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The alien attack methods surprised Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe at the same time.

Originally, after seeing these 3 aliens rushing over, Chu Yan and Chang Tianhe were ready to fight.

However, how didn’t expect that the other party would even use such means as “Divine Consciousness Attack”.

In the battle of human Martial Artists, basically few people will attack cultivation Divine Consciousness, all rely on the cultivation technique Martial Artist to fight.

This kind of interracial secret skill, including Chu Yan, was encountered for the first time.

“Quick! Divine Consciousness defense!”

Chu Yan saw the waves of Divine Consciousness impact, getting closer and closer, involuntarily complexion sank, loudly shouted.

At the same time, Chu Yan’s outward Divine Consciousness, like the return of 10000 rivers to the sea, quickly returned, gathered around Chu Yan’s body all around, and formed a thick Divine Consciousness defense between the body protection Gang Yuan and the body.

Hearing Chu Yan ’s reminder, Chang Tianhe and Kong Xuan did not dare to carelessly, just like Chu Yan, converge Divine Consciousness and transform defense.


Almost 3 people, just prepared, the impact of Divine Consciousness on the opposite side has already rushed.

Silent, semi-substantial Divine Consciousness impact, shaking the void, like a big net, instantly swallowing 3 people.

Chu Yan’s Divine Physique Gang Yuan, under the impact of this Divine Consciousness, does not play any role. It is completely useless and directly passed through.

“Um hmph!”

The next moment, the powerful Divine Consciousness attack, impacted on the Divine Consciousness defense outside of Chu Yan, making Chu Yan’s face suddenly change.

Chu Yan only felt that he seemed to be hit by a wild elephant fiercely, and the entire Sea of ​​Consciousness tremored violently. Even Chu Yan’s vision became swaying, and Gold Star was stunned.

Weng! weng!

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness World, the Spirit Mark on the sky felt threatened and released 10000 golden lights to defend those breakthrough Chu Yan Divine Consciousness into all the Divine Consciousness of Sea of ​​Consciousness, all Crush!


Chu Yan clenched her teeth, her eyes lined with blood, feeling St. Spirit Mark holding the Sea of ​​Consciousness, and suddenly relaxed.

Dangerous in the past, Chu Yan’s heart is frightened!

This time, the means of the aliens completely exceeded his expectations, and it was completely a rush to cope with it. If it were not for him to have Saint Spirit Mark to guard the Sea of ​​Consciousness, the consequences would not be imaginable!

ah! ah!

Chu Yan, who had just been relaxed, suddenly burst into his ears with two screams and his face was awkward. Chu Yan quickly turned to look.

With a glance, I saw two people, Chang Tianhe and Kong Xuan. His face was white and his face was swollen with blue muscles. His eyes were completely turned into blood red, and his expression was extremely painful.

“Not good !”

Chu Yan shouted inwardly, without any hesitation, and quickly waved his big hand, two 2-color glowing light, immediately gushing out, covering 7 people.

Two people, Chang Tianhe and Kong Xuan, couldn’t resist the secret skill of this Divine Consciousness attack. Under the impact, the two people made a move at the same time. Under the chaos of Sea of ​​Consciousness, there were signs of collapse.

As a Golden Pill teacher, Chu Yan, Divine Consciousness is more than 5 times stronger than ordinary Martial Artist. In addition to the many cards in Sea of ​​Consciousness, even Chu Yan does nothing, whether it ’s Saint Spirit Mark or the azure. Tianlian, will not sit back and watch the foreign forces, destroying Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, Chang Tianhe and Kong Xuan, as Martial Artists, are not weak, but in terms of Divine Consciousness, compared with Chu Yan, the difference is 2 li.

It ’s not just the two of them. Among human Martial Artists, apart from Golden Pill and Spirit Mark, all Martial Artists and Divine Consciousness are not too strong.

Those aliens obviously seized this weakness and wanted to breathe it out to their three people to Death Land.

Relying on Saint Spirit Mark, he survived the Divine Consciousness attack. For the two people Chang Tianhe and Kongxuan, Chu Yan impossible watched their Sea of ​​Consciousness collapse and became a fool.

