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Old man’s remarks gave Chu Yan a brand new Martial Dao door.

It turned out that Martial Artist realized all kinds of Heavenly Dao, heaven defying cultivation, and reached the final result of integrating Heaven and Earth, but it was the way to accomplish others.

“Putting it that way, is this world continent now, also a Divine Kingdom World of a powerful powerhouse !?”

After long contemplation, Chu Yan looked at the old man and asked.


old man hearing this, but it’s the head.

“Uh … isn’t it!” Chu Yan startled.

“The World you are in now is not Divine Kingdom World, but Demon Country World!” The old man said lightly.

“Demon Country !?” Chu Yan frowned lightly wrinkle.

“Good! There is Divine Kingdom, and of course there is Demon Country!” Said the old man, with a long sigh, before continuing.

“Human Martial Artist cultivation to Realm of Martial Emperor, if you get the key of Divine Kingdom and achieve your own way, you can condense Divine Kingdom and embark on the road to Divine Emperor. But …”

“Universe 10000 within the realm, not only the human Martial Artist exists! More races, but not humans, we call it alien!”

“Most of these aliens do not have Martial Soul. They each have their own way. The mystery 10000 1000. After cultivation on the Martial Artist’s Martial Emperor Realm, it will condense the existence of Divine Kingdom, which we call Demon Country!

“And now this World is a Demon Country World, which is owned by the alien powerhouse!”

Old man explained.

“No wonder, this piece of World is called Outland World! It turned out to be … Demon Country World of alien powerhouse!”

Chu Yan hearing this, nodded, showing his face suddenly.

“3,000,000 years ago, my Lord, after 10000 robbery, achieved Supreme cultivation base and cultivation to the realm of the emperor, but did not want to meet the emperor emperor of different races and defeated in one battle! So it was lost!”

“After the loss of the Lord, his Divine Kingdom World was devoured by the alien emperor and became a small World in the Outer World!”

“For several million years, Divine Kingdom on the Lord has been engulfed by Demon Country, Divine Kingdom is getting weaker and weaker! Maybe in 1,000,000 years, Divine Kingdom World on the Lord will be completely engulfed and completely annihilated! “

“So that’s how it is… ..” Chu Yan nodded, the pupil light flashes slightly!

“Fortunately, more than 100 and 10000 years of waiting finally made me wait for you! Ha ha ha… ..”

Old man looked towards Chu Yan, his eyes were shining like stars, and after a sentence he laughed out loud.

“As long as you can successfully accept the inheritance of my Lord, then in the near future, you … Chu Yan will become the leader of Human Race!”

“However, if the inheritance fails, you will be directly lost like the Martial Artists accepted by the first two!”

Chu Yan’s face changed suddenly.

As for the old man, it is obvious that before himself, in the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, 2 human Martial Artists have come to accept inheritance!

And this inheritance turned out to be … Human Race leader! ?

“Who is the owner of Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?”

“And who is the alien powerhouse who can defeat the owner of Swallowing the Heavens Tower?”

“What is this person’s inheritance inheritance?”

In Chu Yan’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, a path of consciousness flashes continuously.

“Senior, you mean, I entered the 3rd Martial Artist of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, which is the 3rd Human Race successor of your choice !?” Chu Yan asked.

“Good! 100 10,000 years ago, when the Lord was lost and Swallowing the Heavens Tower was lost, I opened Swallowing the Heavens Tower, summon came in a powerful human Martial Artist, this person cultivation base, reached invincible Realm of Martial Emperor was one of the strongest Martial Artists of the time! “

“100 10,000 years ago, I opened Swallowing the Heavens Tower again, summon the second human Martial Artist entered, this person’s innate talent is amazing, Heaven defying’s capital is 2 100000000 Human Martial Artist, Peak exists!”

“And you are the 3rd place!”

hearing this, Chu Yan nodded, brows slightly wrinkle.

“3,000,000 years ago, Human Race was called the Yan Clan! In this universe 10000 1000 World, it is a powerful race ranked 1st!”

“1,000,000 years ago, for some reason, a large number of human powerhouses were continuously damaged, and the Yan people began to decline. They quit the ranks of cosmic strong people and were almost annihilated! At that time, Human Race was called the human soul! A lot of exotic blood and prey! “

“My Lord, also lost in that period!”

“Fortunately, during these millions of years, Human Race Martial Soul bloodline has awakened, and various Constant Antiquity Martial Souls have been born continuously! This will enable Human Race to survive and proliferate!”

“But, before the loss of the Lord, I once told me that this is a conspiracy! A conspiracy against Human Race!”

“Conspiracy !?” Chu Yan’s expression was slightly miserable!

“Good! So, if you can succeed in inheritance and become the leader of Human Race, then all of this is a conspiracy, and you need to solve it and resolve it to make Human Race return to the top of prosperity!” .

“Senior, is there no other powerhouse of human power !?”

Chu Yan asked with some doubts. According to what the old man just said, Human Race was 3,000,000rank years ago. It was the existence of ranked 10000st among the 1 families in the universe.

Such a powerful race, why the inheritance of the leader of Human Race will be inherited by the owner of Swallowing the Heavens Tower! ?

Could it be that the master of Swallowing the Heavens Tower is the strongest among the human Martial Artists! ?


Hearing Chu Yan’s question, the old man was looking at the head, his face bleak.

“None of them!”

“At that time, the Lord almost traversed this Star Domain in order to find the powerhouse of the same race, but a Human Race powerhouse did not find it, and even was chased by the alien powerhouse, and eventually it was ruined!”

old man whispered.

“Senior, don’t you … aren’t you !?” Chu Yan asked.

From the moment he saw this old man, Chu Yan has discovered that the strength of this old man is extremely terrifying, but it is the existence of absolute Peak in the powerhouse he has seen.

Could it be that even the strength of old man is not human race Supreme powerhouse! ?

“Ha ha ha… maybe it used to be!”

Hearing Chu Yan ’s question, the old man was laughed, but the laughter was extremely sad.

“My Divine Kingdom, lost!” Old man opened the mouth and said.

“Lost !?” Chu Yan startled.

“Good! After the loss of the Lord, in order to complete the important task entrusted to the Lord, not to be found by the aliens, I broke the connection with my Divine Kingdom! As a result, Divine Kingdom lost the Space-Time turbulence and was eventually alien Found, swallowed! “

After the old man finished speaking, looking at Chu Yan, his expression was dull, except that a touch of fineness deep in his eyes was shining.

“In this way, it must be Vast Heaven Continent, it should be a human race powerhouse, the lost Divine Kingdom!”

Hearing this, Chu Yan suddenly remembered that he became Vast Heaven Continent of Smelting Trial Land.

The Heaven and Earth Spirit Power of Vast Heaven Continent is more than 100 times worse than the Nether Domain or Azure Dragon World domain. It should be the constant consumption of Divine Kingdom origin by the alien Demon Country, which leads to Vast Heaven Continent becoming weaker and weaker. !

“The gains and losses of me, the gains and losses of Divine Kingdom World, are not important!”

The old man spoke suddenly, sounding like Hong Zhong.

“Chu Yan, as long as you can complete the inheritance of the leader of the Human Race left on the Lord, all this is worth it!”

“Human Race leader inheritance !?” Chu Yan pupil light suddenly brightened.

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