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The shocking scene in front of him made the Lord’s reaction a little overwhelming.

Originally, the murderous aura was turbulent, even thinking about the monstrous anger to avenge Chu Yan, suddenly disappeared, but instead looked dullly at the “strange” scene in front of him, completely utterly ignorant.

This time brought by the Lord, it is all the elite of the Devil, including 3 Elders and nearly 10000000 million Disciples of the cultivation base strongest.

Some of these people, who met Chu Yan when Demon God was named, after a short period of confusion, finally recognized the person holding the long sword and drawing the shadows of the sky, it was Chu Yan.

“God … oh, that’s … that’s Chu Yan !?”

“What !? Chu … Senior Brother Chu !? Devil Sword Peak that !?”

“Good! Senior Brother Chu, the chief of Magic Sword Peak. Some time ago, he created a record of breaking the 99-stone monument and breaking through to the top 10 of Demon God!”

“But, he … what is he doing !? He is running in front of … oh no! The fugitives are all who !?”

“Mother, who did I see !? That … that was Lou Yuansi !? Also … and Qi Tianxiong !?”

“What !? Interracial Peak genius !? Isn’t Qi Tianxiong the Emperor’s Master Lineage !? It is said that there is Supreme Treasure on his body that can suppress Martial Emperor!”

“Fart! It’s all shit! Didn’t see it, they were all chased by Senior Brother Chu, are they the same as dogs ?!”

“Ha ha ha, Senior Brother Chu is mighty! Senior Brother Chu invincible!”


After a short period of shock and surprise, the cheers rang together, as if they were mountain cry out and sea howl.


The Lord who stood at the front of everyone, seeing this scene, was finally relaxed, as long as Chu Yan was fine, the rest would be easy to handle.

It’s just that the depth of the Lord’s trembling eyes, a touch of surprise, couldn’t hide it.

After all, this scene that happened in front of him is really shocking!

Relative to the large group of disciples and Elder behind him, as the masters of the heaven and the devil, he looked at the alien powerhouses who were chased by Chu Yan and chased through the sky. He was naturally more familiar.

Whether it is Qi Tianxiong, Lou Yuansi, or the dozens of interracial Peak powerhouses behind them, the existence of the famous Azure Dragon World domain.

Even the forces behind them, any one of them, can wave their hands and wipe out the Demon City.

But now, these alien genius with aura, but soul flies away and scatters chased by Chu Yan, breathless.

“Duzhu! Dong dong! Fatty!”

At this moment, a residual image in the distance flew by and landed in front of the Lord, greeting with a light smile.

“Chu … Chu Yan, are you okay !?”

“Boss !”

“Big brother, let’s not be late!”

When I saw Chu Yan, the three of the Lord, Dangdang and Situ Yang were all anxiously opened the mouth and said.

“It’s nothing, but when it comes to inheritance, something unexpected happened, it’s past, no problem!”

Chu Yan touched Dangdang’s little head and answered 3 humanities.

At the same time, Chu Yan also saw Situ Yang and Dangdang’s appearance, and also felt warm in his heart …

When her fleshy body collapsed, she was disconnected from Little White Bear’s spiritual bond, didn’t expect and she hurried over immediately.

“Inheritance !? Big brother, you don’t really get the inheritance of Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?”

Hearing Chu Yan’s words, Situ Yang started 3 people at the same time, complexion changed, his eyes glared and looked at Chu Yan.

“Uh … that’s right! Actually, it’s not an inheritance!”

Chu Yan smiled softly and shook the head, thinking of the pain when he accepted the inheritance, his eyes suddenly twitched twice.

However, Chu Yan is telling the truth. Compared with the inheritance of ordinary, the inheritance of Swallowing the Heavens Tower is really not a Martial Dao inheritance.

hiss! hiss!

As Chu Yan’s words fell, Situ Yang and the master, suddenly, his face trembled, and he sucked in a breath of cold air.

“Really, recognising Master Swallowing the Heavens Tower !?”

