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Among the mountain range, piece of mountain valley.

“En!? There is a ban !?”

Chu Yan, who fell into the valley, moved towards the red light group, but no matter how fast Chu Yan accelerated, the distance from the red light group did not change at all.

“Fatty, come out and see!”

Chu Yan called Situ Yang out of the mountain and river myriad beasts and told him the situation.

“This is a 3-spin ban, some trouble!”

Situ Yang checked it, browsed slightly wrinkle, turned his hands together, and a dark golden Spirit Mark appeared in his hand.

“Broken pupil!”

Under a light shout, Situ Yang ’s both hands forming seals, holding a dark golden Spirit Mark, constantly shot the power of a path of Spirit Mark, moved towards the corners of the valley and shot out.


After 79 hand seals were taken, Situ Yang stopped, and in the valley, the emptiness trembled and a thick fog rose …

These dense fogs are dark red in color, but they do not float and flow, and they lie down like huge cottons and solidify in the air.

Each group of cotton mist is thick and rare, and even some places are simply not at all.

“What a strange fog!”

Chu Yan scanned this scene, Divine Consciousness, but found that these dense fog, can actually isolate Divine Consciousness exploration.

Moreover, this kind of isolation is not forced. It is a kind of direct rebound, but it makes Chu Yan’s Divine Consciousness pass by and skip directly.

If it were not for Chu Yan to stand in front, look with his eyes, and rely on Divine Consciousness to investigate, I am afraid that these scarlet mists cannot be found.

“Big brother, go, find a foggy place!”

Situ Yang brows slightly wrinkle, his face was tense, and he held two-point dark golden eye-shaped Spirit Mark in both hands, constantly exuding the power of Spirit Mark, rushing to all directions in 4 directions, body flashed, and then he got into the mist. .

Chu Yan did not hesitate, immediately followed Situ Yang and entered the thick fog.

2 people are stealth in the thick fog, walking very carefully!

In particular, Situ Yang has been holding 2 dark Golden Spirit Marks to release the Spirit Mark’s power without stopping.

7 bends and 8 rounds, walked for one hour, Chu Yan followed Situ Yang, and finally walked to a cave.

This cave is about seven-eight zhang high, but not wide than ten zhang. The entrance of the cave is deep and a faint monster qi overflows from the cave, condensing into a large red airflow, dispersing the sky.

“It turns out that red light came from here!”

Chu Yan looked at the cave and his eyes were slightly bright. Obviously, this cave is probably a place of ruins.

Being able to lay down such a forbidden maze in the valley is naturally impossible by Monster Beast.

“Go, go in and see!”

Chu Yan and Situ Yang glanced at each other, and the two laughed at the same time, then stepped side by side into the hole.

Going deep down the cave and walking about 10000 steps, an underground karst cave appeared in front of 2 people.

“Fuck! So beautiful!”

Situ Yang glanced across the cave and exclaimed suddenly!

I saw that in this karst cave, an underground river passed by, and there were unknown flowers and grass on the shore. On the sky of the karst cave, a large area of ​​stars floated like a night sky with 10000 stars.

It’s just that these star lights, 7 colorful, gorgeous, dazzling!


Chu Yan’s eyes constantly swept through the hole, and like Situ Yang, his face was full of surprise.

Near the edge of the cave, a stone house cut out from the stone wall stands quietly …

Above the gate, the dust is thick, and apparently nobody has been here for a long time!

“Look here!”

Situ Yang rushed to the middle of the karst cave, pointed at a small piece of flat ground, and cried

“This seems to be teleporting spirit array !?”

Chu Yan walked over and looked a few times, opened the mouth and said.

“Good! This cave may be the Transmission Point of a Sect force during the Antiquity period! This transmits Spirit Mark on the Spirit Array, so old!”

While Stuart explained, he was lying directly on the ground, constantly wiping the dust from the abandoned teleportation spirit array, and began to study with a fascination.

“Antiquity Transmission Array !?”

When Chu Yan saw this, he was completely addicted to the research. With a bitter smile, he took the head and turned to move towards the stone house.

Stepping into the dust-filled stone house, Chu Yan waved his big hand, full of thick dust, sweeping away as much as possible.

“It’s a good place to cultivate!”

Chu Yan nodded, looking at the humble stone table and stone bed in the house, slightly nodded.

Immediately, sitting cross-legged on the bed, Chu Yan swallowed a Golden Pill and slowly cultivated his interest rate.

After the battle of Dao Field, and the full speed, True Qi consumed a lot. After serving Golden Pill, True Qi guided the medical power and continued to open.

In less than breath breaths, the rate adjustment ended, Chu Yan opened his eyes gently, with both eyes blinking.

“Try to merge Dragon Mark gold body again!”

Just before entering the cave, Situ Yang had wiped out the dense fog in the valley,

In this way, Wei Xiong and them, even after chasing near the valley, did not have Spirit Mark, like Situ Yang, who wanted to find this cave, which was simply impossible.

Therefore, Chu Yan, they are in a cave and are temporarily safe.

Oh la la !

With a wave of his hand, 90 9 light clusters rushed out of Rakshasa Space and circled around Chu Yan. The entire stone room was photographed in five colors and ten lights.

This 90 9 light group is the 9 19 dragon scales that contains all the power of Dragon Mark’s golden body!

“Azure Dragon Martial Soul, continue to merge!”

In one thought, Azure Dragon Martial Soul in the Sea of ​​Consciousness roared and rose into the air, a pair of dragon eyes shot 2 dazzling azure lights, through Chu Yan’s eyes, directly hit a dragon scales in front of him on….


The dragon scales were locked by the power of Azure Dragon Martial Soul’s Martial Soul, and suddenly shuddered, a large number of golden streamers rushed out of the dragon scales, and moved towards Chu Yan.

The powerful force exploded in Chu Yan within the body, which caused Chu Yan to frown fiercely!

It seems like a invisible big hand, constantly pulling all the meridian and flesh and blood in his body, and trying to tear it all apart.

This pain makes Chu Yan Divine Soul tremble!

Zi zi !

The power of all dragon scales, such as 10000 steel needles, penetrates Chu Yan within the body organs, passes through flesh and blood, condenses to a point, and penetrates from the skin.

like a seed, coming out of the ground …

The power of golden dragon scales is slowly penetrating into Chu Yan’s chest, condensing into a piece of golden dragon scales!

This dragon scales, golden light shining, as if growing up on Chu Yan, very strange!

“Good … really strong power!”

A dragon scales has condensed, Chu Yan has not responded, but only feels that in Qi Sea, the inner core is running fast, and a lot of True Qi is pouring out of the dragon scales like a tide.

10000 golden lights, projected from the dragon scales, Chu Yan is in golden light like God!

“carry on!”

With one mouth, swallow the Golden Pill, Chu Yan clenched the teeth again, move your eyes sideways, and look towards the dragon scales where the 2nd dragon is suspended around you!

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