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It didn’t take long for the 10000 prince’s physical injuries to recover from Golden Pill and True Qi’s tonic, and he recovered and took off.

When I looked up and looked forward, I saw 9 great halls of different colors standing in a huge Martial Arts Stage all around.


In a flash, without any hesitation, Prince 10000 moved towards the Martial Arts Stage in the distance.

However, the moment he stepped on the Martial Arts Stage, the entire Paladin cluster of palaces suddenly made a trembling roar.

Boom … Rumble!

The Shengmu Palace group covering an area of ​​nearly 100,000 acres, trembling together, with different colors of light, soaring into the sky, countless rays of light soaring, flowing and glancing above the palace group, a burst of fairy sounds and fantasia, Heaven and Earth!

At the same time, the 9 Heavenly Might area in the promenade that served as the entrance to the Paladin Group was also trembling,

One after another mysterious Heaven and Earth Might flew out of the space of the promenade, as if the starlight 10000 points, turned into a long river, moved towards 9 great halls in the distance, and flowed away.

“En !?”

Chu Yan sitting in the 9 Heavenly Might area of ​​the promenade, suddenly eyes opened, his brows lightly twisted.

He felt that the speed of Heavenly Dao’s power in the space was quickly dissipating, and in a blink of an eye, it was a full 1% less!

Turning his gaze, he looked towards the end of the promenade, and saw a silhouette of the 10000 prince, flying towards the Martial Arts Stage where 9 great halls were located.

“Is it because someone passes the promenade !?”

Not only Chu Yan, even Chang Tianhe, who was 100 steps away from him, also gently opened his eyes, looking suspiciously 4 times.

“Brother Chu, my Heavenly Dao space here is 1% less!”

Chang Tianhe looked at Chu Yan, opened the mouth and said.

“Sure enough! It seems that as long as someone passes this corridor, 9 Heavenly Might here will be reduced by a part!”

Chu Yan swept her eyes and looked not far away. The crowd of more than 10000 Martial Artists who were getting closer and closer to them suddenly looked pale.

The more than 10000 Martial Artists obviously also found that the weight of the body has been reduced, all of them are happy and excited, and they are moving forward with all their strength.

Everyone thinks the same, no matter what happens to the 9th Layer Road on this corridor, anyway, take this opportunity quickly and pass as soon as possible to be the right way.

“Tianhe, hurry up comprehend, it seems that time is running out!”

Chu Yan first reminded Chang Tianhe, then turned around and looked towards the more than 10000 Martial Artist crowds with obvious speed increase, the pupil light flashed slightly, his eyebrows wriggled, and then Chu Yan’s mouth slightly raised.

“Dragon Race, come out!”

a light shout, 8 black silhouettes flashed, it was 8 Dragon Race defenders with golden bones all over the body, appeared directly in front of Chu Yan.

“But me block them!”

In a word, Chu Yan no longer paid attention at all, closed his eyes again, and sank into comprehend cultivation.

And the 8 Dragon Race guards with golden bones all over the body, bowed to Chu Yan at the same time, then stepped at the same time, moved towards the distance, more and more 10000 Martial Artists approached.

Chu Yan’s idea is simple. Block these guys and stop them from passing the corridor, so that they can spend as much comprehend time as possible with Chang Tianhe.

Of course, he didn’t expect that, relying on these 8 Dragon Race defenders alone, he could block the impact of 10000 Martial Artists. However, these 8 Dragon Race defenders have dragon bones. These Martial Artists want to break through , I am afraid it is not so easy.

The most important thing is that over time, between these 10000 Martial Artists, because of their different strengths, they have opened a distance, and not all are gathered together.

Dragon Race war guard can completely block and break one by one!

In addition, the Dragon Race is different from the human Martial Artist. They do not have Divine Soul and Sea of ​​Consciousness, and they are naturally not affected by the force of repression on the 9th Layer Road. Those Martial Artists are now under 9 times the force of repression. Against Battle Clan, you can have several points of battle strength! ?

tread! tread! tread!

Soon, the Dragon Race war guard came to the top 10000 Martial Artists, in front of dozens of people, like a row of black walls, blocking the front.

At this time, the 100 Martial Artists naturally discovered the Dragon Race guards, and their faces suddenly startedled, and their figure stopped.

“I rely on! What happened !?”

“It’s wrong ah! These 8 skeletons, that came !? Is it the golden corpse !?”

“Fuck! How can there be a golden corpse in the passageway to the gate of the Paladin !? How could such a strong force of suppression be played!”

“Nonsense! Of course I can’t beat it! Didn’t you see, this Tamar came out of 8 at once !? When outside, fighting with a golden corpse was a bit reluctant!”

“Then … how does this … go over?”


I saw 8 Dragon Race guards, golden light all over the body, teeth clenched in one mouth, and the 100 Martial Artists stared at them in a daze, all of them were pale and their eyes twitched!

With a 9th Layer repression, he can’t even play his usual 20% battle strength, let alone fight!

Moreover, still fighting with the extremely horrible golden corpse, there is also a row of 8 fucks, how to fight this! ?

For a time, there were 100 Martial Artists, all stopped together, you see me, I see you, all silly!

The eight Dragon Race defenders, ordered by Chu Yan to block these people, so, these people do not advance, they do not take the initiative to attack, so confrontation.


Extremely awkward!

Suddenly, among the 100 Martial Artists, there is a feeling of difficulty in advancing and retreating 2!

Going forward, the 8 golden corpses, with their top 100, were suppressed by Martial Artist with 80% battle strength, which was simply impossible.

If you go back, then all the efforts just made will be in vain!

“Hemp, I don’t believe that they are not suppressed! Die for me!”

A Martial Artist of Martial Sovereign Realm 3rd Layer, finally disabled to bear, turned over his big hand, took out a black battle axe, stormed into shape, leapt forward, moved towards 8 Dragon Race guards and slashed away.

This axe contains his within the body, all the remaining power and True Qi, is to break through in one fell swoop!


With a loud explosion, I saw 8 Dragon Race guards, standing in the middle one, stepped out, golden hand waved, pulled out with a palm, directly the Martial Artist of Martial Sovereign Realm 3rd Layer, Pumped back and forth.


As if a meteor, crossed the promenade space, flying straight upside down, 10000 steps from the rest of the head, fell heavily outside the 9th Layer area, as if it was a bottle gourd, it also knocked over a group of people .

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Everyone ’s eyes, with the silhouette of the Martial Artist flying backwards, fell all the way outside the 9th Layer area, waiting to see him directly fetched 10000 steps by the golden corpse, and then looked back, looked towards a pale face When 8 gold corpses, suck in a breath of cold air at the same time.

“No …! Sure enough, these golden corpses are not suppressed by the 9th Layer! This … is in trouble!”

100 Martial Artists, with a depressed face, black ink can drip ink!

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