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Boom … Rumble!

The imposing manner like the rainbow glow of the blade attracted the power of Heaven and Earth, as if the power of world destroying, fiercely fell down.

The golden paw prints are like the hands of Qingtian, facing the Blade Qi in the sky like a tide, but hit the column like a midstream, counterattacking up, without a wave of shaking!

next moment, the blade glow falls down and cuts straight on the golden paw print!


A dull sound, as if coming from the abyss of the ground, resounding through the sky!

silver blade glow suddenly stopped!

The wave-like energy from the intersection of the golden claw and the silver knife blasted away, like a shock wave, rushing to all directions in 4 directions!

“What !? Block … block it !?”

“This … this impossible !? Absolutely impossible!”

Yan Tong’s face, like his blade glow, is completely solidified, as if instantly petrified, a pair of eyes, almost burst out of his eyes, staring at this scene, I can’t believe it!

a hand!

With a hand alone, he actually blocked his own blade glow! ?

Open … What a joke! ?

I am the upper-level quasi-imperial rank Late Stage cultivation base, and I also used the Sovereign Rank Spirit Armament. I do n’t want to mention the Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist in front of me. Even if it is the lower Martial Emperor Realm, do n’t dare to pick it up by hand! ?

What’s more terrifying is that he even … took it! ?

However, the next scene happened, but Yan Tong and the dozens of Golden Lion Hall powerhouses present were so surprised that their eyes almost spewed out.

“explode for me !”

Under shout out loudly, the golden light of Chu Yan’s whole body was like a tide, the right hand held the silver blade glow, and fiercely pinched.


The shocking explosion exploded, and gold and silver two colors were full of energy, rushing all directions, sweeping Heaven and Earth!

The silver blade glow near thousand zhang, like a large piece of crystal, was completely crushed and burst into pieces, turning into a sky light spot, 4 scattered flying!


“No! This … this impossible !?”

Watching my own blade glow, I was rubbed into scum by Chu Yan like tofu. In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, I was buzzed and instantly stunned!

With the power of Fleshy body, not only does it block its own blade glow, but it also squeezes with bare hands! ?

This … what is this strength! ?

Is this guy’s fleshy body harder than my blade glow! ?

How can this be! ?

A Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist, Fleshy body no matter how strong, impossible and blade glow meet force with force ah! ?

Is it … This guy is a Monster Emperor! ?

Weng weng weng!

At the next breath, dozens of Divine Consciousness instantly covered Chu Yan. After a full range of investigations, dozens of powerhouses in Golden Lion Hall sucked in a breath of cold air!

Do not!

Not Monster Emperor!

Fleshy body of ordinary person class!


Bang! Bang! Bang!

Just when everyone looked down on Chu Yan, suddenly, in the distant sky, several muffled sounds exploded.

Suddenly turned his head to see, I saw that there were more than a dozen Golden Lion Hall Martial Artists, and they were blown away by the black skull Dragon Guard.

These black skulls, without using any Spirit Armament, are completely with the power of fleshy body, within 100 steps, a violent collision, anyone is hit, and the fleshy body bursts instantly!

In the ten breaths time, the Golden Lion Hall side lost nearly 30 quasi-imperial powerhouses!

A chill rose in the hearts of more than 60 powerhouses alive at the same time, whether it was looking towards Chu Yan, or looking towards black Skeleton eyes, all were unable to bear trembling!

These guys … are you monsters? ?

Such a brutal way of killing makes these powerhouses only feel their teeth trembling!

“Dragon Race, come back!”

Chu Yan glanced at the 8 black skeletons in the distance and raised his hand!

bang bang Bang!

After several explosions exploded, and several nearby lives were harvested, the eight emperors’ bodies turned into eight black streamers, which fell all around Chu Yan.

“You … are Hall Lord, right ?? Come on, let’s continue!”

Chu Yan looked towards not far away, the terrified sternness on the spot, speaking with a smile.


In a word, Yan Tong suddenly shivered all over his body, sucking in a breath of cold air, staring at the smile on Chu Yan’s face, he only felt that the sense of danger in his heart was getting stronger and stronger!

“You, you, you guys, give me up!”

Yan Tong swept his eyes and looked at the dozen or so men around him, flushed ordered.

“Ah! … yes, yes!”

Hearing the order of Hall Lord, more than a dozen people shook their bodies at the same time, but they did not dare to rebellious. They could only brace oneself, wave Spirit Armament, and rush towards Chu Yan!

“10000 knives break the waves!”

“One Demon Sword!”

“9 Emperor Meteor Spear!”

“Tongtian Tomahawk!”


More than a dozen people rushed to Chu Yan for 10000 steps, looked at each other, and twisted their faces, bursting True Qi together, Spirit Armament held high, fiercely moved towards Chu Yan.

All kinds of blade light sword shadow, spear glow, turned into more than ten attacks, go hand in hand, the sound of rumble thunder moved all the way, moved towards Chu Yan!

In any case, this guy is just Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base. They joined together with more than ten quasi-imperial ranks, impossible will lose!

The trick just now is very likely to be the life saving card of this child!

“Good! It really is a lot better than Vast Heaven Continent’s quasi-imperial rank!”

Seeing more than a dozen attacks coming, Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed, swept gently, nodded in praise.

However, for more than a dozen attacks that rushed to the distance of 100 steps in the blink of an eye, it seemed to turn a blind eye, and there was no response at all!

“Haha, it’s really pretended to be frightened!”

“Hu! Martial Sovereign Realm is Martial Sovereign Realm, almost blinded by him!”

“Go to death, kid! It’s too late to regret now!”

“Hmph! We dozens of quasi-imperial ranks joined forces, let alone him, even the subordinate Wu Imperial Capital did not dare to take it hard!”

“kill him!”


When I saw Chu Yan completely motionless standing there, more than a dozen powerhouses with dark faces suddenly looked loose, full of jokes and contempt.

Obviously, the kid in front of him was so shocked by their powerful attack that he couldn’t move!

Die … die … die!

This kid, with a few puppets, killed more than 30 of their companions, a monstrous sin, never cold!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

next moment, a dozen mighty attacks, without any accidents, blasted directly on the black robe kid, exploding dozens of air bursts of various colors …

The violent and terrifying air waves rushed, like a large cloud wave, sweeping all 4 directions!

“Haha, dead!”

“Boy, dare to fight our Golden Lion Hall! Courting death yourself!”

“Being hit by more than a dozen attacks, this kid, I am afraid there is not even slag left !?”

“The puppets are also ruined !? What a pity …”


Seeing a joint attack, the opponent was completely devoured, and all the Golden Lion Hall powerhouses present had a smile on their faces!

The dozen or so powerhouses who have just shot, all turned proud, turned around and flew to Yantong!

“Hall Lord, I can’t live up to Hall Lord’s high hopes. I have killed this child! Huh … Hall Lord, what’s wrong with you …!?”

With a proud face, he bowed his hand to Yan Tong ’s powerhouse. Before he finished speaking, he raised his eyes, but saw that Yan Tong looked at the direction behind him, his face was pale, his face twitched, as if he had seen a ghost !

“what’s the situation!?”

More than ten Martial Artists glanced up and found that not only Yan Tong Hall Lord, but other powerhouses behind him, all saw the ghost expression.

So, dozens of people with doubts on their faces turned their heads together and looked around.

I saw that in the rushing weather waves in the distance, a black silhouette was striding out from the gas explosion center!

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