Therefore, Chu Yan directly used the “mountain myriad beasts map” to include 2 people in it, and then used the power of Saint Spirit Mark to expel the foreign Divine Consciousness power of Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Ha ha ha, Chu Yan, you are going to die this time!”

An alien with 2 bone spurs in the distance took advantage of the opportunity and had rushed over a distance of 10,000 zhang. Seeing that he was approaching, he suddenly laughed violently and grinned.

“Bone family !?”

Chu Yan eyes slightly narrowed, with a glance, with the illusory shadow of the ten aliens, finally rushed to the front, suddenly seeing each other’s appearance, it was the ten bone clan who were holding long bone sticks.

“Hmph! 20 powerhouses, split half to deal with me, and use secret skill. It really deserves me ah!”

Chu Yan pupil light flashed slightly, full of killing intent.

At this time, entering the bone powerhouse of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, there are only more than 20 elite powerhouses, plus 1000 ordinary Martial Artists.

But now, the ten bone race Martial Artists moved towards themselves, all auras are strong, obviously all elite powerhouses.

Especially the leader, holding the powerhouse with two long needle-shaped bone spurs, was the bone leader who originally said he wanted to deal with Chu Yan.

“Kaitian Sword Art, reincarnation!”

In his hand, Clear Sky Sword shook, and his backhand was a sword, and he slashed straight towards the ten bone family powerhouses rushing from the rush.

According to Chu Yan’s guess, Divine Consciousness is strong, and battle strength is generally weak!

Even among the human Martial Artists, Divine Consciousness’s most powerful divisions, Golden Pill and Spirit Mark, are all in the presence of battle strength.

Therefore, Chu Yan did not hesitate to wait for the other party to rush to attack directly.


The sword glow passed by, splitting the void, and chopping a large flickering illusory shadow.

In the distance, the ten bone family powerhouses that were approaching saw the glow of sword glow, but they waved their bone sticks in unison, ten black attacks rushed out, and hit the sword glow.

Boom … rumbling!

The two collided and exploded directly, exploding the violent energy, 2 scattered surge, the word glow completely collapsed!

“Divine might shock!”

Almost did not wait for the energy of the wave to completely dissipate. The leader of the bone clan smiled, and the bone spurs collided again in the hand, erupting the Divine Consciousness fluctuation visible by a naked eye.

However, at this time, this Divine Consciousness attack was no longer like the first one, rippled like a water ripple, but condensed into a stream and rushed straight to Chu Yan.

Obviously, the Guzu Powerhouse knew that Chu Yan had taken Chang Tianhe and Kong Xuan 2 people, so as long as he killed Chu Yan, it would be equal to 3 people lost at the same time!

How can they miss such a good opportunity!

“Not good! This is troublesome!”

Seeing the Divine Consciousness attack reappear, Chu Yan’s face became extremely dignified, body flashed, and there was no frontal confrontation with that Divine Consciousness attack, relying on speed, and directly avoided.

Chu Yan is very clear that just that time, the bones used a wide range of Divine Consciousness attacks, all of them surrounded by perils. This time, they only attacked themselves. I am afraid that the formidable power has increased several times.

Saint Spirit Mark ca n’t stop it, and I ’m not sure. If 10000 ca n’t stop it, the damage caused by this Divine Consciousness attack is not like trauma or internal injury, but the battle strength is only damaged. It can be treated with Golden Pill.

Divine Consciousness attack, directly against Sea of ​​Consciousness!

Once the Sea of ​​Consciousness is damaged and becomes a fool, it is like a walking corpse, and it will be slaughtered within it!

Of course, Chu Yan will not take risks at will.


Chu Yan urged the way of speed, the figure turned into a black lightning, constantly changing direction in the sky, avoiding the Divine Consciousness attack from a path of impact behind.

At the same time, Chu Yan mobilized the “Five Elements’ qi” in Sea of ​​Consciousness to infuse Saint Spirit Mark, constantly spawning Divine Consciousness, which turned into a path of Divine Consciousness defense, and the enforcement was outside the body.

“Ha ha ha, catch up and kill him!”

“Kill ah! Don’t let him escape!”

“good chance!”


Ten powerhouses of bone races chased behind Chu Yan in a frantic manner, and all of them were excited, constantly performing Divine Consciousness attacks.

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