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Hearing the sound, Chu Yan immediately turned to look …

I saw that a tall middle-aged man, wearing Nine Dragon Robe, full of pearlescent treasure, dragon walk tiger steps, within the body powerful cultivation base aura, without any restraint, constantly rushing all around the void.

His cultivation base turned out to be a subordinate Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse!

“Tianmudu, the chief disciple of Mojo Sword Peak, Brother Chu Yan! Ha ha ha…. Good luck! Good luck!”

The middle-aged man walked up to Chu Yan, looked up and down, smiled, and opened the mouth and said directly

“7 heroes in Xiawei! It is the master of Dao Field and the master of Vajra, whatever you call it, no need to be polite!”

“Have seen Master Dao!” Chu Yan politely replied.

“Brother Chu Yan, did you offend the Ming Clan !?”

After waved his hand at random, Wei 7 Xiong smiled, his voice lowered and asked in a low voice.

“En !? The Underworld !?” Chu Yan hearing this, complexion changed!

“You don’t know ah !? The Ming tribe issued a reward order, looking for you everywhere !?” Wei 7 Xiong said quietly.

“However, you do n’t have to worry. In my city of Vajra, do n’t say it ’s a tribe, even Ten Great Sects, you do n’t dare to make trouble at random, and you are a VIP of my city of Vajra. Thing! Ha ha ha… Brother Chu Yan, rest assured! “

Wei 7’s imposing manner was like a rainbow on his body, and his chest was trembling, said with a big smile.

“Many thanks Master Wei!” Chu Yan nodded.

Regarding the Ming tribe, Chu Yan has long guessed that the other party will not easily let go of themselves, just didn’t expect, they will issue a reward.

It seems that before the strength is not strong, in the future, walk in this Azure Dragon World domain, you need to be more careful!

After all, the Ming tribe is continent in the outer domain and is extremely powerful!

“Okay! Brother Chu Yan, the battle begins immediately. You watch the battle first, you are interested, you can hold this VIP Jade Talisman, come to power at any time! Unrestricted! I will leave first!”

Wei 7 Xiong handed Chu Yan a golden Jade Talisman, then bowed his hand and left the room directly.

After watching Wei 7 Xiong go out, he went directly to the next room. Chu Yan knew that this Master Wei was just to say hello and be polite.

“Hum … hmph! Wait for me!”

A flash of killing intent flashed on Chu Yan’s face, and he didn’t think about it anymore. He continued looking towards the battle stage below.

This battle stage, each at at least has 10000 step size, whether it is material or spirit array, are the best choice.

Many body refinement streams, such as Martial Artists, have entered the War Zone next to the ring, and are all preparing for rate adjustment, waiting for the ring to begin.

These Martial Artists are indeed all body refinement stream powerhouse, each and everyone The body is extremely strong, all kinds of powerful aura, collide with each other, from time to time, will also cause several provocative eyes, each other, the fire medicinal smell is full, the atmosphere is full tension.

Dong! dong! dong!

Suddenly, a sound of bells and drums sounded over the entire Sky Soul Dao Field, echoing.

A silhouette, walking out of the small building, a few flashed, then fell on the central ring, a powerful aura, like the tide, swept the audience.

“Everyone, Dao Field, body refinement ring, start!”

Suddenly, the entire battle stage all around, with 1000 people and a pair of crimson eyes, all flew to the battle battle stage, and the majestic battle intent burst into flames like a flame, rushing into the audience.


Dao Field, the secret room of the master.

“Dao Master, will the Julong Taiyin Formation be opened now? Or …”

Inside the Dark Palace, an old man wearing a yellow robe looked at the stage, and Wei Weixiong, the master of the Golden Dragon embroidered robe, said.

“Ha ha ha … no! This time is about to change!”

Wei 7 has a big smile on his face and a good mood, looked towards yellow robe Deacon, opened the mouth and said

“This time, didn’t expect met a chief disciple of the double body refinement who is the chief discipline! Such a great opportunity, you must not miss it!”

“Congratulations to the Lord! 2 more body refinement Spirit Marks!” Yellow robe old man also smiled and said with a smile.

“Oh, this is 2 Heaven Rank refining Spirit Mark, it is rare in 10000 years! With these 2 Heaven Rank refining Spirit Mark, maybe, Dragon Mark gold body, it really becomes!”

Wei 7 Xiong’s face was grinning, his eyes were like fire, and his face was full of excitement.

“But the Ming tribe …” yellow robe old man reminded.

“What are you afraid of !? Wait for this child’s double body refinement Spirit Mark to be refined, and then notify the Underworld no later! It’s just a little later, Mo Elder won’t mind! After all, we found this Chu Yan for him! “

A proud look flashed on Wei 7 Xiong’s face, which made him very proud.

didn’t expect, this time luck is so good!

Not only can you get 2 rare body refinement Spirit Marks, but you can also get a huge reward on the side of the Ming Clan.

This one move, two gains, kill two birds with one stone, must not be missed!

“Dao Ming Sheng!”

yellow robe old man hearing this, also eyes shined, quickly complimented.

If it is really like what the Taoist said, the two body refinement aura on Chu Yan will be taken out and tempered into Spirit Mark, it will definitely be a great harvest.

You know, the heaven order refining technique, their heaven soul Dao Field, has been almost 100 years, and has not encountered it!


At this time, Sky Soul Dao Field is underground …

A fat silhouette like a ball, quietly appeared in an Earth Palace with an incomparable gigantic.

This Earth Palace is like a castle with 4 black stone walls thicker than several feet full of various prohibited Spirit Marks.

Moreover, along the 4 stone walls, even on the top of the palace, 3 steps one whistle, 5 steps one post, the powerful Martial Artist, holding various Spirit Armaments, wearing the robes of Dao Field, the defense is strict , Can’t even fly in.

Strangely, the ball-like silhouette, with a hint of illusion, like a shadow, those Ominous God’s evil guards, as if they could not see him, let him climb into the stone palace from a stone wall window Among.

“Don’t be so strict, I don’t know if your uncle Situ struggles to climb the wall ah!”

Stuart paid for the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, and finally turned into the stone palace from the window without making a sound.

After landing, he rubbed his waist and raised his eyes. The fat body of Situ Fatty shuddered …

“Dragon … Dragon Mark … Golden Body!”

In a word, the whole person, as if petrified, instantly stood still on the spot!


Heavenly Soul Dao Field, Challenge!

Chu Yan ’s eyes looked toward the central ring, an empty yellow robe with a dragon-shaped old man embroidered on his chest, and his eyes were thunderous, sweeping across the ring area, slowly opening the mouth and said

“Everyone, at the lower end of the woodcut, it is Dao Field Deacon, who is in charge of the battle today!”

In a word, all the noisy sounds in the audience suddenly became quiet.

“Below, please No. 1 and No. 2 to fight in the battle!”

The voice fell to the ground, under the ring, 2 silhouettes, flew out, and landed firmly on the ring.

These two people are all back of a tiger and waist of a bear, with a height of 8 feet and a horrible muscle, as if cast from copper.

“Under Huang An, please enlighten me!”

“Under Yanjing, let’s go!”

2 people bowed each other’s hands for a salute, and then screamed at the same time, as if 2 Ominous Beast, moved towards each other, rushed away.

“8 arms dance sea fist!”

“Fuhudi Devil Legs!”

2 roars exploded, one punch and one leg, like two opposing meteors, roaring through the air, fiercely hit the other side.

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