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Chapter 1553

There were 100 Heavenly Dragon disciples in the audience. Watching, the three-claw White Dragon of Sect Protecting Treasure from Heavenly Dragon was hit by the golden sky fist, as if crushing Stinking Insect. Get dumbstruck!

What … what happened! ?

What is this sudden natural phenomenon? ?

Not only is the Heavenly Dragon sect disciple in the audience, even Ye Tianjiang and Chang Tianhe in the battle are also standing still on the spot, completely silly!

“I … my Supreme Treasure!”

Ye Tian confounded Sea of ​​Consciousness, his eyes were dull, his mouth wide open. For a long time, he gradually reacted. His pupils shrank and stared at the big pit on the ground, sensing that the 3-claw White Dragon ’s aura completely disappeared Turn your head slowly, looking towards the direction of Spirit Peak in the distance.

That golden sky fist was hit from that direction!

“Who! Who is it??”

Ye Tianjiang’s stern roar sounded through the sky.

His eyes have become blood-red, flying wildly, almost crazy!

Zong Bao keeps the Supreme Treasure, and each discipline can only receive one. Even if the Dragon Power is exhausted, he must hold Jade Talisman and return to Sect in exchange.

But now, his dragon-shaped Jade Talisman has been completely turned into powder, not to mention returning to Sect in exchange for not being eaten by Elder, even if it is Great Destiny!

And that golden sky fist is the culprit!

Ye Tianjiang at this moment is almost mad!

Jade Talisman, the dragon, was destroyed and returned to the Heavenly Dragon Sect. The heavy penalty was absolutely inescapable.

But he took a breath, when his eyes saw the Spirit Peak Palace in the distance, a black robe silhouette, a volley came, the whole body aura, rippling like water ripples, dispersing Heaven and Earth, suddenly the pupil fiercely again Shrink.

“Wu … Martial Sovereign Realm !?”

No need to be carefully sensed, swept by the aura, Ye Tian will only feel like his body is like an ice cellar, even Divine Soul seems to be frozen!

The man who stepped in the void turned out to be … Martial Sovereign Realm!

You should know that there are several 100,000 Martial Artists in the entire World Heritage Site. Until now, no Martial Sovereign Realm has been born, even if it is the Peak Disciple of several powerful dynasties.

It is relatively easy to enter this world of relics, from Martial Venerable Realm 1st Layer to revert to half-step Martial Sovereign Realm.

As long as there are enough demon Soul Crystal, but can recover quickly.

However, if you want to break through the half-step Martial Sovereign Realm and return to the true Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, it is as difficult as heavenly ascension!

At this point, everyone knows and thinks that in this world of relics, only the highest half-step Martial Sovereign Realm can be restored to find and compete for the Supreme Treasure.

But now, a Martial Sovereign Realm Martial Artist appeared above the sky, this …

Not only Ye Tianjiang, there are 100 Heavenly Dragon sect disciples in the audience, they are also dull, looking at the sky, completely silly!

How could Martial Artist of Martial Sovereign Realm appear, this is impossible!

Everyone’s face was unbelievable, and 100 pairs of eyes stared at the black robe silhouette, shaking together, as if they had seen a ghost.

“Chu … Brother Chu!”

Chang Tianhe was shocked in his face, staring at Chu Yan, who slowly fell from the sky, his words ended.

Above the sky dome, Chu Yan stepped lightly and stomped straight in front of Changtian River.

With a glance, the joy of the original with both eyes completely disappeared, and it was replaced by Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice!

Ice eyes are like soldiers, looking directly at everyone!


A word colder than his eyes spit out, right hand clenched his fist, raised his hand is single fist smashed out.

With a punch, the golden waves are like a wave, the dragon breath invades the sky, and the roaring golden dragon shadow directly hit Ye Tianjiang!


With a loud blast, Ye Tian will be smashed in an instant, blood spouting in his mouth, moved towards 10000 steps away, and flew away.


Severely smashed the ground, large cracks, moved towards 4 directions like spider webs, all directions extended …

“You … yes … pu!”

Before he finished asking a word, Ye Tian smeared the blood in his mouth and sprayed it again, and aura was scattered.

With a big hand in his arms, he took out a jade bottle and poured out a Golden Pill, swallowed it down, Ye Tianjiang’s injury quickly improved.

Climbing up from the ground, then looked towards the other party’s eyes, full of horror.

“You … who are you !?”

Ye Tian’s eyes flashed cold body, body flashed, and flicked back to the spot.

The appearance of this black robed youth scared him!

This person’s strength is far beyond his imagination, and it is very likely to be the strong Inner Sect elite disciple.

However, he did not remember that he had offended the strong discipline in this relic World!

However, Ye Tian will believe that, with their Heavenly Dragon sect prestige, this person does not dare to treat himself.

Regarding Ye Tianjiang’s problem, Chu Yan didn’t seem to hear it. He slowly turned around, looked towards Chang Tianhe, looked up and down, and Divine Consciousness shrouded him.

After some exploration, the coldness on Chu Yan’s face grew stronger and stronger!

Martial Soul is damaged!

Although the Martial Soul of Changtian River was not directly damaged, the power of Martial Soul disappeared and suffered a fatal blow.

“Why don’t you leave !?”

Chu Yan looked at Chang Tianhe and asked.

“I promised to wait for you here!”

Hearing Chu Yan’s question, Chang Tianhe’s mouth was light, his mouth was replied, and the corner of his mouth caused a ray of blood to overflow again.

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly started, and looked towards Chang Tianhe’s eyes, suddenly warm!

He knew that Chang Tianhe was not only waiting for himself, but also trying to hold back these people, so he did not directly escape.

Otherwise, these Heavenly Dragon sect, even if Ye Tian will be present, Chang Tianhe is going, no one can keep him.

“Leave me the rest!”

Chu Yan’s big hand turned over, two jade bottles appeared, raised his hand and threw it towards Changtian River, then suddenly turned around, looking directly at Ye Tianjiang.

At a glance, the bone-chilling chill brought a gust of wind into the audience!

All of them were blown by the frozen Divine Soul gang wind, and they all suddenly hit a shivered, looking towards Chu Yan in amazement.

“Your question just now can answer you!”

Looking straight at Ye Tianjiang, Chu Yan’s face raised a smile …

It’s just this smile, falling in the eyes of Ye Tianjiang and the Heavenly Dragon sect disciple, but a sudden jump in my heart, and the complexion changed.

This smile, with a touch of blood, seems to be … not quite right!

“Who are you !? Why didn’t you just answer !?”

Ye Tian will look at Chu Yan. There is an unspeakable feeling in his heart that makes him Divine Consciousness more and more tight. This feeling has never been experienced.

“I’m Heavenly Dragon outside sect door core disciple, Ye Tianjiang! May I ask you which is the one from the top 100 !?”

Ye Tian will not dare to hesitate and directly report Sect and identity. No matter what he thinks, the other person’s eyes make him feel dazed.

“Chu Yan, Loose Cultivator!” Chu Yan said with a smile.

“What !? You are Loose Cultivator !?”

With a word, Ye Tian changed his face suddenly, and looked at Chu Yan with unbelievable expression.

“As for why I answer you now, it is because …”

Chu Yan raised his finger, his tone was dull, his face calm, as if to say something ordinary.

“Now, all of you … are going to die!”

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