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Boom … Rumble!

In the majestic God Palace, a large divine light flashed, which almost dyed the whole sky into a radiant world.

9 Supreme Sect, more than a dozen huge, 100 fighter Sect, a few 100 gangsters, plus Martial Arts Stage, a few 10000 genius, all looked towards the sky, that piece of cluster of palaces like God ’s residence, all It was a look of consternation.

Above Heavenly Palace, a rare beast with a fairy bird in the radiant light, swims atop Heavenly Palace, bringing out a large piece of Sanskrit fairy music, which makes people feel a sense of awe!

Heavenly Eye Zong Mufei, who was wearing dragon robe, waved his hand suddenly, and a golden light glorious eye burst out from behind him, shooting 10000 golden lights and sweeping towards the Heavenly Palace group.

“Heavenly Palace ruins! That’s right!”

After some exploration, Mu Feihuang’s face showed a ecstasy, and he was shocked!

“What !? The remains of Heavenly Palace !?”

The inorganic machine Zong Yuanba heard the words of Emperor Mu Fei, it was also cry out in surprise, and his eyes were bright.

“Million years is over! In a blink of an eye, the endless years are gone, didn’t expect, I can still see with my own eyes, the remains of Heavenly Palace appear!”

Ling Shuangtian walked in the sky, moved towards the “Heavenly Palace Remains” above the sky, strode forward …

Each step stepped out, it was unhindered in 100,000 miles. In the blink of an eye, Ling Shuangtian was getting closer and closer to the palace group on the sky dome …

At this time, a variety of exclamations and arguments continued to sound throughout the Martial Arts Stage.

“Heavenly Palace ruins !? Lingtian Martial Emperor, did they admit it right?”

“I rely on !? Legend has it that the” Heavenly Palace Relic “has existed longer than the Azure Dragon World domain !?”

“This … how is this possible !? That myth turned out to be true !?”

“Good! 100 10,000 years ago, when the Azure Dragon World domain was born, a large piece of Immortal Palace emerged from the sky dome and turned into 2 black and white Divine Dragons, hidden in Mortal World. Therefore, our boundary is called Canglong Domain. ! It means the sky, the territory of Divine Dragon Messenger! “

“This … Isn’t this Myths and Legends !? Actually … Is it true !?”


The exclamation on the Martial Arts Stage sounded like a wave.

On the battle stage, Chu Yan looked up and looked at the sky, the piece of Immortal Palace group transformed by Yin-Yang Pisces, his eyes sparkling …

“Heavenly Palace ruins !? This aura, curious!”

Divine Consciousness constantly sweeps through the palaces in the sky, Chu Yan’s face is full of doubts, slowly turning his head, looked towards the big step moved towards Heavenly Palace, while Yun Shuangtian, the Pupil light flickered endlessly.

However, when everyone looked at Martial Emperor, moved towards Heavenly Palace, and suddenly approached, the mutation suddenly regenerated!

Boom … Rumble!

Boom … Rumble!

It seems to feel that some people are approaching, the large palace group above the sky dome suddenly trembles, 10000 thunderous sounds, covering nearly 100,000 empty …

next moment, the Heavenly Palace group of rays of light masterpiece, suddenly turned into a streamer, moved towards the southern sky, flew away …

A large sea of ​​7 colorful clouds, holding the Heavenly Palace group, is as fast as a flash of electricity, like a large sea tide, rushing away, and instantly, it becomes a large rainbow, moved towards the southern sky and flew away.

what! ?

Heavenly Palace group … run away! ?

Seeing that there are nearly three city-sized Heavenly Palace groups, all of the audience were stunned by the magic fairy flying across the platform!

Including the dozen or so giants of the 9 Supreme Sect, everyone is stupid!

what is happening! ?

“Quick! Tongling Sect, Heavenly Palace remains are born!”

Suddenly, among the large dull crowd, the Emperor Martial Emperor turned around and shouted loudly at the Deacon, a Yunlong Sect behind him.

This roar sounded as if the horn sounded, and everyone suddenly woke up!

At the next moment, the whole fairy demon flew to the stage and exploded in a pan!

“Quickly! Call Sect, Heavenly Palace remains are born!”

“God, once in millions of years, the remains of Heavenly Palace represent the domain of Azure Dragon World, the remains of the highest level!”

“Legend, does it say that there is a chance of heaven defying to change life in the remains of Heavenly Palace !?”

