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In front of the eyes, a large flash of light flashed, and the black void channel seemed extremely long.

Donghua Young Master took Wushuang Princess, and the two proceeded carefully along the way, always being vigilant.

However, what the two of them did not think is that there is no force of repression in this void channel, which is completely different from the beginning of the promenade channel leading to the Palatial Palace.

All around is completely dark, Divine Consciousness and True Qi for 2 people, not suppressed, 4 spills out, covering a 100 li land.

I went forward for a full breaths time, a distance and a ray of light suddenly appeared.

“That’s the exit!”

Tung Wah Young Master’s face was suddenly filled with joy.

“Brother Xiao, very good!”

The unparalleled princess in red clothes also has a bright face, and the face of Fang Dai Fangyan is as bright as peach and apricot, revealing a gorgeous appearance.

“En! Wushuang, you can rest assured, this time I will never let you down, I want to let everyone know that my Lou Yuxiao is not worse than my big brother!”

Donghua Young Master’s eyes were shining, looking at Wushuang Princess, said with pride.

shua! shua!

The silhouette of 2 people suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the exit of the passageway at a distance of 10,000 zhang, passing by.

The blazing light clusters continue to magnify in front of their eyes, and soon they are completely enveloped and drowned.

Donghua Young Master only felt the light in front of her eyes. Immediately, the rays of light in all directions from 4 directions exited like a tide, and her eyes were suddenly bright.

“this is…..”

Donghua Young Master and Wushuang Princess, two of them rushed out of the exit of the tunnel, looked at the next four, their faces started at the same time.

I saw the world in lava!

all around are all red rivers with thick lava flowing, and thick black smoke rising constantly.

Regardless of the sky or the earth, all around is a world composed of black and red. The hot temperature makes 2 people feel a dry mouth at the same time.

“En!? Flame Devil Canyon!? How come here !?”

Donghua Young Master’s eyes swept away, and suddenly the complexion greatly changed, exclaiming.

“Azure Dragon World, one of the ten Danger Land’s Flame Devil Canyon! Look over there, it’s Flame Devil Peak! It’s Flame Devil Canyon!”

Wushuang Princess’s phoenix eyes were wide-eyed, and her face was unbelievable, especially when she saw the distance, a dark body, no tree, the whole mountain, like a huge black crystal-like mountain peak, suddenly exclaimed sound.

Flame Devil Canyon!

One of the famous Danger Land in Azure Dragon World domain!

At this time, because of the presence of Monster Beast and heavenly materials earthly treasures of Fire Element, it is the cultivation Holy Land of Martial Artist of all cultivation Fire Element a.

Especially under the Flame Demon Peak, there are 9 Dragon Flame Pools where you can temper the Martial Artist’s Fire Body!

Therefore, Martial Artists are often involved in the cultivation of the 9 dragons, and occasionally a battle for snatching will break out.

“No! This … this is the south side of Yanmo Peak!”

At the moment when the voice of Princess Wushuang fell, Donghua Young Master’s face shone again, shouted.

“Isn’t the south side of the Flame Demon Peak a Danger Land ?! How come …”

a Suddenly thinking, flashed through my mind, Donghua Young Master ’s eyes swept 4 times, continually observing all around, and finally confirmed that the place they are in now is the Yanmo Canyon , Usually, the side that cannot be reached at all!

“Look at it!”

Wushuang Princess raised her hand, tenderly shouted.

In the direction of Wushuang Princess’s finger, Donghua Young Master looked up and saw a thick black smoke, forming a large gray black cloud, covering the sky.

In the dense black clouds, several silhouettes can be seen suspended!

“Prince 10000! Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe !?”

With a glance, Donghua Young Master’s pupils suddenly shrunk, brows slightly wrinkle.

This time came to the relics of the Paladin, because the big brother and the owner did not allow it, but he spent a long time and then convinced them to get away.

So, when he broke into the World of Heavenly Palace, killing the corpses, hunting the soul Soul Crystal, and rushing to the Palatial Palace, it was 3 days later than the first Martial Artists who entered the Palatial Palace.

However, when he got to the gate of the Paladin, he heard everyone talking about a Martial Artist named Chu Yan.

Various exaggerated deeds have made Donghua Young Master’s heart feel dignified!

Originally, he thought that, with his innate talent and strength, he was able to get the Paladin inheritance, and he was very sure!

However, after hearing that the cultivation base and strength of Prince 10000 had skyrocketed, but still lost to that Chu Yan, he began to worry a bit.

You know, he came out at this time, but he has promised with the big brother and the owner that he will definitely get the inheritance in the Paladin!

But now, even before him, there are 2 such powerful opponents!

Remnants of the Paladin, born millions of years!

Whoever can get it, has the opportunity to embark on the road of the Holy Emperor …

“Go! Let’s go up!”

Seeing Chu Yan and the 10000 crown prince appear, Donghua Young Master’s body suddenly raised a battle intent, his eyes sparkling.

In a word, 2 people were shaped like electricity, moved towards 10,000 zhang, flying high above the sky.

Above 10,000 zhang high above the sky, the wind is like a tide, sweeping the sky …

On the ground, large lava rivers exuded black smoke and temperature, making the temperature above the sky even higher than the ground.

Prince Donghua was anxious to see the genius named Chu Yan. True Qi urged him, and in a blink of an eye, he reached 10,000 zhang.

“Haha, are you Chu Yan? In the Lower East … um !?”

Just rushed to Chu Yan and Prince 10000 for 1000 steps, Prince Donghua laughed and arched his hands to greet him, but when his gaze swept far ahead of Chu Yan, the complexion greatly changed.

I saw a black mountain peak in the distance, like a piece of black ocean, rolling and cascading, surging forward with great momentum, moved towards the horizon.

One of the mountain peaks stands in the middle of the mountain range. The entire mountain peak is incomparably huge, almost 100,000 zhang high degrees.

At a glance, it looks like this mountain peak, blocking the sky!

Donghua Young Master’s double pupils shrank and his face was shocked. He had never seen such a high mountain peak.

However, this is not the reason that surprised him the most. What shocked him was that on top of the black mountain peak, a nine colored pagoda stood towering like a tower!

This is a 9-Layer tower body. The tower body is octagonal. Each layer has pagoda flying along the eaves.

This octagonal tower is very different from the 8 square towers in the Azure Dragon World domain. It does not seem to be the regional style of the Azure Dragon World domain at all.

Moreover, this pagoda all around, a large piece of 9 colorful streamers haunted, a piece of empty and turbulent flow, 4 rushes, completely engulfed the black smoke from all around, unable to get close to the tower.

Obviously, these 9 colored streamers are a kind of protection for the existence of pagoda. If anyone dares to come close, I am afraid that they will be completely swallowed by the void chaos hidden in the 9 colored streamers.

“This is Swallowing the Heavens Tower !? How could it be here !?”

Donghua Young Master, startled!

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