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On the Dao Field …

Chu Yan’s side and Wei 7’s side, the battle between the two sides is getting stronger …

However, with the passage of time, the golden cloud tide around “Chu Yan” became weaker and weaker, and the Wei 7 male side, with the advantage of the number, obviously gradually occupied the upper peak.

With one black and one gold, the confrontation line moved towards the position of “Chu Yan” continuously, advancing rapidly.

“Haha, a trifling on Martial Sovereign Realm, dare to fight so many of us!”

“That’s right, this kid, dare to come to Dao Field to make trouble, it’s courting death!”

“Kill him, kill him!”

“Fast, go all out!”


On the side of Dao Field, there are 1000 Martial Artists. Seeing victory in sight, all the faces are full of joy, all kinds of ridicule and laughter, as they attack, they are thrown together to Chu Yan!

“Everyone, go all out to kill this child!” Wei 7 Xiong looked at him, his eyes swept over Chu Yan, and he ordered directly.

Boom … rumbling!

In the next moment, over 1000 powerhouses, aura broke out at the same time, urging the black clouds and waves, and once again grabbed a violent offensive offensive!

The Kuroshio wave swept through and ran all the way, slamming the golden cloud wave across from it, continually receding, and instantly swallowed everything and everything!

The silhouette including “Chu Yan” also disappeared into the Kuroshio, completely swallowed!

“En !? Dead !?”

Wei 7 Xiong converged True Qi, staring at the place where Chu Yan disappeared, his face stunned.

Including Mo Cang, the powerhouses of Dao Field, other heavenly souls, also looked towards the land where the Kuroshio wave swept, and their faces were suspicious.

This … this is dead! ?

It’s so easy to kill this “Chu Yan”! ?

Over 1000 people, look at me, I look at you, big eyes staring at small eyes, although everyone watched “Chu Yan” swallowed by the Kuroshio, but there was a trace of doubt on his face.

“Hmph! It must be dead!”

Wei 7 advised Divine Consciousness to sweep through, no trace of life aura was detected, and suddenly coldly snorted and said.

hu! hu! hu!

Hearing Wei 7 Xiong’s words, plus everyone was Divine Consciousness to investigate for a long time, and found nothing at all, suddenly relaxed!

However, after waiting for a while to spit out completely, all of a sudden, the mutation was born!

Boom … bang!

2 thunderous explosions, suddenly exploded, a group of azure light group, exploded the ground of the sky soul Dao Field, pulled up to the sky!

A large sea of 鈥嬧€媍louds, with a five-colored cloud light, suddenly appeared over the city of Vajra. The violent winds swept across the city.


The dragon sound of Heaven and Earth sounded, and the azure Divine Dragon, who was nearly thirty zhang, rose into the air and instantly rushed into the clouds of the five-colored cloud, traveling through the clouds and over the sea!

The terrifying and terrifying Long Wei, dropping from the sky, sweeping the whole Heaven and Earth, makes the whole city tremble!

This … is Heaven and Earth Might!

As if to destroy the entire city, the powerful Longwei contains the power of Heaven and Earth, sweeping the whole city!


“I rely on! Long Miao is resurrected!”

“I drop a day ah! This … this is the dragon skeleton in Earth Palace !? Did it cause Heavenly Dao Divine Punishment !?”

“It’s done! It’s done! This is Heavenly Dao’s ruling … We are all going to die !?”

“Look, then Divine Dragon rushed down!”


The thousands of powerhouses on the Dao Field in the Soul of Heaven, and even the silhouettes that were shocked from the city of Vajra, looked up towards the sky, all of them were scared with green faces, and their hairs were all exploded …

“Asshole! No mess!”

Wei 7 Xiong was so shocked by the scene before, so flies away and scatters, his face full of iron blue …

How could he didn’t expect that the Dragon Skeleton trapped by the Great Array in the Earth Palace would revive the Dragon Soul!

“Everyone, take action immediately to suppress this dragon soul!”

Wei 7 Xiong woke up, roaring loudly, roaring throughout the city.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Next moment, the panicked crowd quickly calmed down, led by Wei 7 Xiong, shot together, moved towards the sky, the diving zhang dragon shadow swept down at the same time!

All kinds of True Qi, martial skill, flying all over the sky, all blasting to the dragon soul illusory shadow on the sky!

