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Wei 7 was so shocked that he bounced out of the cultivation and hurriedly bowed to a group of Nether messengers

“Pay respects to every messenger!”

Seeing Wei 7 Xiong ’s reaction, Mo Cang was nodded, a flash of different color flashed in his eyes, opened the mouth and said

“City Master Wei, it turns out that you still know the people of the Underworld!”

When the word fell to the ground, Wei 7 suddenly shook his body, and the complexion greatly changed, hurry to arch the hand

“Of course! How dare you …”

“Hmph! Dare not !?”

Mo Cang’s face was suddenly cold, and the murderous aura in his whole body was like a tide, rushing straight to Wei 7 Xiong.

“Don’t think that you are hiding in this Azure Dragon World domain, it is not our underworld territory, we will not kill you!”

“Dare not … Dare not …”

Wei 7 was so scared that he looked pale and bowed again and again.

How could he didn’t expect that the people of the Ming tribe even dared to go deep into the Azure Dragon World domain and appeared in his own city of Vajra.

You know, the Great Sects between the Underworld and Azure Dragon World are like enemies of life and death!

“I’ll ask you!”

Mo Cang glanced at Wei 7 Xiong, seeing that he was scared away from his body, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and said

“The news about Chu Yan has passed so long, why hasn’t it been found !?”


Hearing Mo Cang’s question, Wei 7 Xiong’s complexion changed, browse tightly knit.

Regarding Chu Yan’s news, he deliberately concealed Mo Cang, the purpose is for Chu Yan’s double-level refining technique.

Originally, he was planning to wait for Chu Yan to participate in the battle of the ring, using Ju Long 9 Yin Great Array, after winning Chu Yan’s Body Refining Technique, and then to report to the Ming tribe for reward.

However, if 1000 is counted as 10000, he hasn’t counted it. The people of the Nether tribe would care so much about this Chu Yan.

Not even 100000000 million miles away, traversing the entire underworld, came to the Azure Dragon World area, looking for Chu Yan.

“Sir, the eyeliner has been widely spread, but there is no news yet!”

Wei 7 Xionglue pondered, but still decided to put together, maybe, as long as there is no news of Chu Yan, these people of the Ming tribe will leave directly.

“is it!?”

Mo Cang heard Wei 7 Xiong’s answer, but his eyes flashed coldly, and the rich killing intent continued to rise.

“Why did I receive the news that Chu Yan has appeared in your Vajra city !?”

In a word, Wei 7’s face suddenly changed wildly, glaring at Mo Cang, his face full of fear of astonished expression.

“No! Impossible! I … I …”

Wei 7 Xionggang was about to start quibbling, but at a glance, he found Mo Cang’s face full of cold colors.

At this moment, he finally understood that these people of the Ming tribe had simply discovered Chu Yan’s trace, and deliberately came to himself to ask for guilt.

“Big … Sir, little damn it!” Wei 7 Xiong softened his body and finally bowed his head.

“Hmph! As a foreign member of the Ming tribe, he dared to disobey the Saint Race ban! You … want to die !?” Mo Cang shouted coldly.

“Ah! Big … Sir spares ah!”

Wei 7 male hearing this, scared with a green face, quickly kneel to the ground, trembling and begging for mercy.

“Tomorrow, Chu Yan will definitely appear, when the time comes, you must capture him and take me back to the Nether Race!”

Mo Cang looked at Wei 7 Xiong, his tone softened a bit, but there were a few strange colors flashing in his eyes.

“In addition, even if you win Chu Yan, you are still mortal crime, so …”

“Please, Sir, give a way!”

Hearing Mo Cang’s words, Wei 7 Xiong suddenly showed a look on his face, quickly opened the mouth and said

“However, if you take the initiative to hand over the” Dragon Mark Gold Body “, maybe, I can still give you a few words in front of Saint Race Elder to make you alive! Otherwise … hmph! As my Saint Race Deacon , You can kill now! “

Mo Cang drunk out loud.

“Ah … do you know Dragon Mark’s golden body !?” Wei 7 Xiong heard Mo Cang’s words, his eyes shrank suddenly, and his heart was cold.

“I’ll ask you, do you pay or not !?”

Mo Cang ignored Wei 7 Xiong’s question, the whole body imposing manner put pressure on him, fiercely forced to ask.

“I … I’ll pay!”

Finally, Wei 7 Xiong became soft and collapsed to the ground …


2nd day, bright sunshine, clear sky 10,000 li… ..

In the underground grounds of Vajra city, in a newly opened underground cave, two silhouettes are sitting cross-legged.

“Ziyun Shen Jie! Break for me!”

Situ Yang’s masterpiece of Spirit Mark is full of 100 Spirit Marks, suspended around him, his hands knotted, and suddenly towards the front soil layer, a purple hand seal was shot.


The purple hand seal rushed straight into the soil layer of the top 10 steps of Situ, which suddenly caused the void and the soil layer of all around to continuously shake.


A light sound came from the soil layer and immediately made Situ Yang light relaxed.

“Fuck! What happened !?”

Situ Yang wiped off the beads of sweat on his forehead and scolded in a low voice

“Why is it that the Spirit Mark in the Earth Palace has been banned all night! All of them have changed !? Did they notice it !?”

Situ Yang’s face was dull and he turned to Chu Yan.

“It should not be! The heavenly soul Dao Field above, today’s battle, everything is as usual, and even the guard force has not changed!”

Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness has been covering Dao Field above, and after a little exploration, he replied.

“Something should have changed so that they strengthened the defense of Dragon Mark’s body!”

“Hmph! Fortunately, I covered a few Spirit Marks the other day, otherwise, the connection with the Dragon Mark body was completely cut off!”

Situ Yang lightly snorted, and no longer thought about it, continued to urge Spirit Mark’s power, constantly forming a hand seal, and patting the soil layer in front of him.

Last time, when he came, it took half a day to break the 1000 restrictions imposed on Earth Palace.

Didn’t expect, in one night, all the forbidden defenses changed their positions, and added 100 more.

In this way, Situ Yang’s efforts the day before yesterday, all in vain, can only start again!

“1000 seals are flashy, gather spirits! Seal!”

Stuart once again urged the spirit of Spirit Mark in his whole body, and the Spirit Seal in both hands kept shooting, continuing to strikes the prohibition in the Earth Palace.

In order not to be discovered by the people of Dao Field, Situ Yang almost exhausted all one’s strength, seizing every time, madly destroying all the prohibitions.

Time is fast, and after all breaths, all the restrictions are broken!

“Quick, let’s go in!”

Situ Yang was sweating heavily, but he dared not rest. Together with Chu Yan, he urged 2 invisible Spirit Marks to break through the soil layer in front of him and rush to Earth Palace a few steps away.

Following the tunnel dug by Situ Yang, but only a short walk, Chu Yan and Situ Yang appeared in a hidden corner of the Earth Palace.

At a glance, everything in the Earth Palace is exhaustive!

“This is…..”

Chu Yan’s whole body shook, his eyes flinched, and he looked in the middle of Earth Palace, a huge skeleton near hundred zhang high degree, Divine Soul as if was struck by lightning, so shocked that he couldn’t even speak.

I saw that among the huge Earth Palace, a giant monster-like giant beast skeleton stood in the middle of the Earth Palace.

Covered by a huge brilliance, on each thick bone, there is a path of dazzling Spirit Mark!

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