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Chu Yan exhaled for a long time, his body looked distorted, and in a flash, he came to the space of the 5th Layer Crystal Monument.

“What !? Jian Gang !? You … you …”

As Chu Yan silhouette slowly emerged, the knife waiter standing at the 5th 1th layer, just about to meet him, suddenly swept, but saw Chu Yan’s body, a silk shadow like electric current, Suddenly the complexion changed.


The black sword fell to the ground, and the knife waiter held his hands high, his eyes glared to the limit, full of blood, his body was trembling, staring at Chu Yan, as if he had seen a ghost.

“How is it possible !? This … impossible!”

The knife waiter was horrified, his roar sounded, and his whole body shook violently, causing his already weak body to become thinner and thinner.

“Sword … Jian Gang! I am afraid that even the presence on the Sword Sect Roll may not necessarily carry the power of Jian Gang …”

The knife waiter stepped out and stepped on the fallen sword in front of him. His body crooked and almost fell on the ground with his ass.

However, staggering, still stepping out step by step, the knife waiter of the 5 1 Layer, quickly moved towards Chu Yan.

“No … impossible is Jiangang! Impossible!”


Standing at the top 10 steps of Chu Yan’s body, Dao Shi’s eyes twitched, and Chu Yan looked up and down for a long time. For a long time, his inexplicable eyes lighted up in vain.

This palm is not strong, the palm is extremely strong, and the speed is amazing!

Yu Qi said it was an attack, it was better to say it was a defense, because the sword waiter put all his strength into this palm, Divine Consciousness controlled it, so that the power of this palm seal was never released and restrained to the extreme.

Like a thick and powerful shield, moved towards Chu Yan Sword Qi flowing around, slowly approaching!

xiu! xiu! xiu!

Black and white Sword Qi, which was triggered at once, exploded like a gang of thunder. Only the a sword gang, the palm seal that was slowly approaching, was shattered.

2nd Jian Gang follow closely from behind, as if a black electricity, just a flash, then shot into the knife waiter within the body, so that his thin body was instantly broken into a big hole.

Zi …

Jian Gang is like electricity, centered on a big hole that is broken, and constantly moved towards the whole body of the knife waiter …

“Ha ha ha, it really is … Sure enough it is … Jian Gang ah! Really Jian Gang! Demon Sword is born, and …”

The wanton laughter resounded throughout the crystal monument space, and even Chu Yan, who was originally obsessed with comprehension, was suddenly awakened …

“What’s the matter !? Hmm !? This is the tenth off !?”

Chu Yan looked up towards all around, but I saw that the fifteenth Guan Dao waited in front of him, his body had turned into fly ash, as if it were scattered in the sky.


Not waiting for Chu Yan to react, the space is distorted at a rapid speed, the 5th level disappears, the 6th level 1 appears …

“What did the knife waiter say just now … Jiangang !?”

Chu Yan appeared in the space of the 6th Guan Jingbei, looked down towards him, and found a large cyclone of Sword Intent surrounding himself.

These Sword Intent cyclones are powerful, even Chu Yan of the cultivation Sword Dao feels cool in his heart!

“Really strong Sword Qi, this … is very similar to the Sword Qi used before Demon Sword Martial Emperor!”

Buzz ~ Buzz ~!

The Clear Sky Sword in the hand, tremors constantly, provokes all Sword Intent cyclones, crazy tumbling, powerful Sword Qi, forming a wave of Sword Qi, like a shock wave, moved towards 4 sides all directions rushing out …

Boom … Rumble!

Jian Gang is like a thunderbolt passing through, rushing through, the entire Martial Arts Stage of the 6th level, the huge Martial Arts Stage, everything is turned into powder!

Even holding the black war knife, the ten-six-off knife waiter stormed from the storm, and was instantly swallowed by the tide of the sword, leaving no residue left!

“It turns out that this is Dao of Sword!”

Eyes are like stars and stars, looking quietly at the entire level, disappearing in the tide of Jiangang, Chu Yan murmured lightly said.


Space-Time reverses, and the tenth and seventh levels appear … Chu Yan waved his hand and broke it!

Tenth level 8 … cut!

Level 21 …

3rd 3th level …

Level 40 6 …

Level 68 …

70th 4 off …


At this time, Demon God station, in front of 9 crystal monuments, vast crowd …

With the black light of the 9th crystal monument lit up, the scene of 10000000 million people was silent, absolute silence!

Even in front of the 9 crystal monuments, all 9 Demon Elders are Deacon Elder, all with a terrified look, all turned their heads to stare at the highest crystal monument, their faces full of unbelievable colors!

Mozun monument … it’s bright! ?

The demon monument headed by 9 crystal monuments ranked, turned on! ?

how many years! ?

I am afraid that there are 3000 years, this demon monument is lit for the first time!

What does this mean? It means that a recipe broke into the Demon Lord’s List and rushed into the 10000 names on the Demon God platform!

This … how is this possible! ?

There were more than 1000 and 10000 participants in the Demon God platform assessment. All of them were pale and their eyes twitched. Simultaneously shua shua looked at the Demon Monument and even his breathing sound became heavy.

Another deity, are you going to be born! ?

As the head of the Demon Sect in Azure Dragon World, the “Magic Sky” Sect, the reason why it can shock all directions and shock the powers, is because of the extremely powerful “Sky Capital 10000 Devil” in Sect!

Every inside the sect powerhouse named after the demon monument at the head of 9 crystal monuments is the existence of the so-called “Tiandu 10000 Demon”!

10000 The name of the demon, deterring the heaven and earth, and arbitrarily arrogant dragon!

Naturally, in the Devil’s Capital, “Tiandu 10000 Demon” is also nearly ten 100000000 million Sect disciple in Sect, looking up at the existence!

The gap between ordinary disciple and Heaven and Earth is the difference!

Tiandu 10000 Demon is the real elite disciple of “Motian”, the core exists!

Therefore, for 3000 years, the rank on the demon monument is simply, no one can break in, more impossible to leave a name!

But today, in the face of nearly 10000000 million disciple, a “Heaven 10000 Demon” was born!

weng! Hum …

9 The demon statue at the head of the monument suddenly burst into light, emitting 10000 golden lights… ..

Between 10000 and golden light Chancan’s name, every 9000 803 digits, a sudden jump, the two words that appear are … Chu Yan!

hiss! hiss! hiss!

For a long time, a cold air blew up, 10000000 million people blew at the same time, sounded like a tide, gathered together, merged into the strong wind, swept the entire Demon God …

10000000 demon-day disciples, all standing on the spot, looking up at the deity statue, golden light like the name of the column, suddenly jumped, and moved forward again, entered one!

“Ah ah! Look, 9000 801! God … God ah!”

“Mozun … really there is a person, Mozun is born!”

“Too terrifying! Only one out of 3000 years! It made me meet, it’s amazing!”

“This … Chu Yan seems to be the newcomer of … Sword Peak !?”

“Yeah, the little Qiu Wuhuang just said that people don’t deserve the name of chief!”


After a moment, the sound of heaven shaking earth shattering rose into the sky, almost turning the sky on Demon God’s stage!

All kinds of cheers, consternations, and even one piece, like a wave, swept the entire Devil!

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