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expensive! expensive!

Under the gaze of several 10000 eyes, 2 black and white dragons sounded from heaven and earth shattering in two black and white clouds in the sky!

next moment, a pair of huge dragon heads, each waved from the sea of 鈥嬧€媠pirit clouds …

A pair of black, a pair of white, 2 lights of the dragon’s eye, as if the skylight pillar, from the top of Nine Heavens, irradiated to the Martial Arts Stage, constantly sweeping.

These 2 Ssangyong eyes, incomparable gigantic, like the eyes of God, flashing 4 pupil lights, sweeping across the Martial Arts Stage, making the audience genius, Divine Soul all mad!

The genius that was swept by the dragon’s eye only felt his Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness, which instantly frozen, a sense of fear that sent himself in the depth of one’s soul, making them almost unable to stand and kneel directly!

“God ah! This … This is the power of Heavenly Dao!”

“What a terrible Heavenly Might, so powerful !?”

“Oh, my Sea of 鈥嬧€婥onsciousness almost collapsed just by the beam of light!”

“Heavenly Might! Really Heavenly Might! Simply not mortal, can resist!”


Countless genius, exclaimed together, felt the endless Heavenly Might, constantly moved towards Martial Arts Stage and suppressed down, everyone was pale in fright!

roar! roar! roar! roar!

next moment, one black one white, 2 slices of sea of 鈥嬧€媍louds, 2 black and white Divine Dragons of length zhang, walking out, dragons roaring, shaking earth and earth!

Endless gang wind, sweeping Heaven and Earth, the whole sky, turned into one black one white 2 colors, as if the sky dome is covered!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

2 black and white Divine Dragons, traveling on the sky, disturbing the wild sky of anime, grabbing 10,000 zhang cloud waves, and constantly making a thunderous sound.

Every time a thunder sounds, it will make them 5 points of auspicious clouds around them, full of points!

Seeing this scene, throughout the Martial Arts Stage, everyone was stunned and dared not move at all!

expensive! expensive!

After a sufficient breaths time, the black and white Divine Dragon claw tread 7 color auspicious clouds, seems to be guided by some mysterious power, turned around, moved towards the Martial Arts Stage below swooping down …

The sound of Long Long, 7 colors Xiangyun, sweeping the sky, the whole Heaven and Earth, all madly trembling with the movement of the black and white Ssangyong!

It seems that neither Heaven nor Earth can bear the imposing manner of this black and white Divine Dragon, but it seems that this Ten Directions sky dome, against this black and white double dragon, confront each other and crush each other!

“En! Look, change!”

On the battle stage, a top ten genius suddenly exclaimed …

Everyone, including Chu Yan, looked up and his face changed suddenly!

I saw two black and white Divine Dragon’s thousand zhang dragon bodies that dive down above the sky, they are rapidly changing and shrinking!

Including the 7-color auspicious clouds under their claws, they are constantly integrating into their bodies!

The two black and white Divine Dragon’s dragon bodies contract continuously at the speed visible to the naked eye. When they rushed to battle zhang high above the battle stage, they evolved into two black and white big fish.

These 2 fishes are completely different from ordinary fishes. They are covered with dragon scales, rays of light, and 7 colors of auspicious clouds haunt the whole body.

At the same time, above the sky, one black one white 2 large sea of 鈥嬧€媠pirit clouds, quickly dissipated, instantly disappear without a trace, revealing the original sky dome!

The black and white Divine Dragon turned into a black and white Pisces, and the original sky dome is revealed again!

All this seems to reveal a very mysterious Heavenly Dao rule.

Is this black and white Ssangyong to avoid the Heavenly Dao rules, so I turned myself into a fish! ?

Yin-Yang Pisces, dressed in dragon scales, with 7 colors of auspicious clouds, is hovering over the battle stage, falling slowly!

At the same time, an extremely powerful Heavenly Dao’s coercion then enveloped the entire battle stage, making the top ten genius above the battle stage all change their faces!

“Quick, top ten genius, stand in a row! Yin-Yang Pisces assessment, start immediately!”

Seeing Yin-Yang Pisces coming to the battle stage, gray robe Deacon, his face was tense and he roared loudly.

Hearing gray robe Deacon’s words, the top ten genius, including Chu Yan, flew together, quickly flashing their bodies, and moved towards Yin-Yang Pisces approaching.

As if afraid, if you are far away, the chance will be reduced.

Every top ten genius is close to Yin-Yang Pisces, and they will soon stand in a row in order!

“Why are you so nervous!”

In the last Chu Yan, his eyes swept across the top ten genius, hook the head, said with a smile.

“Brother Chu, the test of the Yin-Yang Pisces, which came out in 10000, represents a heaven defying chance!”

Chang Tianhe, who was standing next to Chu Yan, quickly explained.

“Heaven defying chance !? Hehe …”

Hearing this, Chu Yan smiled and didn’t take it seriously.

“The so-called heaven defying opportunity does not lie in the Yin-Yang Pisces, it still depends on yourself!”

“With the heaven defying character, without the Yin-Yang Pisces, you can achieve Supreme Martial Dao as well as heaven defying. What can you do with this Yin-Yang Pisces !?”


Chang Tianhe suddenly froze.

Like the other top ten genius, Chang Tianhe, who was originally excited and nervous, was shocked when he heard Chu Yan’s words, his brows tightened, and a clear comprehension flashed in his heart.

Not bad!

The capital of heaven defying is only in yourself, the foreign object is just a kind of lead!

Therefore, with the aid of heaven defying, whether or not there is a Yin-Yang Pisces connection, heaven defying and repairing is only a matter of time.

If you don’t have the heaven defying capital, even if you rely on this Yin-Yang Pisces to get closer, I’m afraid there is no such thing.

People’s hearts, they can’t even control themselves!

What I saw and saw was nothing but obsession and greed.

“hu ….”

After a long exhalation, Chang Tianhe instantly awakened. His tight body and trembling hands instantly relaxed, and then looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, full of gratitude.

Your choice is true!

This Chu Yan, the word Zhuji, implies Heavenly Dao rules, and is not a mortal!

Following this person yourself is definitely the right choice!

Soon, as the Yin-Yang Pisces on the battle stage slowly circled, the top ten genius also arranged the order …

The entire battle stage gradually calmed down!

“The Fairy Demon Flying Platform, the fourth round of Yin-Yang Pisces assessment, now starts!”

gray robe Deacon’s long exhalation, his face flushed, looking a little excited, announced loudly.

“The genius who participated in the assessment noticed that as long as you stand still, the Yin-Yang Pisces will swim over the top of your head one by one, test your innate talent, and try your best to do your best.

“Yin-Yang Pisces, test everyone’s Yin-Yang Heavenly Dao attribute, which means testing your heaven defying attribute!”

“Martial Dao cultivation is heaven defying. The more talented people are, the more opportunities there are in the body for heaven defying!”

“This Yin-Yang Pisces can evolve all of your heaven defying opportunities within the body!”

“Ultimately, according to how many opportunities you have within the body heaven defying, decide the fourth round of genius battle and the ranking of the top ten genius!”

Gray robe Deacon’s words, thunderclap, made the atmosphere of the audience instantly reach its peak!

“Start now!”

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