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Looking up at the clouds, the entire battle stage in the sky, with silhouettes like tide, densely packed are all shadows from the rush to kill.

“so much!?”

Chu Yan startled, his eyes shining, waving Clear Sky Sword in his hand, without any hesitation, using the Roaming Dragon movement art to rush to the top.

For a time, on the entire battle stage sky, blade light sword shadow, the war broke out in an instant.

2 people collided in an instant, fighting together, and this time’s attack is obviously much stronger than before.

Seeing the battle on the battle stage, it became more and more intense, all kinds of gas explosions, constantly exploding, all around the genius watching, all are complexion changed.

“These 2 people, really strong ah!”

“This power and speed, too terrifying it !? That shadow, also actually cultivated the way of power !?”

“The combination of power and speed can’t be more perfect! However, these two people restrain each other, how did he cultivate !?”

“Yi !? That Chu Yan’s movement art, really strong, can actually contend with the speed of the shadow, what is this movement art?”

“These two people are so strong !?”

“Haha, this battle is wonderful!”


The crowd in all directions showed an uproar. The genius in the audience was surprised at Chu Yan’s amazing performance.

On the battle stage, fierce battles are hot …

Chu Yan right hand holding a sword, Roaming Dragon movement art unfolded, the whole battle stage above the sky, golden dragon shadow.

Although Chu Yan drove the “Roaming Dragon to the Sky” movement art to the extreme, it is still a bit short of the speed of the shadow.

Therefore, the shadows evolved with the speed of the last 100 afterimages, which were constantly chopped by Chu Yan, and new ones will soon appear.

This rate of consumption and growth has just reached a balance.

And Chu Yan wandered among the remnants of the sky, without panic and slow, carefully understanding the mysterious of each remnant, his eyes sparkling.

How could he miss such a good opportunity!

It must be said that the speed of this shadow is the strongest among the same-order Martial Artists that Chu Yan has seen.

Therefore, Chu Yan exhibited the Roaming Dragon movement art, while contending with it, his speed of cultivation speed has increased more than several times.

As a result, Chu Yan’s movement art speed is constantly increasing in the air of the battle stage.

This point was soon noticed by the shadow, and his eyes were full of green light in consternation.

“I rely on! No way, this Chu Yan’s perception is so strong !?”

The speed of the shadow surged, and the more I struggled with Chu Yan, the more shocked my heart was, staring into Chu Yan’s eyes, the pupil trembling.

It’s incredible!

In a flash, he is constantly cultivating and improving himself by taking advantage of his opponent.

Although this shadow of innate talent has been seen before, there has never been a person like Chu Yan in front of him, so horrible!

The battle between them lasted less than 20 breaths, but Chu Yan’s movement art speed increased by more than 30%.

This point, all around watching genius, naturally cannot be found.

However, the one who fought against Chu Yan could clearly feel that if it continues like this, at most hundred breaths time, the speed of its evolution of the residual image will not be able to keep up with the speed of Chu Yan ’s destruction, when the time comes, himself The number of afterimages will decrease.

“No! It can’t be consumed with him anymore!”

Fiercely glared at Chu Yan, the shadow suddenly turned, moved towards battle stage and the ground fell …

shua! shua! shua! shua!

With the sudden change of the shadow, the original afterimages disappeared instantly …

“En !?”

Chu Yan, immersed in cultivation, suddenly felt that his eyes were empty and instantly became clear, and the large afterimages that were still around him were instantly disappeared.

Suddenly, Chu Yan suddenly awakened from the cultivation, Qilin’s pupil swept, and found that the shadow was moving towards the ground.

“Uh … found out so quickly! No more play this time!”

Chu Yan, who was disappointed, smiled bitterly, took the head, and shook his figure, and moved towards the ground.

“Chu Yan, you are fighting me while cultivation !?”

The shadow looked at Chu Yan, who was disappointed, landed on the battle stage, and could not help twitching the corners of his mouth …

This guy, with the help of his own way of cultivation, was found, and even looked disappointed, which was too much.

“Used, hehe …”

Hearing the shadow, Chu Yan chuckled lightly, his face indifferent.

However, Chu Yan swears that it is really habitual and not intentional.

You must know that even your own Sword Dao Great Accomplishment Realm, and the realization of your own way, are all realized in battle.

Moreover, many genius rely on Life and Death Battle to improve their cultivation bottleneck, but they are a little stronger than them and comprehend faster.

After all, I have White Tiger Martial Soul, and the increase in perception is more than ten times that of ordinary person.

“Okay! Since that’s the case, I won’t waste time!”

The shadow looked at Chu Yan, brows slightly wrinkle, and a killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Such a genius must never stay!

This black robe sword demon named Chu Yan, from the 1st round genius battle, always has amazing moves!

And now, there is a terrifying perception far beyond the same level of genius. Once such a person grows up, he is definitely his enemy in the Azure Dragon World domain!

Moreover, if he entered Qingtianzong like himself, it would be more difficult for him to get the Holy Son Position!

“Final life and death!”

The dagger in the shadow’s hands kept flashing, and True Qi was pouring into it, and the soldiers became stronger and stronger.

“Magic 9 kills!”

Immediately after, with a roar, the shadow figure suddenly stormed, rushing out like a cannonball.


a The remnant of a long zhang appears instantly. In this long series of remnants, you can clearly see at a glance that the bodies of 9 shadows stand upright.

xiu! call out….!

In the next breath, in the afterimage, 9 figure, waving the dagger at the same time, cutting out 9 dazzling soldiers, stab Chu Yan straight.

9 Bingman, as if 9 black lightning, across the void, at a very strange angle, quickly fuse together, instantaneously turned into a thicker Bingman, straight out!

This move is like 9 shots at the same time, 9 mans in one, the formidable power is improved more than ten times! ?

“En !? Is it still possible !?”

Seeing the black light of 9 mans in one, came straight, Chu Yan’s face suddenly started, and the pupil light shone …

He didn’t expect, this shadow, can actually use the time difference caused by the speed to attack 9 consecutive moves, and then, 9 moves can also be superimposed and fused.

In this way, one person is not equivalent to 9 people at the time of the battle! ?

Speed ​​a, so mysterious!

Suddenly, when I saw Chu Yan, Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was attacked by this move, a clear comprehension lightning flashed in an instant, bringing him the whole piece of Sea of ​​Consciousness, reflecting a bright light!

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