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From the tenth day, the pain of inheritance begins to increase in madness!

Almost every time, the pain is increasing, and Chu Yan’s fleshy body trauma is also deepening.

Compared with the first day, the feeling of biting bones and tearing the flesh has kept Chu Yan’s brows in a tightened state.

On the first day, Chu Yan was quite confident!

But now, Chu Yan has to adjust his mindset and re-evaluate the inheritance difficulty of the heart of this realm.

“The difficulty of inheritance in this realm is much stronger than I estimated! It only took ten days, and it was so much stronger than it was at the beginning! At this intensity, it may not last 20 days!”

Originally, Chu Yan heard the long-browed old man saying that even the Shengwu Emperor only supported for ten or eight days, Chu Yan was still a bit skeptical!

But now, after experiencing it for myself, I completely believe it!

This kind of pain from the inside of the Divine Soul, which connects the Fleshy body, can not be resisted by the strength of the Fleshy body.

As the long-browed old man said, in addition to relying on Martial Dao’s will, other means have basically no effect.

Of course, the long-browed old man also said that another very helpful thing is Martial Soul.

So, so far, Chu Yan has not dared to use Martial Soul to resist. Compared with the previous two successor twins Destiny Martial Soul, his 2 Divine Beast Martial Soul is only strong!

Therefore, by the end of the critical time, perhaps the hope of success is all pinned on his 5 Divine Beast Martial Soul.

“Hu… ..!”

Chu Yan exhaled for a long time, because of the interference of inheritance pain, now he wants to be immersed in the Sword Dao cultivation state, it is as heavenly ascension!

“No! I must find a way!”

“Never sit back and wait! I don’t believe that this Swallowing the Heavens Tower can make me Chu Yan lose!”

“In any case! I must persevere until the inheritance succeeds! After that, I must work hard to improve my strength, promote Divine Kingdom, and make it the most perfect world that can protect my loved ones from bullying!”

“And, the heart of this realm is the last inheritance of Human Race Divine Kingdom! It contains all the hope of Human Race!”

“Human Race dignity! No trampling! Never be extinct!”

In Chu Yan’s heart, a trembling roar was issued, while enduring the pain of inheritance and adding body, in the trembling Sea of ​​Consciousness, the mind was flying, thinking and coping strategies!

“Senior said that the heart of the realm is the fusion of myriad beasts, fleshy body, and Qi Sea, condensing with the way of self, and finally creating Divine Kingdom!”

“From the current point of view, I can meet the first few conditions, but this self-style is not yet there!”

“Even if my Martial Dao will and Martial Soul meet the basic requirements, it will support the success of the inheritance, and the lack of self-esteem will not affect the birth of Divine Kingdom!”

“And, even if Divine Kingdom is born, there is not enough self-esteem. Will the rank of Divine Kingdom be weak !?”

Chu Yan suffers from the pain of inheritance, his brows are shaking, and his face is gradually becoming blue, but his Sea of ​​Consciousness is still thinking about how to make inheritance successful and improve Divine Kingdom rank!

In fact, Chu Yan thought a lot, even including what kind of situation he would face after his Divine Kingdom condensed! ?

If according to the long eyebrow old man, in this Outer World, and even in the Ten Directions Star Domain, the inheritance he now accepts is the last Divine Kingdom inheritance of Human Race, then once the alien power is noticed, it will not be released Over myself.

You know, even the creator of the Swallowing the Heavens Tower, the master of the long-browed old man, the human race Supreme who runs the Ten Directions Star Domain, and finally, it is also lost in the hands of the alien powerhouse.

It can be seen that the strength of this alien power is far stronger than one might think!

“It seems that breakthroughs must be made as soon as possible to cultivate” the way of self “!”

After pondering for a long time, Chu Yan finally made up his mind. The long relaxed and even the tight brows were relaxed!

“Unfortunately, my Sword Dao has no breakthrough! If Sword Dao breakthrough to Perfection Realm, based on Sword Dao, if you want to create your own way, it should be much easier!”

“But how does this self approach break?”

Chu Yan’s heart continued to ponder, and the occasional increase in inheritance pain would make his eyes twitch twice.

At this time, the original pain of the inheritance was raised a lot, and Chu Yan would quickly adapt to the rhythm and be completely disrupted.

Now the pain of inheritance, once it appears, Chu Yan needs at least one hour to gradually adapt and calm down the tension.

However, in less than 2 hours, a new wave of inheritance pain struck again!

Under such constant reincarnation, Chu Yan’s Martial Dao will become more and more tested.

As a Golden Pill teacher, Chu Yan, whether it is Divine Consciousness power or Martial Dao will, is much stronger than Martial Artist of the same rank.

Many times, Chu Yan relied on the strong Divine Consciousness and Martial Dao will to calmly resolve in the face of crisis.

Chu Yan is still very confident about these two points.

But now, in the face of Divine Kingdom inheritance, in the face of life and death, Chu Yan is required to let this advantage expand and improve again.

“who am I!?”

“I came from there and will disappear there again?”

“Birth is the beginning, and death is the end. Is this cause and effect the life of me !?”

“I start from life and end from death !? Then … what is reincarnation !? The new beginning, without memory and everything from the previous life, is that me, or me?

“Self, it’s me in this life! What about me !? My first ray of Divine Soul came from there again !?”

“Self … Self … I …”? “

a Incomparably complex consciousness flashed in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chu Yan’s mind was instantly immersed in it.

Regarding the question of “me”, Chu Yan had thought about it many times before, and I just couldn’t understand it!

Under this Heaven and Earth rule, people like ants are bound by the Heavenly Dao rule, with flesh and blood, sentiment, life and death, and reincarnation …

All this seems to be evolving with a fixed rule.

And everyone will be bound by this rule, without any escape.

Therefore, there is Martial Artist, heaven defying and stepping into Martial Dao, all the way to life and death, hoping that one day, breakthrough to Realm of Martial Emperor, detached life and death, achievement Inextinguishable Sacred Body!

However, even if you achieve Inextinguishable Sacred Body, if you encounter a strong enemy, it will still be damaged!

In this way, isn’t it still within the Heavenly Dao rules! ?

Just as Chu Yan kept thinking, all of a sudden his face suddenly started and his body shivered.

In Sea of ​​Consciousness, a sound like Sanskrit sounds suddenly sounded!

“Time is like a river, running continuously, never stopping.”

“Life is like a tide, the ebb and flow will end up in the sea!”

“From then on, go back there and live … endlessly!”

“You are you, and he is the cause and effect cycle, Heaven and Earth reincarnation, this world, there is only you!

Word by word, such as a thunderclap, is constantly exploding in Chu Yan Sea of ​​Consciousness.

“Only … I … I …?!”

Chu Yan’s eyes shrank into needles, and the whole person froze on the spot, trembling uncontrollably.

Ka cha !

Inadvertently, the deepest part of Divine Soul, as if something suddenly burst!

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