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Cangya bloody sky!

1st round genius battle, No. 9 small World battlefield, the existence of ranked 1st!

“Haha, the top ten in the 1st round, someone finally played!”

“God, Cangya blood, I drop an idol! Too strong …”

“One of the top ten! I’m afraid it’s more powerful than that one!”

“That’s not necessarily, Kong Xuan insists on the time now, has exceeded 2 hundred breaths… ..”

“Look, there are 8 of them, and they are in the Great Array!”


The appearance of Cangya Blood Sky, one of the top ten, immediately caused a commotion on the Martial Arts Stage, the genius crowd, countless pairs, full of awe of eyes, looked towards Cangya Blood Sky.

Although there are 4 rounds of genius battles for the fairy demon flying platform, there are some Peak genius revealed during the 1st round genius battle.

Obviously, this bloody sky on the cliff is among the Peak genius that is revealed, and there is even more Peak!

Otherwise, impossible caused 100 90 Sect, nearly 1 strong Sect’s attention!

Obviously, with the results of the 1st round, if this bloody cliff can achieve a decent record in the 2nd round, then, I believe that at the end of the 2nd round genius battle, it will trigger the squad of 100 Ba Sect!

“Really strong aura!”

Chu Yan stood in the crowd, and the pupil light swept across the bloody sky of the cliff stepping into the spirit array, his face was awkward, slightly narrows the eyes

“I am afraid that this person can break the formation!”

With only a glance at the other party, Qilin’s pupil will show the strength base of this person’s cultivation base, seeing most of them …

“According to the data, this bloody cliff has swept the No. 1 Little World in 9st round genius battle, fighting 300 games, without defeat! Very powerful!”

“Moreover, everyone who fought with him said that this person’s strength, even half of it was not displayed!”

“This Cangya bloody sky is hard to deal with!”

Chu Yan looked at each other, stepped into No. 3 Spirit Array, and glanced at No. 7 Spirit Array, his brows had been slightly wrinkled, and he grinned. In his eyes, there was a trace of contempt.

Boom … Rumble!

next moment, No. 3 The Spirit Array erupts, a flood-like attack, with the terrifying Heaven and Earth Might, fiercely blasts to the bloody sky of the cliff, the strength of the formidable power, and everyone’s discoloration.

“hmph! ”

With a slight hum, the disdainful Cangya bloody sky raised his hand gently and waved directly …

Suddenly, a mysterious force rushed out and collided with the oncoming spirit array attack fiercely.


The air burst into shock, the entire No. 3 Spirit Array, tremors suddenly, all the attacks disappeared instantly!


The moment the spirit array attack disappeared, Cangya bloody sky did not stop at all, clenched his palm into a fist, raised his hand punched out, and hit the wall of the spirit array straight!


a Blood red fist rushed out and smashed heavily on the wall of the spirit formation, immediately slamming the entire wall of the spirit formation directly down, highlighting a large piece!

Boom … rumbling!

The next moment seems to be caused by the provocative behavior of Cangya Bloody Sky, which caused the anger of the Spirit Array. With the sound of thunder and thunder, the entire No. 3 Spirit Array trembles madly.

A more violent attack, in the sky of the spirit array, quickly condensed, the huge palm seal of azure, almost covered half of the sky, suddenly photographed from the air, moved towards the cliff and bloody days to suppress.


Cangya bloody sky, looked up at the azure palm seal that was suppressed by the sky, his face was calm as usual, seemed to remain unmoved, both lifted at the same time, the whole body’s blood energy surged, condensed in front of him, turned into a huge palm glow, and did not flash Avoid, straight ahead.


Zhangwei collided with palm glow, exploded at the same time, turned into a huge air wave, rushed 4 sides, hit the wall of the spirit formation, and burst a series of air explosions again!


Seeing the energetic aftermath, he hit the wall of the spirit array, and the bloody eyes of Cangya suddenly lighted up, quickly punched out, and hit the wall of the spirit array again.


With a loud bang, the spirit array shook violently …

In an instant, everyone in the audience looked at the trembling trembling wall and suddenly felt a feeling at the same time …

This spirit array really seems to be able to break through! ?

Immediately after the spirit was stable, it launched a more violent counterattack on Cangya Blood Heaven!

For a time, between Cangya Blood Heaven and Spirit Array, you punched me and gave me a palm, as if it was a real battle!

In this scene, the genius who watched the battle in all directions from 4 directions were all stunned!

“I’m dropping a day ah! This guy … is too strong !?”

“Fuck, he … He actually did a fight with Lingzhen !?”

“Lying trough, isn’t it !? How do I feel, this spirit array seems to be weak all of a sudden !?”

“No … impossible! How did he do it !?”


Everyone’s face was shocked and dazed, staring at Cangya bloody sky, and a dull look.


Suddenly, a piercing knife whistle sounded, making everyone startled, and turned their heads to look …

I saw that in the No.7 Spirit Array, I kept my eyes closed and insisted on the absolute sword Kongxuan. Suddenly, eyes opened and suddenly reached out, grasping the black war knife in front of me, fiercely split it out …

The shining black blade glow hit the sky and cut straight to the boundary wall of No. 7 Spirit Array …

At this time, it was the attack wave of No. 7 Spirit Array that just disappeared. The new attack wave was still generating a neutral machine. It was caught by Jue Xuan Kongxuan and launched a counterattack for the first time!


The blade glow hit the walls of the spirit array, bursting a large group of black Blade Qi, a straight, nearly ten-zhang-long knife mark, which suddenly appeared on the wall of the spirit array.

The whole Great Array trembles and shakes constantly!


Without waiting for everyone’s reaction, the aura of Xuan Xuan Kong Xuan’s whole body quickly converged, and all True Qi and Dao Yi returned to within the body, closing their eyes and turning into a fixed state again!

Black War Blade, hovering in front of you, buzzing and trembling!

This scene in No. 7 Spirit Array happened in a flash at such a fast speed that many people didn’t see it clearly and then disappeared completely.

Some people even rubbed their eyes as if they were a little unsure, whether they had just shot the sword.

Boom … rumbling!

No. 3 In the Spirit Array, Cangya Bloody Sky was once again punched on the wall of the Spirit Array … All of them suddenly turned their heads, looking towards No. 3 Spirit Array!

“I depend, these 2 people … too terrifying now?”

“Lying trough! Lying on a big grass! They wouldn’t really want to bombard the Spirit Array !?”

“The absolute sword is 4 hundred breaths, and the bloody sky is almost 200 breaths. It is very close to 5 minutes of time …”

“That’s right, if you can’t do it, they must pass both of them!”


On Martial Arts Stage, everyone looked at Jue Dao Kongxuan and Cangya Bloody Sky, attacking the spirit array, all of them were shocked with a green face and a look of consternation.

You know, other people, even in this Great Array, can’t do it for a few minutes!

Two of them fell down well, you punched me, and I got a knife, and even wanted to overturn the spirit array, this … Really monster ah!

The same as genius, compared, this gap is really not so big!

…… ..

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