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A few 10000 genius in the audience, everyone knows that Chu Yan’s strength has surpassed most people.

Even if it is in the top 100 genius, it is also a ranked presence.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is that this black robe sword demon has not drawn a sword so far.

Therefore, when Chu Yan came down from the battle stage, the eyes of several 10000 genius in the audience looked at Chu Yan with a dull face.

At the same time, looking at the scabbard behind him!

No one doubts how terrible that battle strength will be when Chu Yan draws his sword to kill.

Sword, what kind of sword is the most terrifying! ?

It wasn’t that when the sword came out, the sharp edge appeared, but the sword was in the sheath, but it made the audience tremble!

And now, Chu Yan has done it!

“Didn’t expect, your strength is not bad!”

Seeing Chu Yan walk back, Kong Xuan looked at Chu Yan and said with a smile.

“Oh, didn’t you say that? These people, just garbage!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Ha ha ha, well said!”

Hearing this, Kong Xuan laughed heartily, and then looked towards Chu Yan’s pupil light, it was all flames.

At this time, the hearts of the two people are all looking forward to the battle between each other!

Both Chu Yan and Kong Xuan always believed that the other side was worth fighting.

As for the other genius in the audience! ?

Haha, sorry, in their view, really rubbish!

This is the real Heaven’s Chosen, a kind of proud air that looks down on genius, has me invincible, and is unique to Ling Tian!

Moreover, they have this strength!

Above the battle stage, the battle continues, one after the other, genius, constantly playing.

I don’t know if I was stimulated by Chu Yan’s battle. The subsequent genius battle became more and more intense, and the casualties rose in a straight line.

Many genius, as soon as they are on the court, they directly use the hole cards and do all the tricks!

Unlike ordinary Sect competition, this 3rd round of genius battle is called “Life and Death Battle Station”!

Up to now, it finally reflects the meaning of the words life and death!

You know, Martial Artists fight, but with a trace of keeping their hands, they ca n’t let go of their hands and feet and burst into full-strength battles.

Therefore, your own strength and battle strength will drop by 20%.

But now, once stepping on the battle stage, no one keeps his hands, serious injuries and deaths continue to appear.

Soon, the 3rd round of genius battle, the first game is over!

In this round, 100 20 genius, 60 winners, 60 eliminated!

The elimination rate is exactly half, 50%!

However, of the 60 eliminated genius, more than 20 people were seriously injured, and a total of ten people were injured!

This is almost the heaviest casualty in the previous fairy demon flying stage.

Weng! weng! weng!

There was no genius for 60 to step into the second game, any chance to rest, gray robe Deacon above the battle stage, with a big wave, the number on the order of everyone changed directly.

“En!? No. 6 !?”

Chu Yan looked down and found that his time number was extremely high.

“Xuanxuan, what’s your number !?” Chu Yan turned around and asked towards Xuanxuan.

“No. 47!” Xuan Xuan glanced at his command, replied.

“It seems that it is difficult for both of us to meet!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“Chu Yan, in the second game, some powerhouses will gradually show up! Look over there …”

Kong Xuan raised his hand and pointed away, Chu Yan turned his head and looked down …

I saw that in the distant genius crowd, a dark-faced young man wearing a green robe was talking with a genius beside him.

“This man, named Fei Long, is also one of the seed genius of this fairy demon pilot!

Kong Xuan glanced brightly, and then said, “This person is said to have been invited by the 9 Supreme Sect before participating in the Fairy Demon Flying Platform, but this person is proud and arrogant, and wants to fight against the world by his own strength!”

“En !? Fei Long !?” Chu Yan’s face started.

“Good! This child, I played with him a few years ago, when the battle became a draw!” Kong Xuan explained.


“Good! And there …” Kong Xuan glanced again, looking towards the distance, 2 familiar silhouettes.

It was Ninth Prince and Hualong, and beside them, a young man with a lean body and no face on his entire face.

“That man’s name is Yan Qingluo, and it is said that an extremely powerful hole card has entered the top 10 of this parachutist station!”

“Stable into top 10 !?” Chu Yan stunned.

“Chu Yan, the genius battle of this fairy demon flying platform, the further back, the more powerhouses, don’t take it lightly!”

Kong Xuan reminded.


Chu Yan nodded, the war that had gradually calmed down in his heart, ignited again.

Take it lightly! ?

Of course not. On the contrary, Chu Yan is still afraid that the genius on the fairy demon flying platform is the same as that of the Golden River, strong in appearance but weak in reality, unable to withstand a single blow.

As a result, the idea that you want to break the ground by force and improve your strength in battle is difficult to achieve.

However, Chu Yan has never forgotten …

On the Life and Death Battle stage of the 3rd round, the genius named “Shadow” who was first put on the stage was spotted by 9 Sects of 3 Supreme Sects in only one battle.

The strength of that shadow is also extremely impressive!

After listening to Kong Xuan’s words, Chu Yan felt more and more that this genius and 3rd round are more and more interesting.

Bang! Bang!

On the battle stage, the 2 genius of the first stage of the second game have already fought together …

Suddenly, on the entire battle stage, the air burst into the sky. Under various attacks, the strength of the two people is obviously not much different, and the Vietnam War is more intense.

Chu Yan stood under the stage, watching the battle on the stage, his eyes gradually shining.

Sure enough, as Kong Xuan said, this 3nd round of the 2rd round started, it seems that the strength is getting stronger.

Only these two people are fighting on stage, and their strength is above the Golden River.

They are different from Jinhe. They are not just complementary a. Everyone is the same as Kong Xuan. At least it is above the two types of Heavenly Dao.

After a battle, Chu Yan’s blood was boiling, and the battle intent was surging!

“Good! Some strength!”

Not waiting for Chu Yan to react, the second battle, followed by …

Compared with the first pair of genius, the second pair of genius battle, but let Chu Yan greatly disappointed, obviously one-sided.

Two genius came to power, less than 2 moves, tall genius, with the help of the sword in his hand, cut his opponent completely without the power to fight back.

By the 10th move, the weaker genius directly announced his defeat.

The next game is No. 5 vs. No. 6!

The second game number of Chu Yan is the 2th …

“Next game, No. 5 6 comes on!”

Gray robe Deacon’s voice resounded throughout the audience, with two silhouettes, flew from under the platform and fell straight on the platform.

“Well, it’s you !?”

Chu Yan had just stood firm and looked up, his face suddenly started.

didn’t expect, the opponent of this battle turned out to be … Fei Long!

“Hehe, now, Interesting!”

With a grin, Chu Yan looked at each other, said with a smile.

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