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Seeing the sky, the palm of Martial Emperor fell, the whole audience was frightened, and 4 fled away!

“God ah! Then … that attacked the Loose Cultivator of the Martial Sovereign Realm !?”

“It’s dead! A Martial Sovereign Realm can’t stop it!”

“What’s going on !? The Martial Emperor of the Dragon Sect, why suddenly shot a small Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist !?”

“Courting death! Dare to offend Martial Emperor! Certainly die!”


The entire mountain range, a few 100,000 Martial Artists and Loose Cultivator, saw the palm of Martial Emperor, and shot to Chu Yan, who had only Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base.

“Sure enough, they are from the Ming tribe! They were discovered!”

In the crowd, Chu Yan saw the giant palm fall, the whole body aura was locked, under the mighty emperor’s might, a powerful force, like a mountain, came to suppress himself.

The palm of the Martial Emperor has not yet fallen. Just the prestige of the Martial Emperor, I am afraid that the Martial Sovereign Realm powerhouse of ordinary can’t bear it!

The Martial Emperor of the 3 ding tribes in front of me is obviously much stronger than the Litian Martial Emperor and Asahi Martial Emperor that I met outside the Space-Time channel!

“Xuanshui Shield!”

Not afraid of a moment of hesitation, feeling the horror of Martial Emperor’s palm, Chu Yan’s eyes glared, True Qi madly urged all over the body, and directly used his strongest life-saving card.

black light Jingxuan, black’s big shield, like a shield, counterattack, collide with the palm of Martial Emperor and burst open instantly.

2 black lights collided to explode the weather waves and dissipated at the same time!


Without any hesitation, almost at the moment when Xuanshui Shield rushed out, Chu Yan greeted and swept away with Chang Tianhe!

Uh …!

With Chang Tianhe, Chu Yan movement art is like electricity, pulling out an illusory afterimage, like a black rainbow, instantly disappearing deep in the mountain range.

“En!? Want to escape !?”

The dragon house on the building of the flame, seeing his palm seal, was actually broken by a Martial Sovereign Realm kid, and suddenly started,

When he reacted and glanced at it, he found that the black robe had disappeared into his sight.

However, the fluctuations in the sky, like a sharp arrow, point directly to the depths of the mountain range, which is the direction of Chu Yan’s escape.

The respect of Martial Emperor, Divine Consciousness is so powerful, just swept away, and found out the direction of Chu Yan’s escape.

This Martial Emperor, although didn’t expect Chu Yan to survive under his palm, but seeing Chu Yan flee, naturally will not let go.

In accordance with the orders of their holy elders, see Chu Yan, kill without mercy!

Although considering that their Nether Dragon Sect is a hidden force lurking in the domain of Azure Dragon World, it should not be exposed, but he originally wanted to capture Chu Yan.

But just now, that Chu Yan suddenly attacked a black light shield attack and completely smashed his palm seal. It suddenly made him dare not imagine that a Martial Sovereign Realm kid could escape in his own hands! ?

No wonder, this child has faced Saint Race many times and can escape alive, really has several points of means!

“die for me !”

The more frightened, the more angry, the big hand waved, the large black light, as if Hong Feng, moved towards Chu Yan silhouette disappeared deep into the mountain range, surging away.

Although it is not certain where Chu Yan is, this move is a large-scale attack. Wherever the attack has passed, everything is turned into nothing, and he is not left a trace of life at all.

“Not good !”

Chu Yan, who had just sneaked into the depths of the mountain range, suddenly felt that behind him, Tide of Terror came rushing, hiding the sky and covering the earth, completely covering the sky.

“Hmph! Even if you have a life saving card, this time must be … yi!? That is …”

The man who shot Dragon Race Martial Emperor, saw his own attack, devoured the entire mountain range, and suddenly laughed, just halfway through the sentence, the grin on his face instantly solidified.

I saw that in the mountain range in the distance, in a large black tide torrent, a group of azure light burst like azure sun, shooting 10000 rays of light.

This azure light swallowed the sky and instantly broke the black tide, breaking a big hole, a palm-size azure lotus, and slowly took off!

Weng! weng! weng!

The ripples of azure, like a large ripple of water, rushing past, all directions in 4 directions, all black floods, as if ice and snow caught fire, instantly disappear without a trace.

Ten Directions void, like a crystal wall, azure glow swept through, shattered one after another, the power of terror rumbled, the mysterious power of terror, even all around mountain peak, was destroyed.

This might of Azure Lotus, the power of Martial Emperor, was instantly crushed into fine powder.

On the building of flames, 3 Martial Emperor Sects were stunned, their hearts were cold, and both eyes were full of fright.

Not only this 3 Martial Emperor, including several 100,000 Martial Artists in the audience, under the impact of this azure profound strength, the whole body trembles, the body trembles, and even the cultivation base is weak, the blood rises, corner of the mouth flow blood!

A group of unremarkable azure lotus, blocked Martial Emperor’s blow! ?

Shocked by the audience, the silhouettes of Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe have disappeared into the mountain range, and no trace can be found.

“Actually … or escaped to him !?”

The Dragon Race 3 is a big Martial Emperor, all with a pale face, full of surprise.

“This Chu Yan, as the clan elder said, is extremely evil!”

3 The first Martial Emperor takes a breath, mutters to himself, and his eyes sweep across the depths of the mountain range, into the eyes, full of towering ancient trees, where there is Chu Yan’s aura.

“Who is that black robed youth?”

On the sky in the distance, 10000 Golden Emperor, Zuo Tianshou and Hu Yanshan all looked astonished.

The Martial Emperor from Dragon Race just shot, the might is strong, their three people are palpitations, but did n’t expect, a little Martial Sovereign Realm junior, even escape alive 2 times in a row!

These methods are completely beyond their expectations!

“The azure lotus is terrifying. What is it?”

“Is there a powerhouse shelter behind this child !?”

“This side of the void has been blocked, this child should not go far!”

Above the sky, several Martial Emperor, all looking thoughtful, all eyes, all looking towards the direction of Chu Yan disappearing, contemplation.

“Hmph! I don’t believe it!”

In the flame building, the Martial Emperor who shot, but his face was flushed and embarrassed.

In an instant, a mighty Divine Consciousness emanated from him like turbulent seawater, moved towards 4 all directions, and swept frantically.

Martial Emperor Divine Consciousness, looking for Chu Yan, must not let go!

Dignified a Martial Emperor, even a small Martial Sovereign Realm junior, escaped 2 times, which made his face let go! ?

hu hu hu!

Black’s aura is like mist and clouds, and it instantly fills the entire mountain range!

Not only him, the other 2 Martial Emperor, the brows slightly wrinkle on the flame building, frost appeared on the face, and at the same time the Divine Consciousness was scattered, sweeping the mountain range, and wanted to dig out the traces of Chu Yan.

In an instant, the entire mountain range, within a radius of 10,000 li, was continuously swept by 3 Martial Emperor.


10 breaths later, in the sky on the sky, suddenly a void ripples, 2 silhouettes, burst out of the void crack, and the figure rises into the sky.

The direction of the 2 people is the sky, where the “Heavenly Palace remains” is located!

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