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Chu Yan’s voice, like Lei Jin’s drums, instantly spread throughout the entire sky soul Dao Field.

In an instant, countless pairs of eyes, simultaneously shua shua looked over, his face full of surprise.

what’s the situation! ?

Above the sky, large clouds of golden auspicious clouds surging, but Mo Cang on the battle stage, but turned a blind eye, staring straight at Chu Yan.

In the distance, Wei 7 Xiong brought 7 8 purple black robed man, moved towards here, rushed madly.

Including Mo Cang, everyone watched, Chu Yan hit a Spirit Mark into the dragon pillar beside him.

Boom … Rumble!

The golden auspicious cloud in the sky finally formed, the thick golden beam, dropping from the sky, fell straight on Mo Cang.

“En !?”

Mo Cang’s face was startled, the body’s blood meridian kept surging, and he began to absorb dragon’s breath rewards, and the fleshy body continued to improve.

“Dragon Mark’s body, it’s really strong enough!”

Originally, it was to try out how powerful this legendary Dragon Mark body is.

As a result, Mo Cang was shocked, and then his face was full of ecstasy.

Such a powerful fleshy body power, if you all integrate, when the time comes, above the emperor rank, fleshy body invincible!

Maybe, coupled with Martial Soul assistance, it can directly condense the golden body, it is also possible!

“You guys, give it to me and kill him!”

Mo Cang shouted loudly, raised his finger to Chu Yan, ordered to Wei 7 Xiong and the Ming powerhouses who had rushed to the battle stage.

“Ah !? What’s the matter !? Who is that person !?”

“Yi !? Lord Wei !? How do you seem to be fighting!”

“Don’t you reward Dragon’s Breath?”

“How is it possible? That guy even ordered Wei Duzhu !?”


4 all directions, all watching Martial Artist, seeing the scene change suddenly, all of them are full of surprise, not knowing what to do. ,


At this moment, a loud sword whisper sounded earth and earth….

At the same time, the icy Sword Qi swept the audience like a shock wave when the word whisper sounded.

“Want to kill me !? There must be a sense of death!”

Chu Yan held Clear Sky, black robe hunting, like Feng Feiyang, a pair of killing intent eyes like tide, sweeping the audience.

Originally, according to Chu Yan’s plan, he would drive Spirit Mark into the dragon pillar without disturbing the Dao Field, and cooperate with fatty to open the 9 Yin 9 Yang Great Array.

However, the plan is never as good as change. He didn’t expect how, the people of the Ming tribe will appear in Dao Field.

The accident has been born, the identity is exposed …

But what about that! ?

at worst, one man one sword, kill him a murky heavens dark earth!

As a result, fatty ’s actions in Earth Palace are even more hidden!

“Kaitian Sword Art, reincarnation!”

The body’s murderous aura surged like a tide. Suddenly, Chu Yan’s eyes shrank suddenly. The body’s overflowing murderous aura and Sword Intent contracted instantly, quickly condensed on the sword body, and raised his hand with a sword!


Black and white two-color Sword Qi, like a sharp shocking light, with the press forward trend, straight to the face of the crowd of the Ming tribe!

Sword Qi has passed, shadowed by the void, 2 points in an instant.

pu! pu!

A killing sword, such as a thunderbolt blow, the people of the Nether tribe had no time to react. The sword light chopped off and rushed to the front of the 2 people. They were immediately hacked by Sword Qi and instantly turned into corpses and blood rain !

“What !? Great Accomplishment Sword Intent!”

“Quickly retreat!”

“Not good! Everyone is leaving soon!”


Just now, a group of powerhouses of the Nether tribe who were imposing manner in a fierce manner, were stunned by the companion’s corpse and swollen into the blood.

How could they didn’t expect that Chu Yan in front of him was so powerful!

You know, these people are all quasi-imperial level cultivation base, and they are killed by a sword and 2 people!

Kill with one sword!

This sword … too terrifying!

“En !? This … is Jian Gang !?” On the battle stage, Mo Cang’s eyes suddenly burst into shock, glaring at Chu Yan, stunned.

