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one black one white, 2 Yin-Yang double jellyfish, traveling above Heavenly Palace, the mighty Heavenly Might, sweeping Heaven and Earth!

This kind of Heavenly Might trend, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe have personally experienced in the fairy demon flying station, but now, Yin-Yang Tian Jiao, together with the remains of Heavenly Palace, is more powerful in Heaven.

“It turns out that this Yin-Yang Pisces is Spirit Beast in the remains of Heavenly Palace!”

Chu Yan heart slightly startled, I suddenly remembered that Rakshasa inside the sect, Demon Ox Spirit Beast and other 100 sect protecting Spirit Beast should be the same as the Spirit Beast in this Yin-Yang Pisces.

It’s just that this Yin-Yang Pisces, after millions of years, still has such a powerful Heavenly Might on him, it is really out of the ordinary!

“Ling Sect Master is right, this Heavenly Palace ruin is obviously related to the fairy demon flying platform!”

Chang Tianhe looked at Yin-Yang Shuanglong in the sky, nodded.

“This Yin-Yang double dragon body contains extremely pure Yin-Yang Heavenly Dao. If you can comprehend, there will be 2 more Heavenly Dao!”

On Chang Tianhe’s face, there was a ray of hot rays of light!

Heavenly Dao 10000 law, but rooted in 9 genera!

Among the 9 genera, Yin-Yang is the foundation of all 10000 methods of Heavenly Dao, and it is also the only 9 kinds of Heavenly Dao that are the most difficult to cultivate among the 2 attributes but have the opportunity to merge.

As the saying goes, Yin-Yang is chaotic, and Yin-Yang produces 10000 things!

Therefore, for the two Yin-Yang Ssangyongs in front of me, not only Chang Tianhe, but Chu Yan was also a little excited and excited.

thump! thump!

Just a few 100,000 Martial Artists, all looking up at the Yin-Yang twin dragons on the sky, suddenly, on the two Yin-Yang double dragon bodies, black and silver masterpieces condensed into 2 huge lights The ball burst out.

These 2 balls of light, one black one white, moved towards Heavenly Palace group, fiercely shot out, rushed together in an instant, and exploded directly!

Boom … Rumble!

The explosion of black and silver rays of light, like a piece of sky tide, will cover the whole sky, cover all, the powerful Paladin aura, sweeping Heaven and Earth, several 100,000 Martial Artists in the mountain range, and his face has changed!

“Good! Good! Ruins of Saint Martial Emperor! As long as I can get a hint of chance in it, I will definitely go further!”

10000 The golden emperor looked at the black and white clouds and waves that rumble rushed past in the sky, and felt the surge of Shengwei, and his eyes were suddenly bright!

“Heavenly Palace Remains! Million years born, this time, I will make my fierce hegemony, respect in one fell swoop!”

In Zuo Tianshou’s eyes, Jing Mang shot empty, his face flushed, and he was extremely excited.

Not only a few powerful Sect and powerhouse, all forces of all directions and Martial Artists, all eyes are red, Divine Soul is excited.

“Everyone, this remains of Heavenly Palace, the ability is here! The crowd here is confusing, some disadvantages ah!”

The 100 Pa Sect who arrived here first, Heavenly Dragon Zong Sect Master Hu Yanshan, but the pupil light swept, looking at the black crowd, an angry look flashed in his eyes, directly to several powerhouses such as 10000 Jin Huang, Zuo Tianshou Issue Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

“En!? Brother Huyan, any ideas !?”

“Good! There are more people!”

“en! It makes sense!”


Several powerhouses heard the sound transmission of Hu Yanshan, all looked up towards all around, and at the same time browse slightly wrinkle, nodded replied.

“Old rules, clear the field!”

Hu Yanshan was sneaked and directly opened the mouth and said.

“My Heavenly Dragon, come first!”

In a word, Hu Yanshan took a big step, one step was 10,000 zhang, floating above the mountain range, the body of Martial Emperor, like the vast sea surged out.