“Good! Rumors, the ruins of Heavenly Palace, there is a great chance of breaking the Vault of Heaven, and the reversal of heaven and earth! Whoever can get it will have the opportunity to achieve the Holy Realm of Martial Emperor!”

“Saint Martial Emperor! I’m a god! Isn’t that a legend? There really are …”

“Quick! Return to Sect!”



In the Martial Arts Stage of a few 10000 people, in a roar of heaven shaking earth shattering, a few 10000 people rose into the air, moved towards all directions in four directions, and flew away.

Including the 9 Supreme Sects, the 100 Pa Sects present at the scene were several hundred big guys, all turned into Feihong, and quickly returned to Sect.

In less than a moment, the original noisy and chaotic Martial Arts Stage became empty and silent, with no silhouette at all.

Except Chu Yan and several lonely silhouettes, they are still stranded at the fairy demon flying platform, and all others fled away!

The birth of the Heavenly Palace remains is related to the Azure Dragon World domain and the birth of heaven defying opportunities. They will bring this news back to Sect as soon as possible, and strive to find the entrance to the ruins before the official birth of the Heavenly Palace ruins.

“Chu Yan, you haven’t answered me yet!”

Ling Shuangtian walked in front of Chu Yan with a light smile, opened the mouth and said softly.

“I am willing to join Lingyun Pavilion!”

Hearing Ling Shuangtian ’s question, Chu Yan first started, then nodded, and then replied.

“Okay! Very good … ha ha ha!”

Hearing this, a look of joy appeared on Ling Shuangtian’s face, and he nodded slightly.

“Ling Pavilion Lord, I don’t know, my friend, can we join together !?”

Chu Yan groaned slightly, looked towards Chang Tianhe beside him, and asked.


Ling Shuangtian glanced at Chang Tianhe, brows slightly wrinkle, but when he looked back at Chu Yan, he thought a little, nodded, and promised.

“Ah! Many … many thanks Ling Pavilion Lord!”

When Chang Tianhe heard this, he immediately ecstatically thanked him.

Just after Ling Shuangtian’s expression, he naturally saw it, so he also understood that Ling Shuangtian only agreed to join Lingyun Pavilion because of Chu Yan’s recommendation.

Otherwise, with Ling Shuangtian’s vision, this year’s Fairy Demon Flying Platform, apart from Chu Yan, I’m afraid it won’t recruit another one!

“Jade Talisman, the identity of these 2 pieces of this pavilion, you take it, from now on, you two are my Outer Sect disciple of Ling Yun Pavilion!”

Ling Shuangtian took out 2 clouds of white Jade Talisman, handed them to Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, and said

“Main sect, although it is the First Sect in the Azure Dragon World domain, but the main sect disciple is not much! Mainly based on cultivation, resources are also allocated according to strength. If you want to get rich resources and advancement, it is up to you. ! “

“However, I have confidence in you!”

Ling Shuangtian smiled lightly, with both eyes full of praise, especially this Chu Yan.

He inspired the peerless genius of “Heavenly Palace Remains”. In Ling Shuangtian’s opinion, Chu Yan’s value to Lingyun Pavilion even exceeded the appearance of “Heavenly Palace Remains”.

Those white and idiots even threw Chu Yan directly, not even fighting for recruiting, and just thinking about “Heavenly Palace Remains”!

I do n’t think about it, even if the “Heavenly Palace Remains”, which was born only once in millions of years, has the chance to “break the Vault of Heaven, reversing the universe”, would it be so easy to get!

In addition, the Heavenly Palace ruins are simply inspired by Chu Yan. It’s not good. The life of this Heavenly Palace ruins is very related to Chu Yan!

“Go! Let’s go south and trace the” Heavenly Palace ruins “!”

Ling Shuangtian said to the ground, straight up, moved towards the southern sky, flew away.

Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe were slightly startled. They did not dare to hesitate. At the same time, they stood up and started moving art to chase Ling Shuangtian.

At this point, a huge immortal demon flying platform, with the “Heavenly Palace Remains” suddenly born, and hastily ended.

For a time, the entire Azure Dragon World domain suddenly grabbed a storm that swept through the entire continent!

All Sects and forces, when they learned that the “Heavenly Palace Remains” were born, they were all extremely excited and excited. They constantly sent people to find the entrance to the Heavenly Palace Remains!

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