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Chapter 1481

Chu Yan looked at the nine Great Arrays in front of her and couldn’t help but shining her eyes, heart slightly startled.

These Great Arrays seem extremely ordinary, but as long as you think of them, they are the 9 Supreme Sect personally sacrificial refining, bringing together Heaven and Earth Spirit Power, containing the power of Heavenly Dao, specially used to examine the genius Martial Artist …

Based on this, it is enough to show that these 9 Great Arrays are by no means as simple as they seem on the surface!

Without saying anything else, the power of Heavenly Dao in this Great Array is enough to kill everything!

Entering this inside array, if you do not comprehend Heavenly Dao, with the True Qi and martial skill of ordinary, you want to compete with it, it is almost impossible.

“9 Great Array, 9th Layer prestige! Sure enough out of the ordinary….” Chu Yan’s face was solemn.

At the time of the 1st round sea election, Chu Yan had discovered that in a small World, there were 10000 genius selections, but the final winner was none other than those genius comprehended a certain Heavenly Dao.

Understanding Heavenly Dao is also the only way to Realm of Martial Emperor.

The 9 Great Arrays in front of me, although the attack was exactly the same when 9 genius entered, but …

Chu Yan has discovered that these nine Great Arrays contain nine different Heavenly Dao prestige, and even a few, there are more than one Heavenly Might.

This round of genius battle, want to pass, and get a good ranking, in fact, compared to all genius, the understanding of Heavenly Dao.

If, like the absolute sword, there is a minimum of 3 comprehended, and all have reached Small Accomplishment Realm, then this round of genius battle, the winning rate is extremely high.

But if on the contrary, if you want to use the cultivation base and martial skill to get past these 9 Great Arrays, it’s a fool’s dream!

Seeing that in 9 Great Arrays, the spirit formation’s prestige was exploded, attacking the 9 genius in the enter the formation, everyone’s complexion became dignified at the same time.

Bang! Bang! Bang! bang bang Bang!

next moment, less than 5 breaths time, in 9 Great Array, a burst of gas burst at the same time …

Immediately afterwards, silhouettes of a and a flew out of each Great Array, moving towards the Martial Arts Stage crowd far away and flew away.

9 genius, all lost!

There is no time that one person insists on, reaching the prescribed time for a column of incense.

The one with the longest support time has just reached 7 interest times, and it has also been blasted out of the Great Array.

“Wh … what !? So fast !?”

The whole genius, seeing this scene, couldn’t believe it, looking at the 9 genius who rolled on the ground and picked up the big dust, all their faces were pale.

Less than ten breaths, 9 people are eliminated!

This 2nd round genius battle, the result of the first game in the heavens, let everyone startled!

“Fuck! Isn’t it …”

“This spirit array is so strong !? This … this is not enough for ten breaths, there is 108,000 li before a pillar of incense time …”

“God, look, No. 6 Little World, ranked 200th 77th Li Lichi, also … also lost! 6 interest ….”

“Lying trough, this … how could this pass!”

“It’s over! Well, everyone will be eliminated in this round!”

“Fight! Full defense! Even if it is a total defeat, in the end, it will last longer than anyone!”

“Good! Right, defend with all your strength!”

“…… ..”

Seeing that the first batch of 9 people didn’t reach ten breaths, they were blasted out of the spirit array, and all the people’s faces were astonished expression. In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, various consciousnesses flashed continuously.

However, among the genius, some people’s unyielding ambitions broke out completely, fiercely clenched the teeth, ready to defend with all their strength after entering the Spirit Array, in order to persist for a longer time.

“The first batch of 9 people, all eliminated!”

Gray robe old man Deacon, flying from 9 Supreme palaces in the sky, announced loudly.

“Batch 2, No. 10 to No. 8, start!”

Announced that the sound was falling to the ground, and out of the crowd, slowly walked out of 9 silhouettes, all with nervous expressions and grave expressions, and moved towards the Spirit Array step by step.

These 9 people, unlike the first batch, they did not exhibit movement art. The distance of 100 steps from the crowd to the Spirit Array was all strides.

Each step will make True Qi on your body rise by 1% and integrate into the fleshy body, and at the same time, continuously increase the thickness of body protection astral qi.

Sure enough, more than one person is ready to defend with all his strength, genius clinging to his teeth!

Buzz …! Buzz …! weng weng weng!

Waiting for the second batch of 2 people, standing in front of their own spiritual array, the body protection astral qi and the fleshy body defense of each person were urged to the extreme.

One by one, struggling into the Spirit Array, aroused a large ripple of the Spirit Array.

next moment, with the start of the spirit array, all the spirit formation’s prestige burst out in an instant …

Bang! Bang! Bang! bang bang Bang!

However, these well-prepared genius, under the blast of the Spirit Array, persisted for a shorter time than the previous round.


There are even people who have just entered the Spirit Array and have been blasted out of the array in the blink of an eye …

In an instant, 9 out of 8 people were eliminated and fell to the distance.

“Yi!? There is another …”

“God, ten 5 breaths! He … how did he do it?”

“Who is this person !? It seems to be just No. 9 Little World, genius ranked less than 400 …”

“Impossible! How is it possible … just a few, much higher than his ranked!”

“Look, he can’t stand it …”


In the face of only one genius who persisted for more than ten breaths, everyone was shocked, and there was a cry of excitement in the audience.

However, without waiting for everyone’s reaction, the genius who persisted for the longest time, still banged, was blasted out of the Great Array and fell heavily on the Martial Arts Stage.


A big mouthful of blood, opened his mouth and spouted, rolled his eyes, pale genius, fainted directly.

Ten 7 interest time!

Although it seems, it is the most injured one among all the people who have just been eliminated.

However, his ten and seven breaths are enough time to stand out from the crowd!

With the same sect of the genius, he was lifted away from the wound with a surprised face, all around all the genius, and a look of doubt appeared on his face at the same time.

This person, in the 1st round genius battle, many people know!

Especially those genius who are in the same small World battlefield with him, know that this person’s strength and cultivation base are not strong.

If it wasn’t for him to comprehended the rock way, the defense was extremely strong, I am afraid that by cultivation base and battle strength alone, there is no chance to enter the 2nd round.


Some genius, looking at the silhouette being carried away, browse tightly knit, doubted.

“The way to go!”

In other genius, the pupil light flashed, and his face was deep, thinking the same.

The first batch of genius failed. Everyone thought that they would rely on cultivation base True Qi to improve the body protection astral qi defense of Fleshy body and insist on passing 2nd round.

However, the top 2 of the 8nd round lost faster than the first batch, and most of them were eliminated within 3 breaths.

There was only one person who insisted on the surprising time of ten to seven.

What does this say! ?

It seems … It really has nothing to do with cultivation base and defense!

It’s a pity that the genius was seriously injured and fainted. Otherwise, just ask him to know the answer!

“The 3rd batch, ten No. 9 to 20… ..”

Gray robe Deacon’s voice resounded throughout the audience …

9 silhouette, stepping out at the same time, walking towards the 9 spiritual arrays …

However, when one of them stood in front of the Spirit Array and converged his aura to the extreme, everyone saw this person and his face suddenly changed!

Absolute sword … Kongxuan! ?

No. 1 Small World battlefield, ranked second existence! ?

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