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He didn’t hear the voice of 10000 Prince Jin calling himself at all. At this time, Chu Yan’s body was stiff and his face was dull.

The distant colored colored giant tower that covered half of the sky in the distance, fell in the eyes of Chu Yan, which also shocked him.

The gleaming nine colored streamer, centered on Swallowing the Heavens Tower, lingers, as if it contains endless mysterious magic.

It looks extremely beautiful, as if Swallowing the Heavens Tower wrapped in divine light, if not listening to its legend, who can think that it once swallowed the most powerful Martial Artist in the nearly 1000000 Azure Dragon World domain.

It is said that there is also a person Holy Emperor, all caught in it.

“Unbelievable! Really incredible!”

Chu Yan’s face was dull, his eyes missing, just looking at the Swallowing the Heavens Tower in the distance, muttering to himself.

“Brother Chu, are you okay !?”

Chang Tianhe followed Chu Yan, and there was a trace of worry on his face, asking.

At this time, Chu Yan, the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness, has been completely confused, a sound, like a thunderbolt, resounds throughout the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Chu Yan, it is completely ignorant!

After he arrived here from the 9-patterned pattern channel, an unimaginable terrifying consciousness suddenly enveloped him.

This consciousness, with an unspeakable summon power, made him deep in his heart, constantly rising the urge to rush into the tower.

If it weren’t for his Martial Dao’s will, it was already extremely powerful. I’m afraid it would have been unbearable for a long time, and it has already rushed to the Swallowing the Heavens Tower.

However, even if Chu Yan suppressed the impulse in his heart, that summon-like consciousness made Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness impossible to calm down.

Chu Yan has also experienced this kind of summon before.

In particular, 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul will release this summon consciousness when it encounters opportunities that are helpful to them.

However, compared with the summon consciousness in front of me, what I have experienced before is too weak!

This sense of summon not only poured into his Sea of ​​Consciousness, but also penetrated every meridian, flesh and blood in his body, and even Divine Soul, could not help shaking.

“Why does this Swallowing the Heavens Tower send me a summon !?”

Chu Yan’s face was full of surprise.

In the meantime, he also observed Chang Tianhe, 10000 Prince Jin, even the Donghua Young Master and Wushuang Princess who had just arrived, including the men they brought, and other powerhouses that had arrived one after another.

But they didn’t find out that there was any abnormality in their complexion …

It seems that this summon is only for one person!

The Legendary Supreme Treasure of this Azure Dragon World tower, even a Saint Emperor powerhouse, cannot be controlled. It can enable an ordinary Martial Artist to break through to Martial Emperor Realm ’s treasures in a blink of an eye. summon! ?

“Can’t even the Holy Emperor be able to recognis the Master’s Swallowing the Heavens Tower, recognize me !?”

The pupil of Chu Yan’s eyes, fiercely trembles, shrinks the needle instantly …

This reminded him that when he was in Horizon City, the 8 Divine Weapon that he met, although broken, still carried the pride of Divine Weapon. Among the 100 years of Heaven’s Chosen, he actively recognising Master to himself!

“Does this Swallowing the Heavens Tower in front of me also actively recognising Master !?”

In Chu Yan’s heart, although it was all doubts and unbelievable, but the summon feeling, like 10000 ants, was constantly surging all over the body.

“Brother Chu! Brother Chu!”

Chang Tianhe saw Chu Yan’s complexion, which became more and more wrong, and he did not dare to carelessly. His voice contained True Qi, which shocked Chu Yan’s mind.

“En! I’m fine!”

Hearing the voice of Chang Tianhe, Chu Yan’s mind started, and he exhaled for a long time, looking towards Chang Tianhe, nodded.

Can’t be impulsive!

Chu Yan, who was awakened by Divine Consciousness by Chang Tianhe, reminded himself.

Under such circumstances, the more impulsive you cannot be, otherwise, it is likely to fall directly into the land of eternal damnation.

Since it has swallowed 1000000 powerhouse, even the Holy Emperor, it is still too weak.

“Brother Chu, 100, 10,000 years ago, after the Swallowing the Heavens Tower disappeared, it is very likely to have been in this hidden world!”

Chang Tianhe saw Chu Yan returning to normal, and was slightly relaxed. Then, he looked at the Swallowing the Heavens Tower in the distance and muttered to himself.

As a Loose Cultivator, he has heard countless times about the secret of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, and his ears almost cocooned.

“Don’t say this Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the 9 colorful crystals bred by it are all Azure Dragon World domain, extremely powerful Supreme Treasure!”

“However, those who want to recognising Master and Swallowing the Heavens Tower as used powerhouses are all caught in it, I am afraid they should be lost!”

“Azure Dragon World domain first Supreme Treasure !?” Chu Yan brows slightly wrinkle.

“Good! It is said that this Swallowing the Heavens Tower is not a local treasure in Azure Dragon World, but comes from Heaven Beyond the Heaven. There is nothing that can clearly explain its origin!”

Chang Tianhe keeps talking and telling Chu Yan some of the secrets he has heard about Swallowing the Heavens Tower

“100 10,000 years ago, not only the Azure Dragon World domain, including some nearby powerful domains, the entire Outer World, one of the 30% domains, came with a powerhouse! However, there is still no one who can tell. Information such as origins! “

“I only heard that this Swallowing the Heavens Tower is very likely to come outside the World, the endless vast Star Domain!”

“There are even rumors that anyone who can get this Swallowing the Heavens Tower can become the ruler of the entire Outer World!”

“The ruler of Outland World !?”

Hearing this, Chu Yan complexion changed!

“This is all rumors and totally unfounded! However, the power of Swallowing the Heavens Tower is that even St. Imperial Capital is not qualified to own it!”

Chang Tianhe nodded, Road.

“En! Too!”

Hearing Chang Tianhe ’s words, Chu Yan pupil light shimmered, secretly said in one’s heart

“Even if it is a chance heaven defying, the recognising Master Swallowing the Heavens Tower, I am afraid that it will attract countless powerhouse peeping, when the time comes, carrying a treasure, I am afraid that it will be damaged by it! Huai Bi Qi sin ah!”

“There is no strong strength, with this kind of treasure, I don’t know is it fortune or misfortune!”

The entire Outer World, 10000000 million ethnic groups, have passed through the Myriad Realms domain continent, and the name Swallowing the Heavens Tower has spread almost throughout the Outer World.

If you get this Supreme Treasure yourself, with his current strength, just come to a few Martial Emperor, you can kill him!

Therefore, Chu Yan has just been thinking about it. If that summon consciousness really gives me the opportunity to recognising the Master Swallowing the Heavens Tower, then after I get it, can I hide it from other people.

If it can be achieved, I certainly will not miss this Supreme Treasure!

But if it doesn’t work, let everyone know that they got the Swallowing the Heavens Tower. After that, the road of Martial Dao, let alone cultivation, I am afraid that I will spend all my life in hiding and fear.

“I don’t want to do this first, or get close to this Swallowing the Heavens Tower first, let’s see it later!”

Seeing behind him, more and more Martial Artists came, Chu Yan made up his mind, then body moved, moved towards the Swallowing the Heavens Tower in the distance, and slowly flew away.

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