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Monster Beast, an imperial order, displays madness in rage.

If it is outside, it is definitely a natural disaster!

Even if it is a strong Sect or an empire, it is possible that this violent emperor-level Monster Beast will be directly stepped into a fan.

Emperor’s rage, the world is falling!

“White Tiger Martial Soul, come out!”

Seeing the Monster Beast of the Emperor Order, it is going crazy, and in the sky of all directions, the terrifying Emperor Monster qi is scattered.

Chu Yan shouted in a low voice, a large white light flickering behind him, and the tall White Tiger Martial Soul, breaking into the void and slowly stepping out.

A pair of golden tiger eyes, with Heaven and Earth Might, swept through the sky and fell directly on that monster monster Beast!


The tiger roar of heaven shaking earth shattering exploded, and the whole sky shook!

The power of the mighty White Tiger Martial Soul pulled up a huge wind, forming a tornado wind, moved towards the surging monster qi, fiercely rolled away.

Dragon cloud, tiger wind!

White Tiger Martial Soul, as the beast Martial Soul Supreme, Divine Beast, has the power of Innate to suppress all beast type Martial Soul.

As soon as he appeared, Emperor Monster Beast had a pair of lantern eyes, so he fiercely shrank, looking at White Tiger Martial Soul, and shivered all over his body.

Involuntarily, deep in his heart, a fear of aura rose, making him demon-conscious, and all became trembling.

This kind of bloodline suppression between Monster Beast is made by Innate, even if it is an Imperial Monster Beast, it is inevitable.

For a time, in Monster Beast, the monster qi was in chaos, and there was no more imposing manner just like that in the world.

In front of White Tiger Martial Soul, even if you are a Monster Beast, you are not eligible for arrogance!

Roar! roar!

However, this kind of bloodline repression did not take long. With the madness of the Imperial Monster Beast, it was fully deployed and became weaker and weaker.

The violent monster qi, finally breaking through the White Tiger’s Martial Soul’s power, formed a tidal wave that swept across the sky in an instant.

In the violent beast roar sound, the imperial Monster Beast 4 claws waved, bringing a large afterimage, the figure burst out, moved towards Chu Yan rushed straight in.

The 10,000 zhang height of the Imperial Beast Monster Beast, a sudden move, the imposing manner is amazing, like a Mount Tai, head down to suppress.

Chu Yan saw that Monster Beast rushed in, and eyes froze, not at all chose positive hard resistance, flashing in shape, and avoided.

At this time, Chu Yan of Rakshasa and White Tiger Martial Soul had been urged, almost 50% battle strength erupted.

However, it is still impossible against a “crazed” imperial monster Beast, head-on!

Of course, Chu Yan also has a “back against water”!

As long as a few blood essences are extracted to fully explode your own strength, it is not impossible to want to fight against this crazy Monarch Monster Beast!

However, the repercussions of the waters are too terrifying!

Even if the Golden Pill is swallowed indefinitely, it will take at least 5-6 days to recover!

As a result, in this Swallowing the Heavens Tower, who knows whether there will be more powerful existence than this first-level Monster Beast, or other dangers.

At this point, Zhu Yan was unwilling to make a decision.


We must find the weakness of this Monster Beast!

Chu Yan has experienced countless life and death great wars, including the one with Monster Beast.

Therefore, he is very clear that no matter how powerful Monster Beast, there must be weaknesses.

As long as you find the opponent’s weakness and want to defeat it, it will be much easier!

Roar! roar!

Chu Yan’s evasion caused the imperial Monster Beast in the rage to go directly to the sky.

Chu Yan, who has just comprehended the way of speed, has a slight advantage in speed compared to Imperial Beast.

“Kaitian Sword Art!”

With the opportunity of the imperial Monster Beast, Chu Yan raised his sword and cut it out.