All the faces, the brows were trembling, the face was stunned, looked towards Chu Yan’s eyes, as if looking at a monster!

What is Swallowing the Heavens Tower! ?

as everyone knows, that is the first Supreme Treasure in Azure Dragon World!

Even the provenance and origin are little known. According to legend, it is a divine object that descended from the sky outside the 9th Layer.

There are also rumors that even the entire Azure Dragon World domain exists because of Swallowing the Heavens Tower!

Such rumors have been circulated in the Azure Dragon World domain for 100,000 years. Originally, not many people paid attention and care at all.

But now, with the birth of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, more and more people have turned their attention to Swallowing the Heavens Tower, and those legends about Swallowing the Heavens Tower have also swept the entire world.

However, these are not important now!

Because, Swallowing the Heavens Tower has been given to the recognising Master!


After a long shock, the master exhaled for a long time, and his expression gradually calmed down, raising his eyes to look around all, muttered

“It seems that this Azure Dragon World domain is going to change!”

In a word, the Lord ’s eyes looked back at Chu Yan, and the pupil light shone …

Although the owner did not know the secret of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, he could feel that Swallowing the Heavens Tower was recognising Master. After such a big event, the Azure Dragon World domain could no longer maintain the original calm!

“Oh! Chu Yan, those aliens …”

The Lord looked away and looked at the nearly 2 aliens in the distance.

“kill without mercy !”

Hearing the words of the Lord, Chu Yan suddenly had a cold light and directly opened the mouth and said.

“it is good!”

The master frowned lightly and groaned slightly, and then guessed what Chu Yan thought. So, without any hesitation, nodded, he agreed.

Immediately afterwards, the master directly ordered that nearly 10000000 million elite disciple, rushed out to kill the alien Martial Artists in the distance.

For the aliens, the human Martial Artist and them, Innate has a hostile psychology!

Therefore, in the Azure Dragon World domain surrounded by several alien borders such as the Nether Domain and the Demon Realm Domain, the battle with the aliens has occurred in the past 100,000 years.

If it is not in the Azure Dragon World domain, there are 9 Supreme Sects, I am afraid that it is too early, so that the aliens will be extinct!

With nearly 10000000 Disciples rushing out of the world, the Swallowing the Heavens Tower small world, the war broke out again!

However, what Lingdu Lord and Chu Yan didn’t expect is that as soon as the war started, the elite disciple on the side of the heavenly demons were killed corpses everywhere across the field, collapsed on the first encounter.

In terms of the number of people, the nearly 10000000 million Heavenly Devil Disciples, based on absolute superiority, were actually killed by more than 20000 Martial Artists of different races.

This situation left the capitalist in horror, and his old face was purplish red.

no way!

These 20000 interracial powerhouses, although the number is small, but almost all are quasi-imperial rank cultivation base, the worst is Martial Sovereign Realm Peak cultivation base.

In addition, after the repeated tests of Swallowing the Heavens Tower, it is possible to live to the present, and it is all a powerful powerhouse with battle strength.

Engaging with disciplines such as Martial Sovereign Realm cultivation base, which almost turned into a slaughter.

The demographic advantage of Tianmodu is simply not enough to make up for the difference in cultivation base strength between the two.

Just when the Lord ordered and recalled the Disciple of Heavenly Demon, preparing to shoot with Chu Yan, suddenly, the mutation regenerates!

Boom … Rumble!

Under a loud bang, the Swallowing the Heavens Tower World Transmission Passage in the distance directly exploded, dozens of with horror aura silhouette, like dozens of stars, dropping from the sky!

“All aliens, all … die!”

A roar sounded, the sky and the earth, trembling together, the violent Diwei, swept through the whole small world like Hong Feng, everyone’s face was shaking at the same time.

At a glance, Chu Yan and the Lord both looked at the same time, while Qi Tianxiong and Lou Yuansi and other 20000 aliens were ashamed!

More than a dozen silhouettes hang high in the sky, between the terrifying aura surge, the void keeps collapsing!

9 Great Sect, come!

Emperor Lingtian, come!

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