Others didn’t recognize it, but he saw it clearly.

Just the sword of Chu Yan, simply is Sword Dao Supreme realm, Jian Gang Realm!

“This … how long is this !? In less than a month, he … is so strong !?”

In Mo Cang’s heart, with cold air, he looked at Chu Yan and his pupils kept trembling.

“Hmph! It doesn’t matter, as long as I merge the Dragon Mark gold body and condense the undefeated gold body, even Jiangang is not my opponent!”

In both eyes, a sharp killing intent flashed, Mo Cang secretly said in one’s heart.

Looking at Chu Yan in front of him, there was a sense of fear in his heart!

This person must not stay!

“Go! Give it to me all! Must killed him!” Mo Cangli’s shouted loudly.

shua! shua! shua!

In all directions, the remaining powerhouses of the ghouls flickered suddenly, moved towards Chu Yan all around, and in the blink of an eye, surrounded him in the middle.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

On May 5, black True Qi was like a pillar, and broke out at the same time, rushing to Yunxiao!

The powerhouses of the Ming tribe saw Chu Yan’s power, and all his faces were solemn, and they dared not have the slightest carelessness to directly explode the strongest battle strength.

“Golden Flame Demon Soul Sword!”

“Big Soul Blood Soul Palm!”

“Change the sun stick!”

“Soul Eaters!”


For a time, 5 6 quasi-imperial powerhouses displayed unique skills, various blade light sword shadows, palm seal palm glow, and merged into a torrent of attack, moving towards Chu Yan.

“En!? The combo !?”

Seeing a completely different attack on May 5, it turned out to be fuse together, and Chu Yan’s face suddenly started …


Without any hesitation, Chu Yan’s figure flashed, but before the torrent of attack fell, it had already flashed behind the dragon pillar beside him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The torrent of attack accompanied the shadows, hitting heavily on the dragon pillar of the tall golden plate. Suddenly, it exploded and the sky was full of fire.

The violent aftermath of the violent energy, like a hurricane hurricane, swept across and rushed all directions!

Ka cha !

The golden dragon pillar couldn’t withstand the combined blows of 5 6 quasi-imperial powerhouses. Suddenly, with a bang, there were countless traces of cracks on the pillar body.


“Be careful of dragon pillar!”

“Quick! Rush up and round him up!”

Several Ming tribe powerhouses, seeing this scene, exclaimed suddenly, with a roll of Spirit Armament in their hands, all rushed towards the back of the dragon pillar …

However, after just rushing 100 steps away, and not waiting for them to rush to the dragon pillar, they raised their eyes and suddenly the complexion greatly changed …

xiu! xiu! xiu!

3 black and white Sword Qi, like the light of 3 Death God, with the tendency of meteor passing away, from the golden dragon pillar, violent slash came.

These three swords are stronger than mighty swords just now.

Sword Qi rushed, bringing up a large astral qi sword tide, countless small sword light, flooding the whole sky …

At a glance, the sky is full of sword light!

“Mother! Sneak attack!”

“Flee! This Sword Qi is too strong …”

“Quick! Stop! Everyone join hands, stop …”

In an instant, 5 6 powerhouses of the Ming family, some people turned to escape, some people waved Spirit Armament, want to resist …

clang! clang!

pu chi! pu chi!

Several golden spear clashes sounded, 5 groups of blood light exploded, countless pieces of meat, with Sword Qi rushing, 4 scattered flying …

5 powerhouses of the Ming family died suddenly!


On the battle stage, Mo Cang’s eyes were splitting, and he watched Chu Yan 2 sword and brought all the 7 Ming family powerhouses he brought to kill!

Suddenly, in Mo Cang’s heart, the nameless Karmic Fire, like the trend of billowing sky, instantly burst into flames!

“Chu Yan, die for me!”

With a roar, Mo Cang looked at Chu Yan with his long sword in his arms and walked towards himself, suddenly mad.

Boom … Rumble!

Aura rushed all over the body, a smile Mo Mo appeared on his face, a terrifying aura rose up, moved towards the golden auspicious cloud above the head, and rushed away.

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