Countless attacks, blasting on the Dragon Soul illusory shadow, exploding a group of gas explosions, making the Dragon Soul virtual speed continue to decline!

“Quick! Quick! Try your best! Block me!”

Wei 7 roared loudly, waving his hands, constantly blasting a path of attack.

Over the entire Jin Gang City, the energy of various colors continues to explode, like the sky full of fireworks, bright and gorgeous!

Dragon Soul illusory shadow, facing the sky attack, thrusting forward, without a trace of retreat, all kinds of attacks, all collided and scattered.

This one Dragon Soul illusory shadow is the dragon dice that rushed out of Earth Palace!

To be precise, it is Chu Yan 鈥檚 Azure Dragon Martial Soul, whose session is on top of the dragon skeleton near thousand zhang, with full of anger, attacking those who desecrate the majesty of Dragon Race!

The dragon’s mouth is wide open, and the azure dragon breathes, waving the sky, moved towards the crowd below, and continuously dumping down.

ah! ah! ah!

After the Dragon Breath, the densely packed crowd will have a vacuum. A large number of Martial Artists will be directly blown into the powder by the Dragon Breath and instantly damaged!

The sound of mournful scream echoed over the entire steel city.

Seeing the Dragon Soul illusory shadow is so scary, those Martial Artists from the Steel City who were still attacked by Wei 7 Xiong suddenly fled and fled, oh la la, there was a big loss!

Most of these people are not the people of Dao Field. Seeing the dragon illusory shadow’s dragon monstrous sky, it seems that it is going to destroy the whole city of Tu killing. Natural escape is the priority!

For a time, the bloody and rainy winds over the city of Jin Gang swept the city, as if it was a world destroying disaster!

At this moment, in the Earth Palace …

Chu Yan sat cross-legged, in the center of the Great Array, above the body, 9 19 light masses, flipped up and down, dancing all over the sky!

The integration difficulty of Dragon Mark’s golden body greatly exceeded Chu Yan’s expectations!

Originally, when Azure Dragon Martial Soul was still there, the fusion process was smooth and there were no surprises. ,

However, just after the Azure Dragon Martial Soul merged with the light dragon skeleton, they felt that those people were attacking Chu Yan’s Avatar. They suddenly angered, as if Divine Dragon was born, they directly burst the Earth Palace and burst out of the ground.

Without the power of Azure Dragon Martial Soul, Chu Yan gathered 4 other Divine Beast Martial Souls, and it took nearly hundred breaths to control 9 19 dragon scales.

“Azure Dragon Martial Soul, come back!”

Chu Yan waved his big hand, and all 9 19 dragon scales all around were included in the Rakshasa Space, and immediately sent out a consciousness to the Azure Dragon Martial Soul outside.

Now, the Earth Palace is about to collapse and cannot continue to merge in the Earth Palace. Chu Yan can only choose to leave first.

Moreover, Divine Consciousness scattered by Chu Yan found that in the city of Vajra, some Martial Emperor powerhouse Divine Consciousness constantly swept through the battlefield, and I am afraid that they will soon be shot.

Now, a Wei 7 Xiong, it is difficult to deal with, if you add one or two Martial Emperor, Chu Yan does not know if he can withdraw from the whole body.

So, hurry up and go now!

Boom … rumbling!

Hearing Chu Yan’s summon, Azure Dragon Martial Soul thousand zhang dragon body, over the city of Vajra, exploded a group of azure giant waves, then plunged into the tide and quickly moved towards Chu Yan.

After returning to Earth Palace again, Chu Yan suddenly introduced Divine Consciousness, Azure Dragon Martial Soul rushed out of the dragon dice, turned into a azure light, and fell into Chu Yan’s eyebrows, the soul returned to Martial Soul Mountain.

The huge monster-like dragon skeleton was swept into Rakshasa Space with a big wave by Chu Yan.

“Fatty, open a void channel, let’s go!” Chu Yan shouted loudly.

“Good! Qiankun moved, 8 100 li Jiangshan!”

Situ Yang raised his hand and waved a Space-Time Spirit Mark. The void crack opened and the body flashed into the void crack.

Chu Yan looked around the entire Earth Palace, follow closely from behind, and burst into a void crack.

The silhouette of 2 people, one after the other, disappeared quickly.

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