit Peak.

Under these conditions, if you want to improve your Spirit Peak’s ranked, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension!

However, the 9 Spirit Peak gangsters whose rank is Grade 9 are of course unwilling to continue to do so. Therefore, under their respective dark backgrounds, they concentrate the cultivation resources of each peak and pour it on the strongest genius of each peak.

Ten years of hard work and massive accumulation of resources are only for today!

Next, the discipline of each and everyone Grade 9 Spirit Peak continues to sign up for the Elder host to participate in the name test!

Chu Yan followed the crowd, holding the identity Jade Talisman given by Elder Duan, and signed up!

In the subsequent waiting time, Chu Yan has been paying attention to each of the disciplines who participated in the name assessment …

Sure enough, after the Qiu Wuhuang, those Grade 9 Spirit Peak disciple, a few thousand people successively entered the Grade 1000 monument and participated in the assessment, but none of them succeeded in leaving their names. The Spirit Peak ranked belongs to it, and there is no slight change. All ended in failure!

“Next, Chief Disciple of Magic Sword Peak, Chu Yan!”

Host Elder’s words, as if a ban was issued, in front of the entire Grade 9 crystal monument, suddenly, there was silence!

Everyone’s face was started. Simultaneously shua shua looked at it, including the Qiu Wuhuang who just completed the Grade 8 crystal monument.

“Magic Sword Peak !? Chief !?” Qiu Wuhuang’s expression froze, his eyes instantly taxed and profited.

The cold eyes looked at Chu Yan. At a glance, Chu Yan’s superior Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base saw clearly.

This cultivation base is not worth mentioning to the half-step Martial Emperor!

However, the chief disciple, 4 words, was a moment of convulsion to Qiu Wuhuang.

In the Magic Heaven City, how distinguished is the identity of the chief discipline. Even if it is Grade 9 Spirit Peak, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension to obtain a Chief Position in nearly 10000000 million disciple!

Genius like him, all his life, is for the name of a “chief”!

You should know that among the 100000000 million elite disciple in Motiandu, what can be called the “chief” is also only a trifling 99 people.

“Ha ha ha, chief !? Laugh me!”

“The whole Sword Peak seems to be him alone! This chief is too easy!”

“Hehe, didn’t expect the magic Sword Peak seal for 1000 years, actually recruited such a poor discipline.”

“That is, the first peak of Devil’s Day at that time was considered completely abolished!”

“This guy came out of here, dare to call himself chief here … ha ha ha”

“… ‘

In front of the Grade 9 crystal monument, nearly 10000000 million people looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, all with ridicule.

Among the crowd, Chu Yan completely ignored the laughter of all around, strode out and moved towards Grade 9 crystal monument.

However, before he walked into the gate of the crystal monument, a silhouette flashed in front of him, but he was directly blocked by the way.

Chu Yan figure stopped, who looked up and blocked his way, it was … Qiu Wuhuang!

next moment, a full cold voice sounded …

“Boy, you are Chu Yan !?”

Qiu Wuhuang raised his chin and looked at Chu Yan, almost talking with his nostrils.

“Good! Is there something wrong?” Chu Yan asked, his eyes slightly cold.

“From today on, you are not allowed to claim to be the chief, otherwise … hmph!” Qiu Wuhuang coldly snorted, looking at Chu Yan, the tone was all command tone

“The name of the chief is not your kind of garbage at all, you are qualified to own, you are not worthy!”


Hearing Qiu Wuhuang ’s words, Chu Yan suddenly lightly narrows the eyes, with his mouth lightly raised, said with a sneer “Whether it ’s not worthy, and it ’s not your turn to point your finger and get me lost!”

The word fell to the ground, as if a thunderclap, so that the scene of the original laughter was suddenly quiet!

Everyone, including Elder, the host of the Grade 9 Crystal Stele, turned their heads in unison, moving towards Chu Yan, looking astonished.

Just … what I heard! ?

The magic disc Sword Peak’s new disciple, actually made Demon wolf peak Number One Genius, Qiu Wuhuang who just named the Grade 8 crystal monument … get lost! ?

He … Is he crazy? ?

Even dare to face so many people, offend the Demon wolf peak number One Genius’s Qiu Wuhuang, don’t you want to be mixed up in Heaven and Devil! ?

The audience was dead, everyone was stunned and stared at Qiu Wuhuang or Chu Yan with a stunned face.

After a short breath, Qiu Wuhuang finally awakened from the shock. This damn rubbish dared to scold himself, which made him bear it,

“You … courting death!”

Loudly shouted, half-step Martial Emperor Realm cultivation base, broke out in an instant, raise your hand and prepare to take a palm …


shout out loudly sounded, the host Elder in front of the Grade 9 crystal monument immediately vocally stopped, saying, “Anyone, dare to do it on the Demon God platform, cancel the name, and shall not participate in the Demon God evaluation for life!”

At this sound, Qiu Wuhuang suddenly shivered, and the violent True Qi disappeared instantly …

He has just completed the assessment and the Grade 8 crystal list has been named. If he cancels his score because of the impulse, it will be too cost-effective.

“Boy, I remember you, you are waiting!”

Qiu Wuhuang coldly shouted, turned around immediately, and returned to the demon wolf peak camp.

He had already planned, when Chu Yan failed, he left the Demon God platform, when the time comes, and killed him directly!

Within the Demon City, but can not help but kill!

“Chu Yan, quickly complete the assessment!” Host Elder looked towards Chu Yan, a flash of sympathy flashed in his eyes, opened the mouth and said.

Without any hesitation, Chu Yan strode out and entered the Grade 9 monument directly.

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