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Chang Tianhe, one of the last two, is also thought to have a chance to compete with the shadow genius.

Therefore, the results of his Yin-Yang Pisces test attracted the attention of the audience!

The time is extremely fast, but it is extremely slow …

After a time of 100 20 breaths, Chang Tianhe’s body was finally unable to support it!

Poof thump!

Kneeling heavily on the legs, although Chang Tianhe is still struggling, trying to stand up again, but it has no effect at all.

The result of his Yin-Yang Pisces assessment was fixed at 100 twenty six.

21% worse than the best shadow!

Although this is currently ranked 2nd grade, but the gap between the shadow and the shadow is not small!

“Ha ha ha, I am Number One Genius, no one can surpass me, no …”

Seeing Chang Tianhe’s body, fell heavily, on the battle stage not far away, the laughter of shadows rang throughout the Martial Arts Stage!

“All of you people will be trodden under my feet, Chang Tianhe is, you Chu Yan … too!”

The shadow of the whole heart flying completely, the humiliation when the 3rd round was lost to Chu Yan, completely vented, the laughter was shaking, the right hand raised to point to Chu Yan, his face full of contempt and disdain.

“Starting today, in the Azure Dragon World domain, I am Number One Genius!”

“Chu Yan, I want you to know that compared to me, your dog, fart is not … ha ha ha!”

For a time, because of the failure of Chang Tianhe, the shadow that had been suppressed for a long time was completely relieved, and some hysterical roaring.

After all, before this, Chang Tianhe was ranked 1st!


On the battle stage, seeing a shadow like crazy, and laughing constantly, Chu Yan chuckled and murmured …

“Hmph! Chu Yan, even if I won in the Life and Death Battle, but you have absolutely no chance in Yin-Yang’s heaven defying capital test!”

The shadow heard Chu Yan’s voice, scorning and sneering, and hummed again.

“A kid from 4 Star Sect is not qualified to fight with me!”

“Compete with you !? I have said, do you want to compete with you? Do you think too much !?”

Hearing the shadow, Chu Yan felt a little helpless, shook the head, and smiled bitterly, looked towards the shadow ’s pupil light, and could n’t help but lose a point.

In his view, although the shadow has a good innate talent, his strength is very strong, especially his speed a. In this session of the fairy demon flying platform, it can be said to shine.

However, Chu Yan hadn’t really thought about what he wanted to compete with him first!

Just like in the 3rd round, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe battled and admitted directly, giving 1st place Position to Chang Tianhe.

So, in 1st place, in Chu Yan’s opinion, simply is not very interested.

It’s just that Chu Yan thinks so, other people are not, just like this shadow, his eyes are completely red.

It seems that he won the first place in this fairy demon flying platform, he is really like the strongest person in the future of Azure Dragon World.

“First … count as a fart!”

Chu Yan shook the head, glanced at the shadow speechlessly, then slowly raised his head, looked towards half-air, 2 black and white double fishes, traveling in the void, moved towards himself.

As before, 2 Yin-Yang Pisces with Divine Dragon true body, a look of aloof and aloof and remote, almost using the corner of the fish eye, glanced at Chu Yan contemptuously, and then flicked the fish tail directly, 2 Profound Light Projected.


Seeing black and white Profound Light, dropping from the sky, Chu Yan suddenly Divine Consciousness introverted, communicating within the body Ten Five Elements True Qi, keeping his heart.

Weng! weng!

The black and white Profound Light came to the head, as if two mountains, hit Chu Yan heavily, and suddenly he sank.

“Really strong Heavenly Might….”

Heart shivered with cold, Chu Yan didn’t expect, these 2 Yin-Yang Pisces actually can, condensing the prestige of Heavenly Dao in 2 Profound Lights, and projecting them out.

Moreover, Chu Yan just happened a little bit, and it happened. The power of Heavenly Dao in the black and white Profound Light is constantly merging!

One yin one yang, 2 rays of light, the more integrated, the power of Heavenly Dao will increase by one point, and the power of suppression in Chu Yan will also increase by one point.

“This Heavenly Might seems a bit familiar!”

Chu Yan slightly startedled, feeling the black and white Profound Light bathing the whole body, a puzzled face.

weng! Buzz …

However, without waiting for Chu Yan to react, within the body Five Elements, the madness was surging. It seemed that because of the black and white Profound Light all around, there was an instant riot.

Five-colored cloud light, gushing from Chu Yan within the body, collided with black and white Profound Light directly, all around the void, fiercely trembling!


Next moment, there were 10000 people in the audience, including 2 Yin-Yang Pisces above the sky, watching with eyes and eyes, 2 black and white Profound Lights covering Chu Yan, which disappeared quickly, as if the candles were extinguished. At the speed of naked eye, dim. ,

This scene happened almost in an instant, 2 black and white Profound Light, completely annihilated!

Standing on the battle stage, Chu Yan felt the pressure on his body and completely disappeared. Even the black and white Profound Light around him disappeared without a trace, and he suddenly looked stunned.

“what’s the situation!?”

Chu Yan suddenly looked up, looking towards the Yin-Yang Pisces in the air, but he saw these 2 big fishes who had just returned to their proud colors. At this time, the whole fish face was completely frozen, and 4 fish eyes were staring. Chu Yan, completely silly.

Farther away, gray robe Deacon is also dull, looking at the Yin-Yang Pisces stunned, with the same dumb face!

How can this black and white Profound Light suddenly disappear! ?

On the battle stage, Chu Yan, Yin-Yang Pisces and gray robe Deacon didn’t understand what happened! ?

On the Martial Arts Stage, a few 10000 genius, when they saw the scene, they were all stunned, their eyes were bursting, and their mouths were wide open, as if they had seen a ghost.

The black and white Profound Light disappeared during the assessment. This kind of thing seems to have never happened!

what is happening! ?

Just now in a noisy Martial Arts Stage, the scene of several 10000 people instantly became an absolute silence, everyone instantly stood on the spot, gray robe Deacon, which was simultaneously shua shua moved towards in midair.

At this time, gray robe Deacon was hanging in the air, his face twitching, staring at the Yin-Yang Pisces, it was not knowing what to do!

This Yin-Yang Pisces is Yin-Yang Divine Dragon true body, but he can drive it.

Therefore, gray robe Deacon did not dare to act rashly, and could only wait quietly, but … He looked towards Chu Yan, and his eyes were full of depression.

“Why, every time I get to this kid, something will happen !? 2nd round, 10000 soul tower, 3rd round, this 4th round, something happened again !?”

No matter what a depressed gray robe Deacon thinks, above the battle stage, Yin-Yang Pisces finally moved!

expensive! expensive!

The fish mouth is wide open, 2 Yin-Yang fish, instantaneous rage, 2 trembling dragon sounds …

Then, above the fish body, black light and white light masterpieces, 2 extremely powerful forces, surging wildly, gathered in front of the fish mouth, condensed into 2 groups of incomparable gigantic light groups.

Bang! Bang!

next moment, Yin-Yang fish flicking at the same time, one black one white, 2 groups of Profound Light, moved towards Chu Yan

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