Black’s sword glow, wrapped in Rakshasa True Qi, concussive Sword Qi, sword majesty skyrocketing, White Tiger Martial Soul behind him, cast a snowy white light, suddenly on the sword glow, wrapped again with a layer of white Martial Soul Power.

Under the enforcement of 2 kinds of power, the formidable power of this sword has increased more than 5 times!


Black and white blended sword glow, shuttling through the void, straight to the back of the emperor Monster Beast!

The target chosen by Chu Yan is the junction of the two huge carapace on the back of the big crab. The carapace there is obviously much weaker than other places!


However, when the sword light fell and had not touched the back of the Imperial Monster Beast, suddenly a turbulent stream of voids poured out, and the black vortex rose from the position of the 2 large carapace, just a flash, and the black and white sword glow Devour.

In a blink of an eye, the fierce black and white sword glow disappeared instantly!

After playing the piece of Emperor Monster Beast, the Void Turbulence rising up, after swallowing the sword glow, also instantly returned to normal, becoming the Ordinary Void, and I can no longer see any signs of the Void Chaos just flashing!

“En !?”

Seeing his sword glow missed, Chu Yan suddenly started looking.

“This guy’s body is all around, it seems that there is a layer of void turbulence as a defense cover !?”

Not only Chu Yan, including Chang Tianhe, but also the complexion greatly changed, flew across the body and rushed to Chu Yan.

“Isn’t it the same body protection defense as our human Martial Artist, right?”

Chang Tianhe wondered.

“Body protection Gang Yuan !?”

Hearing Chang Tianhe ’s words, Chu Yan ’s eyebrows gently twisted, “Using the turbulence of the void as a means of body protection, it is more difficult than the body protection gang yuan!”


Chang Tianhe’s complexion completely sank, his eyes looked towards being turned, preparing for the imperial Monster Beast that threw again, his pupil trembling.

Void chaos, devour everything!

If this Emperor-level Monster Beast really uses void turbulence as a means of body protection, it is almost equivalent to the existence of invincible defense!

Whether it is sword glow or boxing, no matter how great the formidable power is, it cannot withstand the turbulence of the void.

“10000 Dragon Power!”

Without any hesitation, Chang Tianhe raised his hand is punched out….

Golden fist gang, turned into a roaring golden dragon shadow, moved towards the imperial order Monster Beast, fiercely smashed!

10000 Dragon Power is Chu Yan’s integration of Dragon Mark’s body, and after upgrading Azure Dragon Martial Soul to Full Star, Azure Dragon Martial Soul passed to Chu Yan’s martial skill.

Chu Yan doesn’t know about this martial soul skill, what rank is it?

However, the formidable power of 10000 dragons is extremely powerful!

Originally, Chang Tianhe studied at Chu Yan for a long time with Chu Yan and was unable to master it.

However, in the hallway of the gate of the Paladin, Chang Tianhe’s Great Accomplishment realm of breakthrough strength in one fell swoop, after reaching Perfection Realm, has been able to exhibit 10000 dragon dragon boxing skills!


Roaring golden dragon shadow, 5 claws spread, fiercely crashed into the imperial monster Beast.

However, just when the decoration of the two was to be confirmed, suddenly, a black vortex flashed on the chest of Emperor Monster Beast, and the powerful Devouring Power poured out, and the Golden Dragon Shadow was completely swallowed up in an instant!


Seeing a scene, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe both looked stunned!

On this Monster Beast, there is really a body protection means of emptiness!

This was not the case before the madness, but now, no matter what attack, it has no effect on it.

“This is trouble!”

Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe glanced at each other, without any hesitation, separated left and right, turned and fled!


Seeing that 2 humans escaped, Emperor Monster Beast uttered a beast roar, his figure turned, and even moved towards Chang Tianhe!

“Yi!? Why don’t you chase me !?”

Chu Yan’s flashing figure suddenly stopped, looking at the imperial order Monster Beast rushing to Changtian River, his face full of doubts.

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