“Attention everyone! Give you ten breaths time, leave this mountain range immediately, otherwise, kill without mercy!”

Hu Yanshan’s voice resounded throughout the audience. Behind him, a large group of Heavenly Dragon sect powerhouses moved in turbulence, and 100 auras poured out to suppress the audience.

“Good! Everyone get me lost!”

“Leave immediately, or all die!”

10000 The Golden Emperor and the Sovereign Patriarch, seeing that the Heavenly Dragon Sect has acted, and naturally will not fall behind, all swept out, occupying the mountain range sky, while facing several 100,000 Martial Artists, roaring and haha!

Obviously, several strong Sects present have reached a tacit agreement.

In the mountain range, all the little Sect and Loose Cultivator heard the orders of several strong Sects, and their faces suddenly turned green.

This is too overbearing too!

Don’t give them these low-level Martial Artists a chance!

You should know that most of the Martial Artists present are cultivation bases below Martial Emperor Realm. Every Martial Artist hopes that they can take this opportunity to break through Realm of Martial Emperor and become a real powerhouse.

All low-level Martial Artists, normally cultivated, not only lack resources, but also have rare opportunities.

They came to the Heavenly Palace ruins. They thought that even if they didn’t get the heaven defying chance, they could get some resources left by Saint Martial Emperor.

But now, before the Heavenly Palace remains are opened, those strong Sects will have to drive them away!

“Sir, please give me a chance!”

Among the 100,000 Martial Artists, some quasi-imperial Martial Artists stepped out of the crowd and faced the Great Sects on the sky.

“Yes! Sir, this Heavenly Palace relic is our Azure Dragon World domain. It is a relic from millions of years. It existed before the Azure Dragon World domain was born and should belong to the Azure Dragon World domain. Every Martial Artist!”

“Good! Heaven defying the chance, everyone has a share, why should you belong to the few Sect !?”

“Brightly, it is bullying us! Hmph! Not fair!”


Among the Martial Artists in the audience, the quasi-imperial order cultivation base is relatively good, so they dare to stand up and speak.

Moreover, as the first person spoke, more and more small forces and Loose Cultivator came out one after another, in unison!

Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe, standing outside the mountain range, watched a scene in the sky, brows slightly wrinkle.

Under Martial Emperor, all ants!

They are so openly opposed to several Martial Emperor, I am afraid there will be no good results!

“Hmph! Bold! Either go or die!”

Hu Yanshan heard the sound of mountain cry out and sea howl below, suddenly furious, screamed and exploded, the whole body was aura, and it suddenly surged.


a Optimus giant palm, appearing out of thin air, dropping from the sky, moved towards the top 100 quasi-imperial powerhouses that just walked out of the crowd’s mouth, crashed down!

bang bang Bang!

Suddenly, the giant palm fell, and nearly 100 quasi-imperial Martial Artists and Loose Cultivator, even had no time to escape, was directly filmed as a flesh and blood powder, and instantly damaged a large piece!

“Courting death! Who else is not convinced !?”

Hu Yanshan’s blood energy surged throughout his body, and the pupil light was thunderous, sweeping across the audience.

In an instant, in the entire mountain range, several 100,000 Martial Artist crowds suddenly became dead!

Everyone looked at the sky, flying the bloody and rainy wind, all the complexion greatly changed, eyes full of fear.

The power of Martial Emperor, destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth!

simply not these people, you can contend!

“En !? Kill 100 quasi-imperial powerhouses in one palm! The strength of really strong!”

Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle, looking at Hu Yanshan on the sky, his face pale, didn’t expect, this 100 tyrant Sect’s big brother, the strength is so strong!

In the wave of hands, Martial Artist of the quasi-imperialist cultivation base is killed, as if stepping on an ant!

This kind of strength suddenly reminded Chu Yan. When he first came to Outland World, he met the 2 Martial Emperors of the Ming Clan. The same strength is monstrous!

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