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At this time, there are 10000 Martial Souls on the black jade platform, whether it is a beast Martial Soul or a Martial Soul, without a Martial Soul’s Star Rank, it is lower than 9 Star!

Moreover, these Martial Souls are full of Soul Power, aura is monstrous, and during the walk, various Martial Soul forces invade each other, and even cause some unowned Martial Souls to fight each other.

“God ah! So many …”

“I rely on, all above 9 Star, 10 Star Martial Soul most!”

“I’m shit, look, look at it, it’s the blood robe howling Martial Soul, it’s top grade Martial Soul ah!”

“There, there, look! Martial Soul, the king of Martial Soul!”

“Awesome! Awesome! Much better than my Martial Soul!”

“Haha, there is a Martial Soul like me!”


All kinds of excitement and exclamation sounded in the genius crowd, everyone looked at the dazzling various powerful Martial Soul, all with a greedy look.

These Martial Souls are all unowned Martial Souls, according to the rules just announced by gray robe Deacon.

If they can get the top 3 and reward a unowned Martial Soul, they will have the opportunity to promote their Martial Soul to the soul of war.

As for Martial Soul’s 1 Star reward! ?

Cracking a joke, the genius here is the top 100 of the Spirit Array, the Peak genius who won from 100,000 genius, almost 90% of the 9 people, Martial Soul are all 10 Star!

Therefore, every genius is looking forward to winning the top 3 and getting the reward of a no-owner same-order Martial Soul.

The opportunity to advance to the soul of war, even if it is cultivation base breakthrough to Martial Emperor, such opportunities are rare!

So, each and everyone genius scrambled, rushed to the black jade platform, and fought furiously with Martial Soul.

However, between Martial Soul and Martial Soul, the same is 10 Star, and the battle strength is not much different.

Unless you have a very special Martial Soul ability like the female genius who started it, otherwise, you want a large number of kills without master Martial Soul, almost impossible!

So, with more than a dozen genius playing in a row, no one can break that woman’s genius record.

General genius, kill 5 6 respect Martial Soul, almost to the limit!

After all, there is a Five Elements attribute between Martial Souls, and they are mutually exclusive. Even if you try to choose attribute-free, unowned Martial Soul attacks, the continuously unowned Martial Soul rushes out of the Martial Soul tower to make the entire Black Jade platform. Above, there are fewer and fewer vacancies.

When fighting, accidentally, it affects the other unowned Martial Soul around him, and it immediately leads to an extra fight.

“Kill eleven unowned Martial Soul, next!”

gray robe old man said lightly, and announced loudly.

The words fell to the ground, a fiery silhouette, walked out of the crowd, quickly moved towards the black jade platform.

“Look, look, Cangya bloody sky comes on!”

A bloody sky with red long robe, a pale face, and aura on his body, obviously weak.

The last round of battle was hit hard by the earth-walking array. After swallowing Golden Pill, although it recovered a few percent, I want to completely recover, naturally impossible!

“Blood Soul Manta, come out!”

Cangya bloody sky, standing on the platform, his face as usual, indifferent, with a soft voice, a blood light shot out from behind him, and appeared in front of him.

As soon as his Martial Soul came out, he suddenly caused the audience to genius, and his face changed at the same time!

Blood Soul Martial Soul, just a half-human tall white tooth, above the curved tip of the tooth, a touch of blood light flashes brightly!

Blood Eater Martial Soul!

This is obviously a Martial Soul with blood-eating ability, this tooth Martial Soul, variant attribute is extremely strong!


next moment, Cangya bloody raised his hand and waved, the huge teeth in front of him suddenly shot out …

Stretched across the void, pulled out a long white and red afterimage, and shot straight into the unowned Martial Soul group not far away …

pu! pu! pu!

There was a muffled sound, and blood light passed through each and everyone, the masterless Martial Soul, and passed through, breaking through the blood hole of each and everyone, without staying at all, as if wearing a candyd fruit stick, in the blink of an eye, it penetrated Nearly ten unowned Martial Soul.

Roar! roar! roar!

Martial Soul, the unowned master who was attacked, was suddenly exposed. In the sound of roar, Martial Soul, a blood tooth moved towards in midair, pursued.

However, these Martial Souls have just rushed out of 100 steps, and the power of Martial Soul on the whole body has gone crazy and quickly disappeared.

Less than 5 breaths, Martial Soul, one by one, crashed to the ground!


“It’s so strong !?”

Seeing the Martial Soul of the Heavenly Blood Cliff come out, but in the blink of an eye, nearly ten Martial Soul were killed. Suddenly, among the crowd, the pan exploded!

You know, the highest record at present is only 6 or 1 Martial Soul.

But now, Martial Soul in the bloody sky of Cangya kills nearly ten Martial Soul with just one blow.

At this rate, his front line may be extremely amazing!

“En !? Bloodfang Martial Soul !? Not bad!”

Among the crowd, Chu Yan nodded, looked towards Cangya blood sky, pupil light shimmered …

However, next, Martial Soul, the bloody teeth of the bloody sky of the Cliff, not at all, as everyone guessed, went all the way.

Do not know the reason, Cangya bloody big hand call, the blood teeth Martial Soul, recalled to his body, began to infuse True Qi.

It took ten breaths time to get Martial Soul to play!

“Yi !? His Martial Soul, although up close, can infuse True Qi !?”

“Haha, so that’s how it is! I thought, his Martial Soul invincible !?”

“Look, look, the speed and attack of the blood teeth are much different!”


As the crowd screamed, everyone looked towards the Black Jade platform, and suddenly found that, really …

The blood teeth Martial Soul of the second attack, no matter the speed or the penetration force, has dropped significantly.

Even when attacking an Iron Scale Black Flood Dragon python, it hit the python directly and splashed a large fire star!


The Black Flood Dragon python’s thick tail slammed fiercely on the blood tooth Martial Soul. Suddenly, the blood tooth Martial Soul was pumped into the sky, the power of the body Martial Soul, 4 splashes!

When the blood tooth Martial Soul trembled and flew back again, Martial Soul’s power was weak, and there seemed to be no power to fight again.

In the distance, the bloody sky of the cliff, complexion ashen, but regardless of it, continued to order Martial Soul to attack.

Afterwards, Bloodfang Martial Soul, after piercing 3 beast type Martial Souls again, was finally photographed by a tiger type Martial Soul and smashed.


a Bloody streamer flew over and shot straight into the sky and bloody eyebrows, Martial Soul was defeated, and the soul returned to Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Kill 37 Lord Martial Soul, ranking first, next!”

gray robe old man, looking at the bloody sky of Cangya who turned and walked back to the crowd, deep in the bottom of his eyes, a flash of surprise appeared.

The Cangya bloody sky, seriously injured, could still behave like this.

You know, Martial Soul and Martial Soul are closely connected!

Therefore, if Cangya Blood Sky is not injured, I am afraid that the killer Martial Soul is far more than 30.


next moment, a short silhouette, rushing to the black jade platform, with a smile on his face …

“Yi!? Hualong!”

“Spirit Battle, Hualong ranks seventh, which is 7 places higher than Cangya Blood Sky!”

“I’m afraid Cangya Blood Heaven’s first, just got it, it will be changed!”

“Just don’t know, what is this Martial Soul of Hualong !?”


Among all kinds of comments, Hualong glanced back at the genius in the distance, his mouth wide open, showing a smug smile!

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